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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Wow, their total debt really has balooned, between buying Clearwire and NV. They better start making money soon. I wonder how bad is T-Mobile's debt load? You wouldn't happen to have that info handy, would you?
  2. No need to pay interest on that money until they actually need it.
  3. Not only that, AJ, but while optimal performance dictates certain antenna length and spatial diversity certain seperattion between antennas, you can get good performance from less than optimal lenghts and separations. Life is full of compromises.
  4. I am a firm believer in the federal government renting the spectrum rather than auctioning the spectrum.
  5. AT&T and Verizon will not be facing any capacity issues. They will refarm 850Mhz/PCS for LTE.
  6. I still want to see what he's going to do with all that spectrum. Same thing that I want to see from Sprint. Plans to utilize the 2.5GHz spectrum other than 20MHz and maybe another 20Mhz.
  7. Yep, I could not remember whose's commercials those were .
  8. Ihope he does not chocke on all the Nextel equipment. Those are some hefty equipment!
  9. Don't be a girl, carry your phone in your back pocket and then be surprised when it goes in the toilet when you sit down. Then pretend it did not happen and be furious when the plumber fishes out of the toilet and everybody accuses you of being sneaky! So, don't carry your iPhone in your back pocket .
  10. Well, there might be doing some risk management. They might think that the price for the same amount of spectrum might be higher at 600Mhz. They mighht think they might not be able to not get any 600Mhz. So a bird in the hand might be better than two in the bush! They could roam on other rural providers in the beginning and then acquire them later.
  11. They will use the urban licenses for signal penetration inside buildings, not for capacity.
  12. The auction will be from Channel 51 on down. Channel 51 will be cleared first or the 600MHz auction will be a complete and utter failure. Lower 700Mhz Block A and to some extent B are adversely affected by the continued presence of Channel 51.
  13. Yes but the repeaters could not just repeat a single channel. They would repeat a whole bunch of them. Now, my qualm would be is it a pre-rebanding repeater or a post-rebanding repeater?
  14. They could be two RRU with differerent downtilt. One for the far edges of the cell radius and the other close.
  15. Would they allow them to bring their phones over or would they need to buy new phones?
  16. Except that they don't have to worry about it. They are allowed a territory and a power limit. It's not like they afre building a cellular network.
  17. Band 12 will become usable the moment channel 51 is cleared. and Channel 51 wil be cleared 1st. So if Sprint can buy both A and B then they could have a very usable spectrum band. Sprint/Softbank needs to start thinking strategically for once.
  18. Sprint today filed paperwork with the Federal Communications Commission seeking permission to acquire the spectrum licenses held by a company called Cleveland Unlimited Inc. At issue are 12 licenses that provide PCS coverage across portions of Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. If the transaction is approved, Sprint will gain 10 to 16.4MHz in 56 counties, giving it a total of 129.5MHz of spectrum in the coverage area. http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=13207
  19. I thought AT&T was working to have Band 17 include band 12. But you are right about current devices.
  20. I think so. They could employ one of those third party companies that get small business discounts to do the bidding.
  21. According to Bloomberg, T-Mobile might be in negotiation with Verizon about Block A. They already own at least one chunk!
  22. I wonder if Sprint might be interested in Verizon's 700MHz A Block or are they interested in a bigger chunk of 600MHz airwaves? The other question is if Dish is commited to pay the reserve price for PCS H, and with their Lightsquared commitment, they will have invested $8B in spectrum with no partner for their network yet. That's a lot of money invested that they can't make money off yet. T-Mobile is about to raise $2B to invest in spectrum. Are they also going to concentrate on 600MHz, since they have plenty of AWS and PCS spectrum? Or are they going to bid on the upcoming AWS-3 auction? Who is going to bid in the AWS-3 auction?
  23. Yeah, I think the price just became too salty for them. At >$1.56B, it is not worth it. Maybe at half that it might. Even at that it might be expensive.
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