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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Yes, but Globalstar TLPS spectrum is only 24MHz. I guess if you're going to use it as fixed broadband, you could turn up the power. Yes you could bypass the opearators that way, but it will cost you a pretty penny. Or you could rent capacity from Sprint on EBS for cheaper, I think.
  2. Yeah, but somebody is going to have to build it for them. At WiFi frequencies, they will have to duplicate Clearwire's future site density. I'm suspicious!
  3. Yes, companies do these strategic, "what if" exercises all the time. But they don't take a year+ and they don't do an in depth analysis. We are talking about financial, project management and technical integration. Plus outside M&A teams and consultants. Sprint and T-Mobile were talking even before Softbank but the work has really picked up since. But like I said, whether it will happens or not or gets approved, that is something entirely different. All I know is that it is seriously being considered and vigorously studied.
  4. Well, that's another driver of bandwidth, internet gaming. Face it AJ, you are an old fart! Individual streams, buffered at the edge routers or as close as possible to the end points are here to stay. So better get used to it. The issue again will be price. At what price progress?
  5. Mobile Broadcast TV has been a failure everywhere it has been tried. She's dead, Jim! People want their conent when they want it, where they want it. Not on somebody else's schedule. They also don't like commercials. CDNs and Broadcast LTE will go a long way to satisfy the need to watch something simultaneously with other people in the same sector/site.
  6. Sprint needs to get its stock higher, since T-Mobile stock has increased by about 50% since the merger closed on speculation that itl will be acquired. Of course DT owns what, 74% or 78% of T-Mobile so no matter what the stock price, the acquirer will have to deal with DT.
  7. You would be wrong .... I know for a fact that Softbank is looking at a Sprint/T-Mobile merger since at least last summer. Whether they will pull the trigger or whether it will be approved is unknown, but I know that my contacts have been working on it for a year+. Let's face it. The US market is mature, no more Nextel subscribers to poach. Once Sprint gets its network house in order, that source will dry up as well. The market will reach some sort of equilibrium. So the only way to acquire subscribers is through acquisitions.
  8. Sprintlink has been fiber for a little while, but Sprintlink is just a backbone network. Backhaul is the link between the site and the backbone.
  9. Sprint does not have any/very few metro loops of their own. Kind of short sighted if you ask me.
  10. Sprint is not interested in AWS but they're definitely interested in customers, 700Mhz A block because of all the rural roaming. One thing that the upcoming 600 MHz auction will do is to remove the exclusion zones of Channel 51 threby making A Block usable. Sprint wants to have Block A as a roaming fallback in case they don't win enough or any of 600Mhz.If they can by some Block A on the way, then that's great. Son wants scale. He's not going to get it by attacking Verizon and AT&T. He will get it by mergers.
  11. Sprint (NYSE: S) continues to make progress with its own 100G optical path by completing two key trials of the technology on its wireline network. Working with its optical systems partner Ciena (Nasdaq: CIEN), the service provider deployed a 100G circuit over a 1,304-mile span in the United States and recently completed a live 400G trial. During its 100G circuit trial, which is now integrated into its network infrastructures and is in-service between Chicago and Fort Worth, Texas, it did not need to conduct regeneration between each point. Sprint said that being able to transmit at longer distance enables the service provider to reduce latency and increase reliability. The service provider said that the 100G technology it has deployed will enable it to achieve speeds up to 10X faster and, later, up to 40x faster without network upgrades. Its Ethernet Wave Services can provide 100G speeds now and 400G in the future. In its 400G trial in Silicon Valley, Sprint ran 400 Gbps channels alongside existing channels carrying live customer traffic. While it has not announced any specific date as to when it would need 400G, it said that it "foresees the opportunity to add a network equivalent of high-speed traffic lanes for customers with high-demand requirements." http://www.fiercetelecom.com/story/sprint-enables-100g-ethernet-wavelength-services-sets-path-400g/2013-08-15
  12. I am totally for this merger/buyout, just like I was for an Alltell/Sprint merger. These are customers that will most probably stay since the USCC network is very well developed in the rural areas they served. Plus now they will get access to better/more devices. Hopefully Sprint will use their SMR spectrum + USCC 850 in those areas they overlap. They might also develop USCC's 700MHz spectrum as well as develop roaming relationships with the rest of the rural 700Mhz holders. Channel 51 will be the first one to be auction off which will alleviate a lot of the interference concerns for Block A.
  13. I think the possibility that TMo is an M&A target has been baked into the stock price already. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/dishs-ergen-singles-out-t-mobile-potential-wireless-ma-partner/2013-08-07 For a more detailed perspective. I'm sure that Dish and Sprint will butt heads over T-Mobile. He does have very complimentary things to say about Softbank and Sprint. I just wish he was not so confrontational and headstrong about acquiring Sprint or Clearwire.
  14. I wish they had done it a bit differently. As in deploy LTE in the most capacity constrained areas first, then the second most and so on! and of course deploy enhanced backhaul everywhere even before LTE was deployed in the area.
  15. Except it was not money, it was capacity. They did not need capacity, they needed hard cash.
  16. Let's see: Open market, hedge funds, Dish.
  17. They don't need to come out in most cases unless the terminal equipment needs to be changed out. Most of the time it's done on an internal website somewhere.
  18. What's wrong with him? Good looking, well spoken, aggressive, gets things accomplished. You guys need to take things less personally. Just because he picks on Sprint .....
  19. Or he might become the new CEO of the merged company . Now wouldn't that be funny?
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