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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. hum wonder if we could squeeze for a discount on a new one due to the issue????

    I highly doubt it.  In talking with TRV support, I asked about the PRL change and what was being done, all they said was that the PRL was changed because of call quality issues and they are working on a resolution, but no ETA.

  2. I think if Sprint doesn't buy or ink some network sharing deal with tmo, tmo will try to go after Sprint.


    That said, what if Sprint does exactly what you say, then work out a deal with tmo so they can purchase the 600?

    That is crazy talk there


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



    • Like 2
  3. COZ, what is the difference in a full stock 4.3 vs. the 4.1.2 and then the OTA to 4.3?  If you went to a Sprint store and they flashed your phone as a repair, they would use the full 4.3 restore.


    Just wondering if there is secret sauce in the OTA that I'm missing.

  4. I spoke with TRV Escalations again on Tuesday and they are still looking into the data speeds in downtown Lansing.  They are trying to correlate the serving cell data to a site.  Now, I'm not an expert in cell phones, but I do work in enterprise networking.  I have a DB of every switch, router, etc by IP, network name, etc so that I can find problems.  I can't believe that it is taking Ericcson that long to locate the site(s) that I'm connecting to.


    I have provided the exact GPS coordinates where I'm at and even invited them to send Ericcson here to complete their testing.


    As stated before, if they could get backhaul to the lugnut, then this goes away real quickly as 3 new sectors downtown splits the load and its a happy network.  TRV did say that site is in the 90 day window, but its been in the 90 day window since the antennas/RRUs went up in August.

  5. Is Sprint expected to release GS5 around same time as other carriers?  I don't see it in first post.  


    Any word on a new Note 3 with Spark?

    Since neither device has been announced, nor any FCC docs or reliable leaked info is out, there are no answers to those questions.  When reliable info comes up, there will be lots on info.

    • Like 1

    Hi jefbal99,


    It certainly seems similar, doesn't it? MaxPower's problem seems likely to be a tower issue, and the reboot is symptomatic of how the GS3 responds to the outage. But the problem described in this thread affects all kinds of Sprint 4G devices, not just GS3s and not just Samsung. And the problem impacts voice, 3G, 4G and data connectivity.


    This particular forum gets a lot of traffic, so I think the amount of eyeballs here will foster more of a discussion than in the SD market or Samsung device threads. But certainly the forum moderators will know what's best  :)





    I can sympathize with trying to keep up with new messages in a busy forum. If this thread isn't of interest, perhaps your client software has a function to mute certain threads so that you can more easily focus on what is of particular interest to you?


    In any case, I hope that your Monday is going well. Have a great day!



    Except there is really no discussion, its either a market issue or a device issue.  There are forums for those discussions that are not the general NV deployment forum.  If there were 50 users popping up say "yup me too" then there is an issue, but there isn't.


    I'm going to stop replying to this topic so it can fall off into the archives

  7. His plan for world domination using Sprint is still possible. He just needs to get past this distraction. Double down with Sprint. Fire a bunch of people, pour on a few billion to expedite finishing NV and Spark nationwide and add nationwide freeway coverage. Maybe pickup some more CDMA regional providers along the way. And hit Legere right between the eyes! Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    Drooling over the thought of this...

  8. Did you get this figured out? I should be able to run over by there in the next couple days to figure it out a d I can get the actual tower ID when I get to work on Tuesday

    No I haven't, and it's odd, after talking with Sprint, I now connect to serving cell 110, but with the same quality of service.  I updated Sprint, but still no change.


    Until the lugnut is lit up, downtown is going to be rough.

  9. Thanks for the replies. I'm not referring to my handsets nor to the NV installation contractor. Isn't tower equipment in the IBEZ zones supplied by Samsung? I may be mistaken, but I'm sure someone who's knowledgeable will correct me  :)


    Also, I didn't post in the market thread because we're already discussing the fact of the outage. I posted here because I'm curious about the why of the outage, given it's market-wide scope. It seems a more general question, and all the technical minds all seem to live right here  ;)



    Have fun!




    This thread title needs an edit and honestly, its an individual market issue, not a Sprint wide issue, so my opinion is it should be moved.

    • Like 3
  10. Finally talked with Exec support (due to my scheduling issues) and I didn't learn anything new, big shocker.  The PRL was changed as a preventative measure due to reported issues (dropped calls, unable to make/receive calls) on eSMR spectrum.  It is still an open item and is being worked on, however, there is no ETA on a fix.  I did press and was told that it is expected to be fixed.

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