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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. If T-Mobile buys 700MHz spectrum from Verizon, will the combined company then go after 600MHz spectrum? That would be 3 low frequency bands. There will have to be some exchange of frequencies and consolidation of spectrum.
  2. And they will. Spark will be substantially complete by the end of 2014. Which is probably when the merger will close if the started in the beginning of the year.
  3. Just remember it is only one channel in the 800Mhz SMR band for CDMA. They will refarm EVDO as more and more people have LTE handsets. They can keep 800 MHz CDMA for a while while they are moving to VoLTE. But they will not keep the legacy bands around forever. LTE and VoLTE is the future and that's that.
  4. I There is 4 years between 2018 and 2014, so by that time, IBEZ will be straightened out. There is plenty of time for the integration to happen smoothly. Sprint and their advisors/consultants have been studying this problem for a while.
  5. I don't think that Dish can raise the $21B of market cap + $13B in debt = $34B that will be required to complete the deal. Softbank can.
  6. Of course this whole thing could be a leak by John Paulson to pump up his T-Mobile holdings before selling them.
  7. Yep, that would be a dead giveaway! Quadband handsets, here they come!
  8. If this merger were to happen, where does that leave Dish? They could be the beneficiaries of Sprint having to get rid of some of their spectrum (EBS). Would they have the stomach to develop a nationwide network? Or would they just play interference?
  9. I am all for it, particularly where Sprint is deficient (20MHz or less). Maybe even in exchange for Sprint providing CDMA coverage to the Metro holdouts while their handsets last.
  10. OK, so they won't use PCS 2 for LTE for a while. You got me . So Metro subs might lose coverage. They're low rent, right? They might lose a few of them to Straight Talk, AIO, Page Plus or Sprint.
  11. They might push them into higher cost plans. Prepaid does not necessarily mean low rent. AIO Wireless' $55/mo plan is not low rent.
  12. They don't need to do LTE in the PCS band yet. They have HSPA+ in that band which will accomodate the additional voice demands of migrating Metro customers. As far as roaming, they might have to include some roaming on AT&T for Metro PCS customers on the more expensive plans.
  13. Yes, I'm sure there will be some MetroPCS customers that will eventually be told that their CDMA flip phone will not work any longer and they will need to purchase another phone. Meanwhile as more CDMA channels become empty they will be reused for LTE. There are no new CDMA phones being sold as far as I know.
  14. No I thought it was kind of peripheral to the discussion, OT. We can address it if you like.
  15. 30.1M postpaid, 15.3 prepaid and 7.86M wholesale for Sprint. 21.4 Postpaid and total of 21.4 prepaid and wholesale for T-Mobile.
  16. Yes, so does Verizon, but I don't think it will last that long. Once VoLTE has been perfected, then the next phone you buy will only be a VoLTE one with no Circuit Switched Fallback and you won't notice the difference. It will simplify things tremendously for both the carriers and the handset makers. No need for SV-DO or SV-LTE.
  17. What I'm advocating won't happen right away. 600Mhz auction won't happen until 2015 and it will probably take until 2016 or 2017 before 600Mhz is ready to be used. By that time, VoLTE should be ready. 1xA will be immaterial by 2017-2018.
  18. No, but they might elect to sell some of their EBS licenses to the big two or Dish. They will have 800 MHz SMR, AWS, PCS and BRS/EBS spectrum. If they want to do some horse trading to keep their spectrum holdings at 4 bands they might want to trade their SMR holdings for 600MHz after the 600MHz auction.
  19. Also remember that even if T-Mobile and Sprint merge, they will only have around 53M postpaid customers (per WSJ). That a lot less than Verizon's 95M postpaid and AT&T's 72M.
  20. Nextel could have only suceesfully merged with either AT&T or Verizon. They were the only ones that had the footprint to match Nextel's.
  21. It is his doing, although Sprint had looked at it and were in pretty deep negotiations before AT&T made their ill fated attempt to absorb T-Mobile.
  22. Yeah, I could have told them that about a year ago! Masa has had his eyes on T-Mobile from the beginning!
  23. They need to freaking finish PCS and SMR updates. Period, end of story! Yeah, 180Mbps is great, but all I want is 128Kbps everywhere I travel, even from Augusta, GA to Savannah on GA 25. I'm not trying to stream a 4K movie, but I am trying to stream an internet radio station when I'm on a long drive.
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