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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Does this have anything to do with PCS H or will Sprint not going to need PCS H after they talk to you?
  2. PCS H is not yet recognized as a 3GPP LTE band. After the auction, whoever wins that will have to appear in front of the appropriate committees and drive the standardization effort.
  3. According to Tim Farrar, it just might not: http://tmfassociates.com/blog/2013/10/14/charlies-house-of-spectrum-cards/ Given that it's yet another band, the power limitations on it and having to deal with Charlie Ergen, could Sprint elect to bypass the PCS H auction and concentrate on the 600MHz auction?
  4. That's great to see! Verizon is well positioned from a spectrum point of view as far as strictly mobile is concerned. AT&T as well, once they consolidate their various 700MHz holdings and reclaim PCS and then 850MHz for LTE. WCS could help but I don't think they will need it for a while. T-Mobile with the addition of Metro and various spectrum swap deals also is positioned well. I was hoping that Sprint would have absorbed both Metro and Leap, but hey chose to go with Clearwire instead. I still want to know what they're going to to with the oodles of BRS/EBS spectrum they have and no, I don't think you need 160MHz of spectrum for mobile when you only have 50M customers. So Sprint/Softbank, enlighten us.
  5. And T-Mobile, in Florida, please use Metro's network. They have done a wonderful job. Sure they have a lot of DAS since they did not have enough subsribers in a particular area to justify a full basestation, but that's OK, even between the two of you you still won't have enough.
  6. What exactly has T-Mobile actually done? Nothing that you can't do on your own by charging the whole amount on your credit card and then paying off every month. Free international roaming! Sure T-Mobile! After you fix your coverage woes, I might be tempted.
  7. It is interleaved but it does not interfere with public safety. However it may interfere with other user of the band. Will they give it back to the FCC? Sell it? Donate it? Reband it? Buy out the rest of the spectrum holders?
  8. So what is Sprint doing with their meager WCS holdings? Or their 900MHz SMR?
  9. It might have helped if Google had backed PalmOS and Palm Android. Of course Verizon had to pour untold billions advertising Droids, so yes. AT&T did not have to advertise iPhone half as much.
  10. Surprise!!! (said in a Gomer Pyle voice). I think only Verizon was thought to have needed site visits.
  11. That's good to hear! I have not been engaged on the spec/RFP business lately (last couple of years) but a few years ago they just seemed discombobulated and disinterested. I hope they get involved in the whole OTT video revolution.
  12. I awlays thought that they need to either invest in it and let it compete or spin it off. Inparticular I thought they should have acquired some metro fiber companies like twtelecom, etc. I wanted to see them provide an end to end solution for cloud proviers, CDNs, etc. Their flirtation with the cable cos did not go very well.
  13. Actually, it used to be GM and then the two sisters of the poor. Both Ford and Chrysler were weak at that time. Nothing like three competitors of approximately the same size. My recommendation would be different if the 4 wirless carriers were approximately the same size. But they are not. The big two are humongous, sucking up the contract, high patying customers, leaving the other two with the crumbs.
  14. The value of the deal was $35B. They have to pay $5B for the rebanding of both the 800MHz SMR and the BAS spectrum.
  15. Three times. Alltel had almost no debt and the combined company also had a landline business. Now we know that residential landline business has sucked but business line have been doing well. It also would have given the combined company leverage when it comes to getting backhaul to Sprint sites. I'm sure that the Alltel customers would have stayed with them a lot longer than the Nextel customers. It would have given Sprit+Alltel the reputation of being a truly nationwide provider. That reputation is worth a lot of money. Now if they could have rolled up USCC as well ... On top of that they could have grabbed a lion's share of USF funds to help out with the rural buildout/upgrade. Now, Sprint did get an average of 7MHz+7MHz of SMR, 5+5MHz of PCS G and quite a bit of BRS spectrum from Nextel. They had to pay approximately $5B and lost all of the market value of Nextel. Was it worth it? I would say no.
  16. I had the SCP 4900 and then the SCP 8300. Both RF champs with the pull out antenna. It was funny for a while to watch all the AT&T and Cingular and Nextel people have to to outside my home to make phone calls since they were all spaced for 800MHz AMPS/TDMA. Of course they stopped building their network after they colocated with Nextel and the other carriers caught up. Those were the golden years for Sprint. I would have liked to have seen what would have had happened if they had merged with Alltel/other regionals instead of Nextel.
  17. OK, enough sidetracking of the thread !
  18. They will run out of capacity if they don't deploy on 2600MHz. Maybe not right away, but soon.
  19. Yes, I don't see Sprint making inroads until the middle to the end of 2014. They better have the 800MHz+1900MHz phase finished by then and 2.6Ghz substantially completed by the end of 2014.
  20. Some of Florida is like that for Sprint. AT&T has Florida locked up, but man they really need 800MHz 1x and LTE like yesterday because the 1900MHz spacing ain't cutting it.
  21. I think they need to have 30% coverage within 3 years and 70% after 5.
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