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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. anyone else having bad voice quality/issues while on phone calls on 1x800? they switched new towers on around me a few weeks ago and then today another batch got switched over. anytime i make a call while on 1x800 (and have verified that i stayed on 1x800) during the call it goes from sounding great to cutting in and out, to quiet, to even disconnecting. this is with mid 80's or better signal too. not sure if there is an issue with my phone, or something not right with the towers, or just because they are still working in the area or what.

    The last time I got a 1x800 signal, I had this exact issue occur.  I had to airplane mode and my phone jumped back to PCS so I could reconnect the call.  I'm wondering if this might be the "cell breathing" that I experience on PCS at my house.  I'm on the outer edge of a semi rural PCS site and frequently drop calls/have poor quality and AJ described it as cell breathing where your call would normally switch to another site, but because there isn't a neighbor site to handoff, the call drops/gets crazy choppy.


    Unless I completely misunderstood what cell breathing is, then my entire post is moot.

  2. Yeah, all that KNOX garbage, running mismatched bootloaders, wifi patches needed, etc has made me back off for a while until it is figured out by the devs there. Not sure if I'll get to update the ROM to the latest as the Note2 will be going to the wife soon. So I won't have a spare device to mess with as she wants the stock experience.

    I've been fearing this post...


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



  3. No 800smr here, I am in an Ericsson market.


    Noticed the MCC-MNC is cut off in the engineering screen like the S4 is. The readable lat long is a neat addition although it doesn't apply to Ericsson markets.


    I'm in an area I don't go to that often so I can't speak on the signal change.


    I'm at work and my signal strength is what it was before the modem update.  What I am see in signal check is a much greater variety of 1X sites that I'm connecting to.  I've seen more BOLD addresses in the last 15 mins than I've seen since I installed it.

  4. Not for right now until there is an agreement.. The frequency interferes with operations in Canada and Mexico. The IBEZ - International Boundary Exclusion Zone runs from the border with Canada and Mexico into the US to 100 kM away from it (62 Miles). Within it, Sprint is not allowed to use 800 Mhz Voice or Data.

    Sprint is not allowed to use it in a way that interferes with Canadian/Mexican use, same goes the other ways. If iDen was still in use there would be no issue as both sides had already agreed to a sharing agreement.


    Once a wide band usage agreement can be reached, there won't be an issue.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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  5. I understand neither of these phones are the LG G2, but here's a quickie of the One Max and Moto X. The G2 isn't active and the Nexus 5 wouldn't hop on the same tower. More to come.




    Sent from my HTC0P3P7 using Tapatalk


    It looks like the One max has some sort of a bumper case, while the Moto X doesn't have anything.  Have you done your comparisons with no cases?

  6. Digi, where would the potential fixes for SMR be in the 4.3 ROM.  Can they be pulled out and implemented into your current version without updating to 4.3?

    My guess would be in the MK4 modem...


    Hey digi, looks like some devs have a working upgrade that has all Knox removed and is using the MC2 bootloader to not trip Knox either.  There isn't a rooted or deoxed version yet, but they say a rooted version is coming soon.  Might just be the base that is needed.



  7. I have basic root, no bootloader.  Update fails, I suppose I'll have to flash back to full stock then update, unless someone knows a workaround. :(  (I know that I'll likely lose root for now)

    Just wait for a stock rooted or when digi gets his hands on a de-odex rooted base, he'll make it sweet!!!

  8. I'm guessing not because their software only supports the IDEN protocol and not CDMA.  Also sprint wants to eliminate old towers for good and use fewer NV sites to provide coverage.

    Not sure if it has anything to do with protocol, but channel width.  The old configuration was narrow band 25khz channels for iDen but Sprint got the FCC to reband SMR for wide band 1.25Mhz CDMA and 5Mhz LTE channels.

  9. Still without power in West Michigan.  Bought a generator from a co-worker and my electrician hooked it into my circuit panel so the house is pretty much up and running.  With no one home right now, I turned it off, but it will get fired up right when I get home.


    Consumers Energy still is estimating 11/23 11PM (their current default) for restoration, but our status went from awaiting assessment to Crew assigned this morning.

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