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Everything posted by HTCandroid

  1. I am not sure what that is lol. I'll have to do some research.
  2. While I personally would prefer this option, mainly because I bought the HTC One a few months ago and am already in contract. I can't see Google selling the Nexus 5 for Sprint or say Verizon (even though it won't be on Verizon) because the CDMA Galaxy Nexus was only sold through the respective stores, not to mention Sprint doesn't like new phones to be activated without renewing the contract on eligible subscribers. Then again, since it is looking like there will be one model for all carriers it would allow Google to sell them. At this point I guess anything can happen.
  3. Oh man, Good luck Robert. I never knew about this thread until just now. or Sharknadoes! hahahaha
  4. Yea I turned mine off because of the icon. The att One has it and I was always glad ours didn't. No I don't have lte right now.
  5. ##debug# still works. I hope the radios have improved but I don't be able to test that until tonight.
  6. You can also change the home bottom so swipe up is Google now, hold is menu, double tap is recent apps.
  7. I got lucky. I am connected to my university's WiFi. They are usually super fast.
  8. OK done. Got stock 4.3. I like having the quick settings in the notification bar. What I don't like is now it has the icon letting you know NFC is on in the task bar and it installed an app called KeyVPN
  9. I'm rather impressed it is out now. Yea, Sprint is usually good about updates compared to the other carriers. I'm almost at 50%. I don't mind testing either, I just don't know what those tests are.
  10. Yea I know what you mean. I don't do all that stuff just yet on my One but that is because everywhere I go has horrible data speeds. All my locations are right outside the nearest 4G accepted cell sites.
  11. Good point. Isn't the largest battery 2600 in that form factor? I know 3000 is exceeded but only in devices in the fablet category.
  12. Yea, when I worked for sprint we would have a lot of people have issues with their androids and 95% of the time they had Advance Task Killer. Told them it caused more harm than good but they would add it to "save" battery.
  13. I know what you mean, I am experiencing it also. Double tapping the home button to bring up the recent apps and swiping them up to "close" them.
  14. How badly can the battery be at 2300? The HTC One is 2300 and the battery life is "ok" but that is also taking into account Sense does add more than stock Android. With the Nexus 4 I noticed the battery life was great until you web browsed or streamed video. The device itself got warm/hot which leads me to believe the power drain was caused by hardware. Hopefully that issue was fixed like how the motoX is better good battery life, not sure if that is contributed by the dual-core instead of quad-core.
  15. I have experienced slightly lag when tapping on an article from blinkfeed and the messages after I have closed it. It will say no messages and then all will load, I have all message threads capped at 200.
  16. The way the carriers work I wouldn't be surprised if we saw it at the end October, unfortunately... I hope you are right though.
  17. You get a chance to understand how upgrades can't happen over night like the after customer.
  18. That's my plan exactly. Once they officially announce it I'm going to sell my HTC one and go back to my evo LTE until it launches.
  19. Me three. Let's hope though haha
  20. I'm losing hope for HTC. I have been super loyal but lately it seems like there is always something setting them back.
  21. I think sometimes extra sites look redundant but they are actually aimed in different directions. The site at the Fullerton airport and the one on gilbert and malvern show this.
  22. I feel like there are several reasons causing Orange County to seem delayed. Very few new sites are being LTE accepted now...
  23. I emailed them once, they wanted a confirmation number which I didn't write down or save. Kind of irritated they couldn't just look it up with my email address or my MSID.
  24. It appears the Note 3 is not tri-band either sadly =/
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