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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. You'd be surprised. I know they want to acquire/merge with T-Mobile. So USCC is small fry.
  2. Yeah, AT&T coverage is kind of weak in New Hampshire and Vermont since Verizon and USCC have the 850Mhz allocations. The weakness wil be become irrelevant once they cover the area with 700Mhz and implement VOLTE. USCC will lose it's attractiveness at that time because then it will have to compete with Verizon and AT&T. We also have no idea whether Sprint might deploy some SMR in those areas. So for USCC, the time to sell is now. Sprint should grab them.
  3. I just did. The actionable improvement is for them to stop announcing markets until they're 80% done.
  4. Slightly OT is the utter failure of the Surface RT tablet. We will see how successful Surface Pro is.
  5. Face it, Sprint is at least six months behind schedule! That means that they cannot offer fast data to people in each market. They have launched my market, but not 100%. That means that if I bought now, I will not get service at my condo or anywhere in my neighborhood. I am knowledgeable and can wait until they're fully launched, but if it is some joe scmo from the street and he experiences this patchwork of service, his opinion of Sprint will sour and he might not come back. So Sprint and contractors, get your shit together and finish markets. And Softbank, do not launch markets until they are finished. A mrketing campaign right now will result in a lot of disappointed customers.
  6. They better use the Metro sites in Florida. Much better coverage than T-mobile.
  7. For me it's finish NV 1.0 with 800MHz 1x and LTE. As in now! Then you can play around with your pricing. But get your network finished Sprint!
  8. I don't think so. They usually don't just comment on something for the sake of commenting. Either Sprint is participating or is happy that another piece of spectrum is available so that nobody else bids on PCS H.
  9. A run to the bottom between Sprint and T-Mobile or competition to the big two? If you're talking about competition to the big two, only somebody their own size can possibly compete. As far as competition between the two, it will just leave both of them bloodied and bruised while the big two will be smirking and eating popcorn on the sidelines. I don't think DT has the stomach for a knockout, dragout fight. Either Dish or Sprint will merge/acquire them.
  10. My sources at Sprint told me a while ago that Softbank was going to go after T-Mobile as well. They have been tightlipped lately. Has the 50% increase in T-Mobile's stock price scare them off? Did the FCC throw cold water on the merger idea? I mean, Masayoshi was really gung ho about that idea. Not to mention the fact that DT wants to sell.
  11. I don't see how Softbank will lower prices at Sprint and invest in the network unless they infuse them with more money or drastically alter the cost structure at Sprint.
  12. Plus both AT&T and Verizon gave them some business. Plus they might get somne business from China Mobile/China Telecom.
  13. Apple's problem and to some extent Samsung's problem is that the 4S is good enough for most people. So for people with a 4S on HSPA+ networks there's less incentive to upgrade than for people on CDMA networks that want to upgrade to an LTE network supporting phone. The phones are plenty speedy enough and stylish. The only thing left to "innovate" is to stuff more pixels behind a crappy lens. Yes people will upgrade to a 5S because it's the latest and greatest for $199. But there are people like me that won't. We will keep our 2-3 generation old phone because it's good enough. And we might take our 4S or whatever the Android equivalent is, to prepaid networks.
  14. Let's wait for Apple's 2nd quarter results, shall we? Actually let's wait for couple of quarters after they introduce their low cost iPhone which I thought they should have done couple of years ago. AT&T is traditionally more Apple-centric and I don't think they have released their results.
  15. U.S. Representatives Doris Matsui and Brett Guthrie reintroduced legislation today that would require the spectrum between 1755MHz and 1780MHz be reallocated and auctioned for commercial mobile broadband use. Matsui introduced a similar act last year, which followed recommendations made by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) that suggested the government might be able to share that spectrum block with consumers. The industry was quick to applaud the act. "Sprint commends Congresswoman Matsui and Congressman Guthrie for recognizing that more spectrum needs to be made available to support the growing consumer demand for wireless broadband services," said Larry Krevor, vice president of Government Affairs for Sprint. "We support efforts like this measure which maximize the efficient use of the public airwaves." http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=12678
  16. Or that they think that Sprint is going to have a disastrous 2nd quarter which is to be expected since the last remainng IDENites jumped ship.
  17. It will take too long to explain. Suffice to say it was all tongue in cheek.
  18. Of course this is from somebody (me)that used to build custom antenna amps for AMPS phones to juice their output.
  19. Yeah, you can hardly get them to install a custom rom, and then not being able to make a simple call, for god's sake! Those idiots . I mean all the care about is rock solid reliability, very good RF and battery life from a pretty slim form! What fun is that! Android custom roms rock, dude!
  20. Who was the person that said that the demand for iPhones was waning?
  21. Has Sprint applied with the 3GPP for including PCS H in the PCS LTE band class 25?
  22. Carrier aggregation particularly inter-frequency carrier aggregation is especialy tough because you're using two different radio chains. Intrafrequency carrier aggeragation is not as battery draining because you are using the same radio chain. Other than that if you are using the same number of subcarriers in a 10Mhz carrier aggregated channel vs a natural 10Mhz channel you will incure the same battery consumption.
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