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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. It will also help AT&T because the sooner that is resolved, the faster they can repurpose that spectrum for LTE.
  2. Sorry AJ, I am not really sympathetic to the proliferation of UHF stations all running reruns of the same hit series.
  3. It won't be a problem for cellular networks.
  4. It will happen because broadcasters are greedy. When they see the amounts being bandied about after AWS-3 they see giant dollar signs. Do they get all the proceeds from the forward auction?
  5. Nobody is saying anything about how similar the two balance sheets are nor am I denying it. Think of it from Son's and DT's point of view. They see the upcoming 600MHz auction and they crap in their pants. They see how much AWS-3 brought in and they are scared to death. If you think that just because there is set aside that the 600MHz auction won't be expensive, think again. The set aside is not just for Sprint and T-Mobile, it's for everybody not named AT&T or Verizon. Think spectrum speculators, think Dish, think Google. The AWS-3 auction totally distorted the price for spectrum. Tim wants to cash in but nobody wants to buy. The only avenue I see is a merger or a spinoff. Tim does not want to spin it off at current share prices, they are too low. Remember after you win at the 600MHz auction you have to deploy and of course 5G is around the corner. I would have been perfectly content with 4 competitors if they were about the same size and had equal amounts of low band spectrum. But now you have 2 behemoths and two sisters of the poor.
  6. I love how the T-Mobile apologists are brushing this very public tiff between the DT CEO and TM-US CEO. Let's face it, your parent company does not want you, they're trying to get rid of you. Tim thinks John is a buffoon. Now, I'm not trying to bash T-Mobile which has accomplished a lot in a very short time. I actually admire them for their LTE deployment execution . Bravo!!! But it's funny to see the excuses given in this thread and others in other sites. "Maybe he was misquoted". No he was not misquoted. He knows razor thin margins do not work in a capex heavy industry in the long term. I mean Verizon's margins fell from 44% to 42% and there was a hue and cry among the analysts. T-Mobile and Sprint would literally kill for margins like that, almost twice as much as they are making. Tim does not want to be in this market anymore, period, end of story!
  7. I am really anxious to see what T-Mobile and Dish won in the AWS-3 auction and how much it cost them.
  8. I think that it might be a good way for Google, Microsoft, HTC, Motorola whose handsets are not selling that well to prop up their sales by bundling service. Samsung and Apple might follow when their sales slow down sufficiently.
  9. If I remember correctly Apple had filed a patent on dynamically changing the carrier based on price. Some had speculated that Apple was going to bundle service and handset for a price but we have not seen it yet. This is just the first step!
  10. Corporate soap opera, I love it!!! And here I thought it was a Latin American telenovella, when Sprint's board rejected the Metro merger. I thought that Sprint should have merged with Metro and Leap to shore up their midband spectrum position, but then who am I to suggest such things?
  11. Nobody is making CDMA chipsets except for Qualcomm and if they are they are not selling very well. The number of CDMA operators in the world is rapidly shrinking so their CDMA royalties from operators is also shrinking. Verizon is rapidly deploying VOLTE so that pool of money will also be shrinking fast. Soon it will be just Sprint. Qualcomm is making their money from chipsets and they are making a hell of a lot of money.
  12. Fight!!!! Yesterday, the CEO of T-Mobile’s parent company — Germany’s Deutsche Telekom — suggested in an interview that the insurgent “Uncarrier” is using a business model that’s “unsustainable,” to which T-Mobile US CEO John Legere responded in a tweet today: “It’s total bullshit.” Deutsche Telekom CEO Timotheus Höttges “admitted that T-Mobile’s current approach is not sustainable,” according to Re/code, which published the interview. “The question is always the economics in the long term … and earning appropriate money,” Höttges said. “You have to earn your money back at one point in time.” http://venturebeat.com/2015/01/20/its-total-bullshit-says-t-mobile-ceo-to-claims-that-uncarrier-model-is-unsustainable/ I would say that there is a definite difference of opinion. Maybe DT should spinoff T-Mobile US and let them sink or swim on their own.
  13. The two have plenty of midband. They have not even started touching their 1900MHz holdings...Or their 850Mz holdings...
  14. We have no idea how much they spent. Something tells me that the CEO might know. They either spend too much for too little or they did not spend anything except some tertiary markets and he's bemoaning the fact that it takes a lot of money to play in this market. If the big 2 swept everything it really reinforces Sprint's and T-Mobile's argument for a merger. Imagine how expensive the 600MHz auction will be! Sprint will be in big trouble with the EBS license holders they have leases from as those leases expire. They will demand astronomical renewal fees. Is that why Sprint/Claure are willing to shed some of them? Could they also be willing to sell to make the case for a merger even stronger (look, we don't have that much spectrum, we swear)?
  15. Yeah and they're still selling HSPA handsets.
  16. I'm well aware of the financial condition. We will see how much worse it is after the conclusion of the auction and the finishing of the rural build.
  17. The DT CEO is just voicing what some of us are saying for a while now, that the current situation is not sustainable. This is is a high capex business. Witness the insane amounts for the AWS-3 auction. Sprint and T-Mobile need to finish their 4G networks. Believe it or not 5G is around the corner and strategic planners need to start thinking about it. No you cannot have low prices and adequate capex. No you cannot have low prices and great customer service.
  18. I have to respectfully disagree with AJ. Sprint only owns BRS leases EBS. If they can sell their leasing rights to it to say Verizon, it becomes Verizon's problem when those leases expire. If they can secure roaming for very low cost + low cost back haul from Verizon plus some money in the bank, that will be great. They could turn around and lease Dish's 25x5 spectrum adjacent to PCS G. They need to something with EBS since it is lying fallow and unused. I don't see them using much above a 3x20MHz aggregation. Sprint needs to improve their network and if this helps them improve their network or their financial position then by all means, they should do it. The big unknown is what is Dish going to do with their spectrum. If they sell it to Verizon or AT&T then Sprint will not be able to sell theirs. It might be a preemptive strike against Dish.
  19. Band 26 as implemented by Sprint is usually put on every site, so it is spaced for 1900Mhz. In order to avoid interference it is not broadcast at full power or tilted the same as 1900MHz.
  20. MDM9x45 is supposed to be category 10 capable. Same download speed as category 9 but double the upload speed.
  21. I guess Vodafone will become an MVNO of T-Mobile next year. They will concentrate on business people. http://www.phonearena.com/news/Coming-to-America-Vodafone-to-hit-the-states-as-T-Mobile-MVNO-next-year_id63748
  22. I never understood why Sprint did not acquire the Alltel Georgia assets. Don't get me started on the whole Alltel business thing. I'm still mad.
  23. At some point or another, depending on what Dish does with its spectrum, they will have to buy/build local fiber loops to accommodate bandwidth needs. While Sprint is in the process of upgrading their internet backbone to 400G, they have no metro fiber loops.
  24. $38.197 as of round 37. All I know is someway somehow we'll all pay for it.
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