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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Absolutely not.


    In spring/summer 2012, Sprint had to sell variants of the latest devices.  Otherwise, it would have gotten killed by the other big three.  Had the Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC EVO LTE instead been CDMA2000/WiMAX or even worse -- CDMA2000 only -- do you realize how many subs would have gone apoplectic when they learned a few months later that their market had LTE but their two year contract phones would never be compatible with the new 4G network?



    Damned if you do and damned if you don't.  Sprint sold so many WiMax devices to people that never got to use it, then they get sold an LTE device that they might get to use.  Sprint could have easily gone the T-Mobile route and "enabled" LTE on devices once they were ready to launch the service.  I'll concede that top of the line devices were needed, but the marketing needed to be done differently.


    As for the market launching and coverage map, it's been a debacle, Sprint should have never "launched" and LTE market with less than 40% of the sites online.

  2. I guess it's the user's minimum throughput speeds that generates the majority of negative publicity. A few 50 kbps LTE users can spread a lot of bad word pretty quickly. If a second 5X5 LTE on the PCS band addresses the min. speed issue at least at the high usage sites, until the number of Spark devices has a chance to reache a level to take the strain off the PCS band, then Sprint has a fighting chance with the overall tri-band LTE strategy (Spark). But if all the bad word of mouth about slow LTE speeds on PCS, because sprint doesn't add LTE capacity there in the near-term, Joe Public will not even consider Spark and assume it is just another Sprint catch phrase, and all the marketing in the world may be too late to save Sprint.


    Sprint brought a lot of that on themselves by overselling and under delivering on the entire Network Vision project.  They started selling LTE devices too early and launching LTE markets before a suitable number of sites were completed.  To top it all off, the coverage map on sprint.com is so over generous, it misleads customers into believing what they will experience with ANY sprint device.  This doesn't even bring into account the issues in the markets where the OEM changed and site to site handoff was a hard cut.


    If all a user cares about is their Peak speed, then have fun over at Verizon or T-Mobile or AT&T.

  3. Yeah, any news would be great.  However, I think I have come to the conclusion now that we are almost 4 months with the GN3 and they still have not solved the GN2 800 problem.  I think that it's a hardware problem and they are trying to sweep it under the rug.  I think the GN2 is now going into the dustbin of history.



    I agree Robert, I'm hoping to get something like that on record and then push for a different type of resolution.  The Sprint and Samsung pages for the Note 2 still indicate BC10 support.

  4. Out of pure frustration at my LTE speeds and the 200X PRL series, I have finally sent an email to Dan@sprint.com, I highly doubt I will get a real answer, but if anything comes of it I will let ya'll know.

    • Like 1
  5. If you want to you can follow my instructions on the S3 ROM thread (post 13) for rooting a 4.3 device, of course you'll need to swap the TWRP or CWM for your device type.  I've been using Philz CWM on the S3 as people claim it's more compatible with 4.3, all your choice of course.

    Do I need to have SuperSu and the DeKnoxer?

  6. I am currently uploading the build to my server.  If you are willing to test and meet the following requirements please send me a PM for the link.


    On a pure 4.3 OTA'd phone; meaning you have the 4.3 baseband, system, and bootloader. 

    Willing to do a factory reset and wipe all your data

    Have a custom recovery installed


    I will type up instructions later for everyone on how to root/install recovery on a pure 4.3 device and also how to install this on non 4.3 OTA'd device.  The second option is not recommended but I know people that would prefer to go this route.

    I will start working on getting my phone to pure 4.3, give me about an hour


    Just want to make sure my steps are correct, ODIN the SPH-L900_MK4_Full Restore_UNROOTED (Compressed Archive).exe from rwilco12's repo then ODIN TWRP

    • Like 1
  7. Unless Sprint and their vendors re-certify all the devices that only support 5Mhz LTE channels for 10Mhz LTE channels, then we won't see 10Mhz FDD LTE in any Sprint market for quite some time.  As Robert and AJ stated quite well, the only thing that 10Mhz FDD gives you is a higher peak speed, I'm not sure why a mobile device needs greater than 5mb/s continuous throughput.


    All of this assumes that Sprint has scaled the backhaul up for the extra LTE carriers.

    • Like 1
  8. Probably easier to just Odin over TWRP or Philz CWM. Some people claim Philz handles 4.3 better. Then flash the ROM and I would wipe data too as I do not suggest a "dirty" flash.


    No need to root or deknox since that is already done in the ROM.

    I'm downright giddy


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



  9. Did you see my question couple posts up about the 800mhz ?



    Where did you get the number of 12 MHz of 800 MHz spectrum from?

    I thought Sprint had 14Mhz of eSMR spectrum, 7Mhz FDD, Enough for 1 - 1.25 Mhz CDMA 1xA Carrier, guard band, and 1 - 5Mhz LTE Carrier.  (Both FDD of course)  In the Southeast where SouthernLinc owns some of the SMR spectrum, Sprint had enough for the CDMA 1xA Carrier and a 3Mhz LTE Carrier.

  10. The FRN for Michigan Wireless leads to PCS and AWS licenses that are linked to Bugtussel Wireless.





    Looks like a Wisconsin based company going after BEA059 license, maybe 058 too.  I love their coverage map, looks like it was made with the tools that made the first NV/LTE coverage maps here.  Wish all wireless providers had maps like that


    Edit in: no bids on 059, maybe 58 & 61

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