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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. There's 4 RF ports and 4 cable connected to each of the 4 RF ports on the antenna. The two ports with the metal brackets in the back are the ACU's that control downtilt. Plus Lansing is way out of range of the Canadian IBEZ so you wouldn't get PCS only antennas either way.

    Well then, it will be interesting to keep my hotspot with me looking for TD-LTE


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4


  2. Holy crap, they got a ton of work done on Saturday.  For as long as it took them to run the cables on Friday (which is all that was done, I thought one antenna was up), I expected one sector to be completed.  This is the most interesting NV site I've ever seen.  It is a high capacity site in the middle of downtown Lansing with the standard three sectors, but each sector has two full size Samsung NV antennas.  When ever I've seen high capacity sites, they've been a full sized antenna and a much skinnier legacy looking antenna.  I'm hoping with all the Fiber that is available in downtown Lansing, it won't be long before this sucker is lit up like a Christmas tree


    IMG_6722 by jefbal99_, on Flickr



    IMG_6720 by jefbal99_, on Flickr



    IMG_6716 by jefbal99_, on Flickr
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  3. I get a TINY amount of LTE signal around the Mason area (where I live) but it's extremely spotty and doesn't travel much beyond the Kipp Road exit. Hopefully Sprint is going to ramp up the signal soon.. ;D does anyone have any info about the 4G status of the Mason/Dansville/Jackson area?

    Become a member and check out the sites complete map, along with the maps of all the Sprint towers nationwide.  The schedules that are posted in the Premier sponsor section are terribly out of date because the data is no longer provided, but regular sponsors get almost daily site acceptance reports

  4. I've always read that eHRPD is the CDMA technology overlay to allow seamless hand-off to and from LTE so that a user doesn't experience and data drops.  When on a previous 4G device (WiMax) there was always a hard drop and the device had to acquire the EvDo signal then attempt to restart the network connection, it was not seamless at all.  When I read that the eHRPD should lead to a seamless hand-off, I would expect no data session drop, just a slowdown or speed up in the flow of the data, however, I've never experienced that.  Whenever I lose LTE and drop back to eHRPD (or come into an LTE area), it involves a data session drop, web pages don't load, streaming media stops, VPN connections are dropped, etc. until the device is fully connected.  I have experienced this both on Stock ROMs and AOSP/CM ROMs.


    My question, is my understanding of the seamless hand-off technology incorrect or is something not functioning the way that it should be?

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  5. Now that I think about it, back in about late June there was a crew there doing some work. They replaced the lights on top. The red light and white strobe are much brighter now. I can't see it being completely taken down with that work being done. Maybe another carrier will be on it now. Who knows.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

    That was probably due to the FCC/FAA requirements to replace a burned out bulb running on low power or they replaced a bulb with LEDs to save costs.

  6. I spend the last hour or so researching PCS boosters because I need one for my new house and the only current device is the Wilson Sleek 4G, which is a cradle type device.  It's designed for in car use, but could be in home for a MiFi or a phone with a headset.


    I emailed Wilson tech support about anything upcoming for the PCS G Block.

  7. http://www.amazon.com/Opteka-BP-SC4000-Powered-Capacity-4000mAh/dp/B005ZSVZRY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1376935552&sr=8-1&keywords=solar+cell+phone+charger


    Opteka BP-SC4000 Ultra Thin Solar Powered High Capacity (4000mAh) Backup Battery and Charger for Cell Phones


    He says it takes all day to charge the panel, but only an hour to charge his phone fully.  He gets 2x charges for his Viper.  He has actively charged from the panel while the panel is charging.

  8. I've always been a big CM fan because I hate the bloat of TouchWiz.  Even Digi's ROM is still over 600MB and that is really stripped down.


    I'm letting CM10.2 mature for a few weeks before jumping in.

  9. Nobody sells infinite data. Sprint has a data cap on its current PCS G network of approximately 12,260GB (12TB) per Month. (37.5mbps*60*60*24*31=~12,260GB)  :lol: 

    But what about February and the months with only 30 days?!?!?! What about a leap year?!?!?!


    Why you discriminate on the shorter months?


    :rofl:  :tu:  :lol:  :D

  10. I know for a FACT this site started life as a Nextel site, and to my knowledge never changed...


    I wish I had a SLR, or even access to one, but I do not.


    THen I would say it is a now shut down nextel site waiting for de-install, but that is my best guess from the evidence here.  There is a map in the premier sponsor section with all historical nextel towers.  If you can bump your donation total up to that $100 mark, you'll get access to that, plus other great stuff in there.

  11. Just look at the sponsor maps.



    your a Sponser, The data is here. a bit of reading/searching can go along way for you to answer your own question.



    Thanks, for no help.  The whole reason I became a sponsor was to find out what's going on with this tower, but I still haven't been able to find the information.


    Looking at the original regional maps, this address/location is not listed as a known sprint site being upgraded.


    The building looks like many of the Verizon or former Nextel sites in Michigan.  The picture of the antennas isn't the best, try to get a bit further away and then zoom in with an SLR.  Based on the 9 antennas, my guess is a Verizon CDMA/EvDo site.

  12. Do you guys have an option to automatically accept root requests from a specific app? I understand the security concerns, but I'm wondering if the delay (however slight) in prompting for root permission is causing the next step in the process to fail. If you could try auto-granting for SignalCheck just for testing purposes, let me know. Hopefully by now you trust that the only root access SignalCheck attempts is to toggle airplane mode.




    That works now, it didn't pause to wait for root the first time


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4



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