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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. You obviously don't visit the review sites every time benchmarks are run! Phone geeks get in a lather about the tiniest little improvement in a benchmark. And this "improvement" was more than 10% over what the phone would normally run at. It's one thing to say here are the benchmarks at the normal speed and here are the same benchmarks when you overclock the phone. BTW, make sure you have your air conditioner run at 60F and blowing directly on the phone, otherwise it will go up in smoke. And I will condemn Apple if they did the same thing.
  2. Here is the latest and greatest from Anandtech: http://www.anandtech.com/show/7192/update-on-gpu-optimizations-galaxy-s-4 Are you you also accusing Anand of being a Steve Jobs clone or wannabe? Really? That's your comeback? Read the article, grasshopper!
  3. One of the reasons why I wanted Sprint to have picked up Metro is that they have a very good network in Florida plus they would have added to Sprint's PCS holdings in Florida, Dallas and the SF Bay area. All areas are important to me in my travels.
  4. Why would they not? More competition on the video front. Personally I think it's too expensive compared to cable, but who am I to argue.
  5. While DSL is a dead end the equivalent of AT&T's Uverse clearly is not. While residential fixed line is a deadend, business lines are not. The other thing that it gives you is leverage (call it blackmail ) over AT&T and Verizon, just in case they are delaying backhaul delivery.
  6. Sprintlink is plenty big enough for a backbone provider. What they need is metro fiber loops. I thought that Sprint made a mistake letting Embarq go instead of acquiring companies with fiber loops.
  7. I would have liked Sprint to have picked up Leap and Metro just so that Sprint would have picked up another standard frequency.
  8. Go here for the gory details: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/07/samsung-allegedly-boosting-benchmark-performance/ Can't say I'm surprised.
  9. Why do you think that T-Mobile is living on borrowed time? Are you saying that somebody will acquire them? Any suspects?
  10. If they survive, I would like for them to absorb either Level 3 or TW Telecom or both just for their fiber loops.
  11. Sprint used to provide both local and long distance for them. Cox and Comcast have since build their own IP backbone, while Level 3 provides TWC with theirs.
  12. It's a total commodity driven market. Too many competitors. Plus the cable cos have their own networks. So there's not a lot of profit left in the market.
  13. http://www.ciena.com/connect/blog/Sprint-upgrades-to-Ciena-100G-to-trial-400G-in-2013.html
  14. They plan to upgrade to 400G this year and next. Now personally I think they should let them go free. Otherwise they should merge with Level 3 that has a lot more metro fiber loops than Sprint.
  15. This probably the last time that the other companies get to take advantage of Sprint stupidity in merging with Nextel. They can kiss the customer addition by the millions goodbye.
  16. Of course given that the best frequency reuse pattern you can have on Edge is n=3, you will never be able to achieve 12Mbps. Unless it's a single site with a single sector way out in the middle of nowhere.
  17. If they can absorb Lighsquared's spectrum for supplemental downlink, with the T-Mobile spectrum depth, they will be sitting pretty, but only if it is a merger, not an acquisition. It would be best if they were run as two different companies with their own brands. Legere seems to know what he's doing and seems to have executed well.
  18. A no go for me since it requires it's own power supply and I'm also tapped for HDMI inputs.
  19. http://www.dslreports.com/shownews/Dish-Trying-to-Buy-LightSquared-For-222-Billion-125100 I guess they want to use the non-interferering Lightsquared spectrum for supplemental downlink.
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