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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. I do believe that they will offer it only in conjunction with their Nexus line and it will serve mainly so that they can experiment with different business models and technologies. It might later come on other phones via their Hangouts/Google voice app. Look for WiFi centric service ala Freedom Wireless with most of the work being done by their own backbone and switching facilities at Internet POPs. The net revenue to Sprint/Tobile will be small.
  2. Probably so. I think eventually everything will move to the cloud. You will still need some minimal intelligence at the BTS but it will be incorporated at the remote radio heads which now truly become remote radio heads .
  3. Then there is the possibility of carrier aggregating all three bands that Sprint owns like EE in the UK or Telefonica in Spain will be doing: http://www.lightreading.com/mobile/4g-lte/telefonica-plots-5g-route-via-375mbit-s-4g/d/d-id/714094?
  4. Remember Sprint is also thinking of using B41 as a downlink only.
  5. Well at the same conference, Legere kept mentioning Dish. The only problem that I see is that Dish is going to want to pay a minimum for its spectrum to be hosted and would want an arm and a leg for T-Mobile to rent capacity on that spectrum. Probably why Sprint has not been in the picture. Sprint does not need to rent capacity from Dish. They have plenty!
  6. Hey, S4GRU gets mentioned in this LightReading article: http://www.lightreading.com/mobile/4g-lte/report-sprint-to-add-9000-new-sites-for-lte/d/d-id/714020? Keep up the good work boys!
  7. it will work fine with both fdd and tdd. There is info about the state of both the uplink and downlink being exchanged between the BTS and the handset.
  8. So when all the trials complete successfully will you come bcd and eat crow like a man.?
  9. According to Artemis. They achieve 35 times the spectral efficiency of LTE, over 800Mbps in a 20MHz channel. So in a 120MHz you are talking about 4.8Gbps. Quick Sprint, buy all the dark fiber loops you can!
  10. Or they could use its treasure trove to offer video over wireless to the new generation. True VOD, untethered from your TV. Can you imagine having 120MHz bandwidth all to yourself?
  11. I wonder if they are also working with Sprint on their BRS/EBS spectrum. It would be an easier approval. Heck they might not need approval at all.
  12. It will totally drive prices down at auction because you won't need as much spectrum. Hell, if Sprint wants to sell excess spectrum, this would be the time to do it. The only gotcha is the opex required in leasing fronthaul, not the capex.
  13. Between this and Cricket you can see why I think that it will be hard for the Little Two to compete.
  14. I have 3 Lines on Cricket all on iPhones, if they can get LTE on Total Wireless it will be great.
  15. It's based on the Verizon network. Individaul plans are at $35 for unlimited voice and text and 2.5GB. Shared plans are at $60 for two lines, $85 for 3 and $110 for 4 lines with 5, 9 and 12GB respectively. Pretty competitive with Cricket. http://www.totalwireless.com/wps/portal/home
  16. I have no idea what you consider reasonable. $42B is not reasonable and I don't care whether they are concentrated in the top 25 or not. Your favorite CEO called it a disaster for consumers. I wonder why? Mark my words, both T-Mobile and Sprint will bid heavily on the 600MHz auction. While both might have some low band spectrum, they want more.
  17. They are not selling their NYC properties, I can guarantee you that!
  18. The FCC has to realize that the huge amounts that were just spent on the AWS-3 auction are going to slow down investment in the industry. The amounts spent are ridiculous and have distorted the economics of spectrum. Even Verizon had to sell assets to be able to afford the spectrum they have just bought. Verizon of the 43% margin . The big monkey wrench is still Dish. Nobody wants to pay the insane prices they're going to want for their spectrum. I believe nobody want to host their spectrum because I believe that Dish is going to want to do it on the cheap. So their only two viable strategies is to spend around $10B to host their spectrum themselves or merge with T-Mobile. I don't think that Sprint wants to deal with Ergen and they definitely don't need his spectrum. Sprint & T-Mobile have to spend approximately $10B each to secure a 10x10 600MHz slice so where are they going to find the money to do that. Neither one is banking !
  19. The reason that I advocate a merger is the ability to spread capex over a much larger customer base. This is a capes intensive industry. Both T-mobile and Sprint spend an ungodly amount of money. It would have been much better if they had shared that expense. Price cutting is not helping either company. Sprint will fix their network problems and so will T-Mobile. But the capex will continue. They both will need 600MHz spectrum. They both will need to densify their networks further. It is not cheap to compete in the US. Let's face it. DT does not want to compete and they know better than most what it takes.
  20. I will not argue with you. I have long advocated that in order to compete with the big two, T-Mobile and Sprint need to merge.
  21. Yes, while band 26 helps to mask the deficiencies of Sprint's network, they will need to densify their network with new sites. Sprint has not really gone on a substantial site building spree since way back in the 2006 timeframe. If they want to play with the big boys they need to spend some money.
  22. I am sure the new antennas are tuned correctly. In the old days of monopole antennas that had to be tuned precisely by having their length be equal to lambda/2 yes, but nowadays antennas are so much more sophisticated.
  23. Not at the prices Ergen wants to charge. The only way is through a merger.
  24. You're right, all the institutions that I am aware of that used to use their EBS for remote learning are no longer using it.
  25. At least the broadcasters are using it. The educational institutions are not. They are getting a undeserved windfall.
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