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Everything posted by HTCandroid

  1. This is true, I check this thread multiple times a day and it is still hard to keep up lol.
  2. Haven't we known for awhile that triband devices won't do both?
  3. Dang, it is probably too late but I would call to try to get it credited. In the corporate store we only charged the 36 when renewed.
  4. Where did you go? If it was at a corporate store they processed like an upgrade and possibly renewed your contract without giving you a discount. I used to work at a corporate store and when we sold a phone at full pop we would sell it similar to an accessory and then go back in to activate it on the line, never touched the part of the system to generate a fee. They might have processed it as an early upgrade which often appears to be about full pop, did you have to give them your epic? Essentially the system takes it as your are buying out of your contract and then paying the upgrade price which would generate the 36 buck fee. The receipt will show the break down.
  5. The only time you will get hit is if you do a contract renewal, weather it be 2 year contract, one up upgrade, or early upgrade if they still exist. If you buy the nexus from Google like me you will be fine. When you went from your e4gt to the gs4 I am assuming you got it at a subsidized price which signed a contract.
  6. Anyone in this area get a Nexus 5? How is it? Any issues getting to activate or connect to LTE? In the Nexus 5 thread they mentioned areas with purple sites (4g accepted only) they are having issues and need 3g also acceped.
  7. At least they are working on it and it is known.
  8. Interactive page on the sponsor section.
  9. S4GRU and staff work very hard to make this site to be a great resource for insider information, troubleshooting, upcoming devices, network visions, etc. What little donates they receive is what enables them to keep this site up and running. That being said, I am not pushing you to donate but it definitely has its perks. Personally, I plan on becoming a Premier Sponsor as soon as I can. Not that I do not want to help you out, some information has been deemed confidential to sponsors only.
  10. Gotta be a sponsor to have access to it.
  11. Probably didn't anticipate a lot of people purchasing the device. I remember when I was working there when the Galaxy Nexus launched not a lot of people bought it. Plus, I feel like Sprint still is not too excited about the idea of activating unlocked devices. Isn't the nexus 5's they carry not having any issues?
  12. According to the NV Sites Complete map here at S4GRU, my area has ZERO purple sites, does that mean I am in the clear? (Not to rub it in anyone's face if they are in a bad spot)
  13. Has anyone gotten a Nexus 5 32gb from Google and in the OC market? Any issues?
  14. It is basically when people dress up as their favorite characters from fiction anime, video games, movies, etc. Girls tend to make modifications to make the costume a lot more sexy than the original. Hence the name cosplay costume play.
  15. I am laughing either way! HAHA the moment I saw beachfront and AZ in the same sentence! HAHA! I love Socal
  16. Is it just me or did S4GRU just get a bump of members? At least reading about the nexus 5?
  17. You need at least the sprint sim to detect it, but you might lock the sim since it won't register to your meid.
  18. I am just curious. If say someone walked in to Sprint with a N5 from GooglePlay and wanted to start new service, would their pay 80 or 65 a month? If I am not mistaken, you only pay 65+monthly handset costs if you sign up for One UP.
  19. No, by 2015 wimax should be gone. Look up Sprint 4g. Wimax and LTE are different. Back in 2010 or so Sprint went with WiMax to be the first to deliver "4g" while the other carriers opted for LTE which wasn't ready for consumer roll out. Later as Verizon and ATT rolled it out it showed signed of being better of the two. Sprint had to ditch WiMax and play catch up with LTE, hence why they are behind, also pissed a lot of people off who never got WiMax in their area because Sprint stopped the roll out. Long story short of course.
  20. I just compared Sprints advertised coverage vs what Sensorly reports and wow. Talk about being overly generous about what you cover...I feel like at this point there is no point to complain because it is a known fact they market isn't "complete".
  21. I ordered the 32gb so I have to wait. I put movies and carry large school files on my phone, plus the average size of apps keeps getting larger and larger.
  22. Check overage using either the Sensorly app or website. If you aren't familiar with sensorly, it shows reported areas covered by people who have gotten signal at that location. The maps that carriers provide are too generous with coverage and show theoretical coverage vs actual.
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