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Everything posted by JonnygATL

  1. Understandable. But just out of curiosity, why wouldn't you do easy pay? I guess, in reality, Sprint's pricing plans should go down once you've paid for your device via easy pay. That would actually be more fair and make more sense.
  2. But you are paying full price with a 2 year agreement. Just over a longer term.
  3. What phone are you using? I know most places in and around Lexington are upgraded but looking at the network vision sites complete map, I can see that some sites near Corbin and London are indeed still 3G only. But they, too will be upgraded.
  4. It already is upgraded to 1x800. No one is getting EVDO on 800mhz. That was never part of nv. But this market will get all upgrades through nv 2.0, iincluding band 41 eventually. But bands 26 and 25 are already up and running in your market.
  5. No, it really doesn't. These statements are all quite relative, aren't they? What it really means is that huge, glaring issues (such as those they must be addressing even as we speak) really need to be hashed out in beta or even alpha. The small tweaks will forever remain necessary as nothing is ever perfect.
  6. Well sh_t yes, but that's not what happened, unfortunately. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter, however!
  7. And, as frustrating as it is, wouldn't most of us prefer a polished and optimized product versus a laggy, unreliable product that would only lead to yet another wait for potential bug fixes? Clearly there is a reason that it's been delayed and Google engineers are no doubt working tirelessly to get it up to par. Otherwise, it'd already be out.
  8. How do you know? Man..that sucks though. When you say "soon," how is "soon being defined? Lol...inquiring minds want, nay NEED, to know! P.s..that lone straggling tower next to my complex is ironically clearly now 4G complete as of yesterday, apparently. After a full year it's now blasting b25 right at my back door giving me a constant LTE connection with a very healthy -81 dBm signal level. #prayersanswered
  9. Some nice band 41 love. I wonder what the actual, current b26 and b41 live tower map would look like for metro ATL. It's apparently becoming rather extensive. The guys in Houston have done an excellent job in mapping NV2.0 progress. I wish we had that here in Atlanta!
  10. First..sorry, I was in a crappy mood last night. Didn't mean to take it out on anyone else. Just some work related stuff that didn't wind down until around 11 pm last night. Nothing related to anything here at all. Secondly...I really, really think (hope?) it's related to possible ecsfb issues as it related to band 26. I don't even know if that's possible but here is why I think that. I notice that I live very near the ONLY non 4G upgraded tower inside I-285 (the local beltway.). It is 3G accepted but not 4G and remains an outlier as it has for nearly a year now. Clearly there is some backhaul or permitting issue or something going on with this site. But if it is 3G NV upgrade then it should have no ecsfb issues. But, this little valley I live in is a fairly deep but highly isolated depression within the city of Atlanta and, as such, I likely have no line of sight to any other tower but this one, halfway completed tower. If I drive up the hill and out of the valley, I immediately do connect to either band 25 or band 26. However, if I put the phone in LTE only mode even at my house deep in the depression, I do immediately connect to band 26. Which I guess would make sense as it carries much further on 800 mhz. However, just this morning I was playing around with sensorly (nice upgrades to the app, btw) and I uploaded a speed test from my bed which showed me as being connected, shockingly, to band 25 (when checked via signal check pro). And the speeds were over 15 mbps down. That's the first time that has ever happened here in my own home, deep in this little valley in which my complex sits. But as soon as I put it back in LTE/CDMA auto PRL mode, it jumped right back to 3G. So that's the latest update in this ridiculous saga. I hear what you're saying but, still, I'm just going to wait to see what happens after the Spark rollout because, well, I think we're all fairly certain it's coming this week and I may as well go head and see what (if anything) happens.
  11. That's interesting. I wonder what they "updated," exactly? But I really do believe that it will be this week. What was the latest rumored date? The 24th or 25th or something like that? I can't recall...but it does seem to have some weight behind it so I hope HOPE HOPE that this is it. Fingers crossed!
  12. Yeah, you're right. I'm breaking it. You've solved the issue. What would you imagine I'm doing to it, exactly? Beating it with a hammer? Washing it in the washing machine? Your implications are at once insulting, humorous and absurd. Frankly I'm done talking about it on here. A relief to many of us, I'm sure. But thanks for your useful input. At this point, I'm just hoping the Spark update fixes it. If not, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
  13. Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about Android Silver yet. I think it will probably be a good thing but I will miss the Nexus brand once it goes away and its affordable pricing structure. And, just to be clear, when I was talking about "coverage" I meant just at least 1xRTT. Not EVDO, not LTE. Just at least coverage at all for phone calls and texts as that's what was referenced in the article.
  14. What's up with all these dim-witted douches trashing Sprint? I mean, where do you not get Sprint coverage? I grew up in Central Kentucky, had friends in the hills of Eastern Kentucky, visited family here in Atlanta and in Los Angeles and everywhere in between (small towns and huge cities) and have never had an issue with at least getting voice coverage. I've had Sprint since I graduated high school in 1998 and have only had to roam on Verizon a few select times. I know that Sprint doesn't have the coverage that ATT and Verizon have - especially out west. But here in the South, Sprint's coverage is excellent (at least as far as native voice goes and even native data). Why are people so hell bent on bashing Sprint? ...do as the other mindless lemmings do, I suppose??
  15. I actuallly ended up keeping it. I figured any tablet was better than no tablet at all. But even as I sit here typing this out I tried to turn it on and it immediately died. Dead battery. I don't know why because last time I used it, it was at at least 75%. I powered it off...it was not on standby. That was two days ago. So how could it be dead now when I try to power it back on? Really odd. It doesn't matter now because the 2013 Nexus 7 can be had for dirt cheap and that's where I'm headed.
  16. Ha ha..um..no. I'm far too busy to even find time to rant! I only WISH I had "free time," whatever that even means. But if I do find some of this coveted "free time" it will likely be put to better use than ranting. Like the gym. Or underwater basket weaving.
  17. I think I am misunderstanding you. How could I possibly be in danger of breaking any rules??
  18. We've all been exceedingly patient. I'm trying..but I feel my patience beginning to run out.
  19. Joking aside - and let's be honest, you set yourself up for that - I did use the *#*#info#*#* and then "LTE ONLY."
  20. I have a feeling the update is coming in the next 7 days. I don't know why, I just do. Let's hope I'm right!
  21. Then maybe that's the problem. I actually HOPE that's the problem because that means that it would go away in time. As for the other members, all of that is irrelevant to me because here where I am, the issues with this phone are happening (there is no clearer way to say it). I only am concerned with how things are here since here - as I've already stated - is where I live..where I work..and where I play.
  22. I don't have b26 enabled on this replacement n5. So does that make a difference? Edit: to clarify, you say that b26 can cause its own ecsfb issues. My question is if it's not even enabled, can it still cause issues on NV sites? P.S. I hope you're right when you say the n5's radio "smokes" that in the gs4. But words are only words. Say what you like but in my own experience, day in and day out, it consistently fails to pull LTE where other Sprint LTE triband devices do..including the GS4. Words mean nothing when confronted with daily performance. Or maybe something else is going on but what I'm saying is true. I live it everyday. At least here where I live, work and play.
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