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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. The $2.5B is going to get paid to Vodafone, not the other way around.
  2. I think that RIM will probably be broken up into the BES group and the phone group. The BES group will then be absorbed by either Android or Apple. The phone group, who knows? How good is their patent portfolio?
  3. How soon before Samsung ditches android and goes with a homegrown OS?
  4. Sprint had its chances to improve it's coverage map by merging with Alltel and possibly USCC and some others. They could have also bought 1900Mhz spectrum from the bankrupt Nextwave to shore up some of their weak spectrum spots. They would not have had sub 1GHz spectrum in the major urban centers or a lot of 2.6GHz spectrum or the PCS G block, but they could have bid in the AWS auction or the 700MHz auction. Verizon won't have the money to expand their network as much, but they will still be a formidable competitor.
  5. I have a mixed Homeplug AV/Wireless network throughout my condo. It's a Faraday cage with metal framing. I could have also used MOCA to extend, except the bathroom does not have an outlet and my wife spends a lot of time in the bathroom and needs WiFi in there. It was the only way to extend WiFi.
  6. You guys are confusing powerline networking over the wiring in the home (HomePlug 1.0, HomePlug AV, AV2 and IEEE 1901) and broadband over powerlines (BPL). Those are two completely different efforts. Something tells me automated meter reading is not not done over the powerline. Southern Co employs Itron's Fixed Network to collect data wirelessly. http://www.intelligentutility.com/article/06/04/southern-company-deploys-itrons-fixed-network-and-centron-solid-state-meters-atlanta-georgia BPL is dead in the US because of interference with amateur radio.
  7. But what the heck are they going to do with all that money? Pay down debt? Blech !!! Invest it in Europen networks? Europe is still mired in crisis. They have to do some M&A.
  8. Since Vodafone is going to get between $100-130B from the sale of their share to Verizon, Could they turn around and buy T-Mobile USA from DT? Invest mucho money in the network? Or will they have to sign a non-compete with Verizon?
  9. There's a good article on fiercewireless.com about the NV1.0, NV2.0 phases and their timing: s noted by Barron's, Wells Fargo Securities and investors met earlier this week with Sprint CEO Dan Hesse and CFO Joe Euteneuer, who provided more details and color on the company's Network Vision network modernization efforts, the first phase of which the carrier expects to complete by mid-2014 (as part of that, Sprint expects to cover 200 million POPs with LTE by year-end). The second phase will be the deployment of Clearwire's 2.5 GHz airwaves on a nationwide basis, and Sprint's management expects to reveal more details on that part of the company's plans "at some point in the not-too-distant future," according to note, written by Wells Fargo Securities analysts J. Davis Herbert and Eric Fishel. Sprint disclosed in July that it plans to deploy Clearwire's 2.5 GHz spectrum using TD-LTE on all 38,000 of its planned Network Vision cell sites in a nationwide rollout. And, due to the weaker propagation characteristics of 2.5 GHz, Sprint will also deploy small cells and other sites beyond the 38,000 Network Vision sites. Previously, Sprint had said it would use Clearwire's spectrum as a "hotspot" LTE network to offload traffic in urban markets. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Looking ahead in terms of capital expenditures, Sprint expects to spend around $8 billion in 2013, $8 billion in 2014, and then $6 billion per year from 2015 to 2017. The company is also still open to network sharing, depending on the economics. Read more: Sprint plans to use 2.5 GHz spectrum to catch up to Verizon, AT&T in LTE - FierceWireless http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprint-plans-use-25-ghz-spectrum-catch-verizon-att-lte/2013-08-29#ixzz2dOTi8Ra0 I wonder who they mean when they talk about network sharing? According to some in this forum, they hate Dish and Ergen. Yet, he's the only one one that does not have his own network. Did they forgive and forget?
  10. What if Sprint merged with T-Mobile for their spectrum and customers but sold the network to Dish? FCC and DOJ have their 4th competitor, Dish has their network without building one, Sprint has the scale and customers to compete. Meanwhile, Sprint might think about unloading some/all of the EBS spectrum on Dish.
  11. All I know is that the study is continuing, so Son must have prevailed.
  12. They will leave 5Mhz of HSPA+ and refarm 5MHz for LTE. 37Mbps vs 14Mbps (AT&T never went for the 21Mbps flavor). I would take that tradeoff.
  13. If you're going to be including all that logic, you might as well deploy a macro network. Like I said, I'm sceptical. I would like to see a lot more details.
  14. If you have too many APs, licensed spectrum will face the same problem as WiFi.
  15. Wonderful! Now please go and enjoy the wonderful service that you're getting from T-Mobile. From what I understand NV will be complete by the Middle of 2014. Might take until the end of 2014 to fill in with 2600MHz.
  16. Carrier Aggregation is not all that's cracked to be on the handset side. First of all, the wider the channel (physical or aggregated) the bigger the drain on the battery. If you're aggregating interband (e.g., 800SMR and 1900PCS), then you're also transmitting over two distinct radio chains which aggravates the battery drain further. I don't blame Sprint for being a bit leery of Carrier Aggregation.
  17. But then they could do that on the current unlicensed WiFi channels. If they want to have a nationwide WiFi network then can do that right now.
  18. I don't understand what you're proposing here, AJ. Are you proposing using TLPS spectrum as backhaul to WiFi AP's?
  19. I'm looking forward to seeing what Dish is going to do with their spectrum as well as the end game of the Lightsquared saga.
  20. If they want WiFi compatibility, then they're looking at low power operation...
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