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Everything posted by HTCandroid

  1. HERE'S FOR WAITING TO JOIN THE NEXUS 5 PARTY!!!! Who's with me???
  2. Logically that makes sense! Haha If only that was true...
  3. Bummer. My order still says 11/26 for me...
  4. You think you would have gotten more if you made it a bid item?
  5. Wow. I never heard AJ talk anything up this much before! I must not be reading enough of his posts lol. Damn it is a great phone, but I am tight on cash and ordered a nexus 5. I went back to my rooted evolte
  6. Hey, does anyone know a quicker/easier way to sell my HTC One besides craigslist or ebay? If this isnt ok please delete post.
  7. Just curious, a site that is close just got signed off for 3g. Could that mean they are waiting for backhaul and should be 4g accepted soon?
  8. Plan-O was awful! They rarely worked out perfectly and all my store managers had to approve everything...TWICE!
  9. Awesome! I know you can't mention area specifics since I am not a premier sponsor...YET! But I am in Northern OC so hopefully there is some. I had good Wimax coverage if that is any indication. I get to go site hunting again just like when NV started int eh OC/LA areas!
  10. I'll contribute the best I can once I get the N5 I ordered. I am curious if OC market has live B41 since we aren't getting B26 during the initial roll out. Does doing all these tests require root or just MSL and some engineering changes?
  11. Call a corporate store, I used to give it all the time when I worked there. Just say are trying to manually activate the phone but you need your msl and msid.
  12. I never considered myself a wireless enthusiast because I don't know as much as a lot of members here, but I suppose I am since going forward all my phones will be triband.
  13. Dang, I am honestly surprised no one here in the OC has been able to test G2 or N5...
  14. Have you heard/seen any issues in socal? Specifically OC? I am waiting for order and will help where I can once it has arrived.
  15. Yea, Spencesouth reported google changed the 16 black to out of stock.
  16. I am still in college also that is what I see often as well. The ratio is probably 4 out of 5 phones are iphones, I should conduct a study haha. Hahaha I'm only joking, gotta wait like everyone else =/
  17. It's really bumming me out! I feel like Google is picking on me even though I have bought all Nexi since the nexus 7 except for the 2013 model! I should get some VIP treatment haha :achoo:
  18. Me to, did the nexus 4 sell more than LG's last flagship? optimus g?
  19. Also, did you get a notification or have you been checking it on play none stop like me?
  20. I orded the 32 black also, says ship on 11/26, hopefully sooner!
  21. Hopefully if enough people voice not liking the hangouts integration Google will release their messaging app on the play store like they did with they keyboard. I personally used 3rd party ICS/JB keyboards until Google finally released theirs. Side note-Sprint hasn't even given my ordered SIMs any tracking info!
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