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Posts posted by jefbal99


    Three issues I've noticed that I haven't seen anyone else mention:


    • When making a call to a conference bridge from my address book (888-555-1212,,12345678#) it never dials the bridge extension in the default dialer. GrooveIP works.


    What was your previous device/manufacture skin?  I have noticed when switching between AOSP/CM and Samsung's TW they have a different button combo for entering pauses and waits.  Each time I switch, I have to update those in my address book entries.

  2. Hmm.. thank you for the report. I was not aware that the N5 was hiding 1X while on LTE; someone said the G2 was doing it. I just went through the N5 users thread, apparently it is an issue.


    Can you (or anyone else) confirm that you have an actual live 1X connection when SignalCheck is showing nothing there? Is there any sort of engineering screen that shows apparent valid 1X data while you're connected to LTE?


    I am not trying to downplay or brush aside potential problems in the app, but with the G2 and N5 not "officially" launching until Friday, and a variety of issues plaguing early users of both devices, I'm leaning more towards some software glitches on these phones. That being said, I do have one idea, and I'm working on something for G2/N5 folks to test out, should be ready for testers by tomorrow afternoon. PM me your e-mail address and a quick note saying which device you have, and I will send it when ready.



    Mike, there is a report in the N5 Users thread that the 1x radio appears to be completely shutting down while on LTE.  Check out this post

  3. Show your LTE engineering screen please. -20 dBm difference is crazy unless your previous phone had a bad radio.

    The EVO LTE was a very poor RF performer, the Nexus 5 is a very strong RF performer, 20dBm doesn't shock me at all.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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  4. We will see if the date holds and of course if Knox gets in the way of others testing things out. If I brick my device it would give me a good excuse to pick up maybe a Nexus5 but with the 1+ year broken state of NL03ME012 still pissing me off everyday it would have a different color SIM in it.

    Your can't leave sprint, your knowledge around here is needed to much.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



  5. Sprint has been deploying a 5Mhz FDD LTE carrier in new PCS G-Block spectrum.  The legacy A-F blocks for CDMA2000 1X and EVDO are being left in place.  When a site is 3G accepted, the CDMA2000 1X is being upgraded to 1X Advanced and the EvDo carriers start running through the new cabinets (and on the new backhaul if installed.)


    Sprint is also launching a CDMA2000 1X Advanced carrier and 5Mhz FDD LTE carrier in the rebranded SMR spectrum from Nextel.  All current phones and select phones going back to the EVO 3D will support the 1XA voice channel in SMR.


    Finally, Sprint and Clearwire have launched TD-LTE in the BRS/EBS 2500/2600Mhz spectrum.  These are 20Mhz TD-LTE channels, I don't remember the exact download/upload time slots, but it might be 3:2.

    • Like 2
  6. Sounds like Sprint is not the best choice for you. Since we get called out for not being fair to everyone, note this is a warning for violating the posting guidelines.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    Ya know, bitch on S4GRU and shit starts happening.  Driving home yesterday, the site I've been pining for to have at least 3G accepted started spitting out new location, NID, and BID data, plus stronger/stable signal at my house.  No LTE there yet, but more reliable voice is all I needed until SMR gets turned on.


    Get downtown this morning and have quasi usable data (was getting almost a 1mbps down until 10am)!!!

    • Like 5
  7. Has anyone ever successfully gotten Hulu Plus working on this ROM?  I could never get it working on CM10.1 and still can't get it here.  App opens, I pick a video, I get the beginning ad or broadcast network message, then it just spins trying to load the video.  Eventually I get a message to try a lower bandwidth option, but it still never loads the video.  Back in the day when I was full stock, I had Hulu working, so I'm wondering if there is a apk that got ripped out that is not allowing video stream decoding.

  8. I believe that Sprint has a lot of bundled copper used earlier in NV to tie over until fiber arrives. That's what they were going to use in New Mexico at first, but then that got pulled because it was a "failure" in earlier markets, according to an Ericsson integration tech in ran into once. That guy said that in new markets, like Albuquerque, they are bypassing bundled T3's and will just bring LTE up on each site when the fiber arrives.


    This could be a reason why there are a lot of dog slow LTE sites out there in places that just don't seem that the air link could be already saturated. Like rural Michigan. It wouldn't take much to bog down 20-25Mbps from some bundled T3's on three sectors.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    Rural Michigan sites are fine, its the Urban sites that went from great service in the Spring/Summer to dog slow this fall.  I'm pretty sure that part of it is related to Michigan State University being back in session, bandwidth went straight to hell in late August when the students showed up.  If the sites that were currently built could get their backhaul, the network stress would be gone because the load would be shared across an additional 4-7 sites.


    (I hope my sarcasm in the post you quoted was noted ;))

  9. Sounds like Sprint is not the best choice for you. Since we get called out for not being fair to everyone, note this is a warning for violating the posting guidelines.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    Unfortunately, it is the best choice for me (both VZW and AT&T won't work due to the data tiers and not having any HSI available at my home.  My cell phone and hotspot are all I have for any internet access.  I only tether to my hotspot legally, all cell phone usage is just apps on the device).


