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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Everybody is having problems with their deployment, even the mighty Verizon. My brother in law's Verizon 5s is stuck on 1x a lot of the time, even though we are supposedly fully covered with Verizon LTE.
  2. NII Holdings is the company name you're looking for. Or Nextel International. They own, in addition to the SMR business in Mexico, a 15x15 block of AWS. They supposedly have deployed a network on it. They are in Chapter 11 right now. They are in trouble with falling revenue and arpu metrics. They need a sugar daddy real soon!
  3. Yeah I have no problem with AT&T canceling unlimited contracts...
  4. Oh, I am all for going after all the throttlers. Don't advertise unlimited if you are using asymmetric throttling. Advertise 40GB or 50GB or whatever that limit is. If there is a limit, it's not unlimited.
  5. If speed throttling was applied equally to all the devices in the sector no matter whether they were on unlimited plans or not, then I would agree with you.
  6. You advertise unlimited on TV, it'd better be unlimited, no 5pt type terms and conditions allowed.
  7. I don't think that AT&T should have the right to throttle unlimited users when they sold them unlimited. The network is self throttling as far as speed is concerned when it comes to periods of heavy use so it's not really done for network purposes. It is done for economic purposes so that they can extract extract more money out of heavy users. On the other hand if the contract has expired then they have every right to kick them off unlimited.
  8. I have a question. Does LTE coverage shrink vs HSPA+ like it it does for Sprint vis a vis 1x/EVDO?
  9. Does anybody know whether things like handset subsidies and ETF buyouts are accounted on a cash basis (accounted in the quarter they are incurred) or amortized over the life of the contract?
  10. All of PS should move to 700MHz. Actually all of public safety should move to the 450-470MHz but that's another discussion for another day. Anyway, PS has way too many frequency bands occupied: VHF, 450MHz, 700MHz, 800MHz. Just consolidate on one contiguous band and be done with it. The 700MHz PS band should be it.
  11. It's total freaking mess. The 800SMR rebanding was handled extremely bad by both Sprint and the FCC. They let PS get away with murder (OK maybe not murder ). All of this while there is another adjacent 700MHz PS voice band which is adjacent to the 700MHz PS broadband. Please tell me that PS needs a 10x10MHz voice band! Grrrrr.....
  12. The squatters have nothing to do with a 3x3MHZ SMR block. if Sprint could buy both the expansion and the guard band they would have 9x9MHz everywhere except in Solinc's territory. Sprint has couple of problems on having full 7x7MHz nationwide: IBEZ and public safety. Public safety has gotten away with interminable delays for 10 years now. The IBEZ problem will be solved quicker than the PS rebanding problem.
  13. Yes, they do need to cover urban, suburban and exurban as well as have highway coverage. They can leave the CCA carriers to cover the truly rural areas.
  14. Interesting tidbit. It seems that both Mastec and WesTower were AT&T subcontractors and were severely affected by the AT&T slowdowns. Plus Westower accounts for revenues and profits by using an accounting method called "percent complete". So it may record revenue before the bill is sent to the customer and paid. So it might show revenue and profit before the money is actually deposited in the bank. For more gory details: http://www.wirelessestimator.com/breaking_news.cfm
  15. I guess that there a lot of people buying guard band licenses with the intent of selling it back to Sprint which probably just vacated anyway. Sprint is prohibited from owning any spectrum between 851 and 862MHz. I know that Neal was intimating that Sprint would be allowed to buy guard and expansion band spectrum, so this contradicts his assertion: http://urgentcomm.com/spectrumfrequency-coordination/fair-warning-sprint-we-can-t-buy-800-mhz-spectrum-we-just-returned-fc So is Neal wrong?
  16. They are primarily AT&T and Verizon. If they have crews available they will do work for Sprint, but AT&T takes priority.
  17. Mastec, like all of the other contractors have more work than they can handle. It takes real skill to manage projects where everybody is using the same subcontractors. Sprint failed the project management course...
  18. OK, but we if by that time Claure has straightened out Sprint, who knows
  19. $25 will be a way station on the way lower. Part of it will be the stock market adjustment. It will go lower because Sprint will finally get their shit together. Barring any further market exuberance I am predicting it will settle around $17 before bouncing back to $20. Then we will have a republican administration and Sprint will try to absorb them again, but not before the 600MHz auction.
  20. How long before Apple becomes an MVNO of all 4 US providers and dynamically changes your provider for best connectivity and speed? Or the cheapest one?
  21. That's what I meant, sorry if I was not clear. I meant add more channels to their Band 26 deployment.
  22. I don't see T-Mobile going big on AWS-3. Maybe 5+5MHz nationwide. I do see both Verizon&AT&T winning the rest (10+10 each). Of course all three can refarm PCS frequencies for additional bandwidth. Verizon and AT&T also can ref arm their PCS holdings. Nobody will be hurting for spectrum. Does anybody have an idea of when Sprint will go back and add second or third channels to their PCS G block ( I know they have in the Chicago area)? Is it not a high priority?
  23. I expect it to hover around $25. It will also depend on how much they will end up spending on the auction. T-Mobile had pretty low debt but they will end up with quite a bit of it after this auction. Nowhere near Sprint's of course...
  24. The Dreamworks deal is not happening according to most people...
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