    I know that S4GRU can't do anything about NV, this is just the only place that has people that understand what is actually going on.  I'm frustrated that what was a wonderful NV experience has gone to crap.  I'm sorry for the rant

  10. Hey guys, I have been watching videos of sprints LTE speeds for about a year now. I don't have an LTE capable device, so I am just curious. What are some of your fastest speeds on LTE? 



    Current fastest possible speed is 37.5 mbps on a Sprint Phone.  No Tri-band phones to utilize the 2.5/2.6Ghz spectrum are available yet.  Users of Tri-band HotSpots have seen speeds in the 40-50mbps range when physically tethered to the hotspot.

  11. Reading positive comments from the S4 thread with the MJA build/modem for 3G, 4G, and WiFi connectivity in the update that was released today.  Looks like MJ7 is still the latest encrypted rdf for the Note 2, hope we see a similar, positive build in a couple weeks

  12. Trust me, I understand.  I have a -95 LTE signal at my desk.  Works great at 6:30am.  Dead by 9am or 10am.  I switch to EVDO and hope I don't get stuck on the broken EVDO channel 100 (1 year as of tomorrow).  EVDO works pretty good on this site since I assume everyone else is stuck on the dead LTE.  I found a trick that once I get on channel 75 or 175 EVDO I open a ping session to keep the EVDO session active so I don't get kicked to the broken channel 100.  Waste of bandwidth yes, but it saves me rebooting 7 or 8 times in a row. 


    On other sites around town in the city I see the typical 3-4 megabits.  Some sites on the outskirts of coverage (not the outskirt of the city anymore) where not many Sprint users reside I can snag a 20 megabit stream.  3-4 works fine for me for what I need my phone to do.  Really waiting on 800LTE though to fix most of the issues as I find myself using EVDO more than LTE here in the launched market.

    I wish Sprint, with this modern network and all these new monitoring capabilities would either increase the bandwidth at the overloaded sites to alleviate the strain (isn't this backhaul supposedly scalable within days?!?!) or get after their vendors to complete work.  You can't blame Samsung and their subcontractors as Cabinets/Antenna/RRUs etc are all in place.  I seem to remember reading from you that your vendor just stopped working, i.e. Antennas installed, but then no RRUs or cabinets.


    I'm Sprint's biggest supporter and I fully understand the "shotgun" plan of hitting as many sites as possible, then reloading, but it seems like they either forgot to reload or have run out of ammunition.

  13. Anybody still getting consistent 800Mhz/SMR in the GR area?  I want to check out my Note 2, using a custom PRL to see if calls/texts will actually stick on SMR or shunt to PCS as our dear S4GRU overlord/leader Robert has experienced.  Living in Portland now, I was thinking about venturing to Lowell as I've gotten SMR connections from there in the past.  Alto is closer, but I haven't gotten consistent SMR connections from those sites.

  14. All the iDen sites I pass on my commute still have the antennas installed, hut on location, meter still seated in the meter pan and the breaker still locked in the "on" position.  One of them did have the copper exchange coils on the two A/C units on the hut missing though ;)

    I have more empty racks than antennas from the original iDen thinning in Michigan, but there is still a lot out there that they could do NV to, but as my previous post, Sprint can't get vendors to complete the sites in process right now, why add more on top?


    In the 1.9 on LTE, as we have said, we are seeing consistently about 6 to 8 megabits per second. 

    And I just spit coffee on my laptop, reading that tripe.  I'm in a launched market and any urban LTE site is so overloaded, that legacy 3G is typically faster.  I'm talking 0.05mbps down and 0.50mbps up, that is how slow legacy 3g was before the "network maintenance" fixes.  Every msg to CS is "NV is underway, more towers are being upgraded."  Utter crap, we have sites, like every market, that are waiting on backhaul.  Antennas and RRUs are/have been up for months, but no backhaul or acceptance.  Sprint needs to either get on their backhaul vendors to complete work or get a different vendor!.


    I'm ranting, mods do what you need with this post...

  16. Sorry if this has been answered but what delays 800 mhz from being broadcast at 3g acepted sites when they have NV antennas antennas installed

    Technically nothing once 800 is accepted (E911, etc signoff), but in the real world, SMR->PCS and PCS->SMR handoffs are not working very well.  Sprint has said they are possible, but there are issues.  If you create an island of SMR, then users drop calls when leaving that island, it causes a bad customer experience.  I think I remember reading that SMR is going to be brought up in clusters now, like Samsung has been doing for all its 3G upgrades.

  17. I think will be ok as long as you install a stripped down ROM like you said. If you ever have to return for warranty however, and you flash back to stock my understanding is that once your phone updates while on stock unrooted you're screwed.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk

    As long as you don't have to go into Sprint, Odin a previous release stock rom, then custom recovery.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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