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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. I just renewed my contract in march, so I'm not going anywhere until 2015 (I'm on a family plan, so my share is only $45/month - otherwise I'd leave) I only use about 3-5 GB/month, so overages wouldn't be too bad.


    Besides data usage and speeds, AT&T and Verizon has more coverage, fewer dropped calls (and higher call quality) and text messages, better located stores (vs most Sprint stores are in strip malls and out-of-way locations for me), better handset selection, and entire plan discounts, (not just data re: new Sprint plans), higher customer service ratings according to JD Power. There's also a social stigma around here if you're on Sprint.


    Otherwise, it's not too bad for a cheap, low-rent carrier.

    Shit, for all your complaints, why are you with Sprint? I haven't read all your posts, but everything is negative thus far.


    If you worry about the "social stigma" of your wireless carrier then I think I'm done trying to educate you with facts. I look to my service providers for service, not social status.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4



    • Like 14
  2. Someone else who's considering switching to Sprint is getting speeds comparable to my home internet on AT&T: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4408-questions-about-returning-to-sprint/



    Via a tier data plan that he complained about going over on every month.  I bet if Sprint was tiered data, you could get a bit higher speeds.  5Mhz FDD is max'd out at 37.5mb/s rather than the 75mbps for 10Mhz FDD that the red and blue death stars have, but when they limit your data, good luck.  Sprint is adding an additional 5Mhz FDD LTE in SMR that will help split the load for upcoming devices, plus they are adding 20Mhz TDD LTE in the BRS spectrum that new devices will utilize.  If you find that the Sprint network can't meet your speed/e-penis needs, then don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.  Have fun with tier'd data and overages

    • Like 7
  3. It is probably something with the phone; signal updates are broadcast all at once; i.e. any change in 1X, EVDO, or LTE signal will trigger fresh values of all 3. The app has no control over the frequency of data updates, the device is supposed to broadcast signal changes as they occur.


    Is there a thread anywhere about Note 2 RIL issues? Are they CM-specific?



    Yes, CM Specific, they've been working on this RIL since May.  For over a month, due to RIL blobs, LTE would be lost after a reboot.  We had times where the signals didn't work at all.  I believe the root is the entire family of devices trying to be under a single RIL.


    As always awesome app and thanks for the follow up

  4. Most of the upgrades and construction won't be done until the end of 2014. I can't upgrade my phone until 2015 - so  no 800 or 2.5 for me (unless I smash my phone). Still, 10+ mbps is still a bit laggy for everyday use.


    Serious, 10mbps is laggy?!?!? What world are you living in?!?!?!  I know many people that can't get their type of wired services into their homes.  If you need more than 10mbps for "everyday use" then you need a solution that none of the current mobile providers can guarantee you!

    • Like 9
  5. Anyone know what's going on with the tower located near the m6 and 96 intersection? It has been broadcasting 4g for some time now, but the past couple days a crane had been up there and I have 0 sprint service.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4

    I'm hoping for some TD-LTE going up or maybe there was a problem trying to bring the SMR spectrum online.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4



  6. I want the Note 3 to have a 5000 mah battery



    5000 mah is about right for a phone with an 1080p HD screen and LTE. 3100 mah is barely tolerable now.




    My Note 2 is dead about the time I get back to work from lunch.


    What the actual...?!?!? What are ya'll running that is eating your batteries so fast?!?!  My Note 2 lasts all day for me unless I'm using it as an e-reader, then its 75% of the day.  You need to get BetterBatteryStats from the Play Store and monitor what WakeLocks are eating your battery, then have those developers clean up their apps.

  7. Welp, I'm gonna need to know how much bandwidth a 1X carrier has now...


    Aha! Exactly what I needed. So ~222 Mbps + (90 Mbps) * 3 [we're still splitting in to three sectors, right?] = ~492 Mbps. So that's ~51.2 times more bandwidth than a single EV-DO carrier.


    Edit: I suppose I should update my math for proper sigfigs. (37.5) * 3 * 2 + (90.0) * 3 = 495, or ~51.6 times.

    Still don't have EVDO and 1xA traffic in there, so toss on a few more Mbps

  8. You're really on SID 4126. What is happening is that the SID and NID are being interpreted on the Samsung RIL as they are hexadecimal values, although the RIL reports them as decimal.  Nightly CM builds dated 20130720 and earlier should be fine.


    EDIT: I reported this to the relevant Gerrit code review; hopefully the change will be backed out. The latest patch for the HTC RIL has a similar problem too, although it hasn't made it into CM yet (probably because they're busily working to integrate the Android 4.3 code dump).


    I just realized that all last weekend and in the parking ramp today that SignalCheck said I was roaming on AT&T.  That is great and all except that I only roam on VZW :)

  9. Link plz. I might try it out later. I will admit, I'm enjoying having engineering screens again.


    I'm thinking of trying to restore "HiddenMenu.apk" to a CM-based ROM, and then using SignalCheck Pro to launch it, and see if it works. If so, engineering screens on AOSP!


    I've been working with the maintainer on the HiddenMenu.apk for all kinds of stuff including the PRL updates, but no luck yet.


    The RIL blobs are at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=43625452&postcount=1239, if you have working LTE on AOSP, then replace these in the system\lib and fix the permissions, after a reboot you should keep LTE.  If you are on Stock, download a nightly, then edit the zip and put these in the build in system/lib.  I also toss the VVM.apk into system/app.  Then flash along with the gapps.


    You should be golden :)


    Scott has a pull request in to revert to these older blobs in the nightlies, but that is tied to a request for a new device and both will get processed together.

    • Like 1
  10. Because, for example, the CM RILs for the Note II have been unable to properly authenticate with 4G LTE for some time.


    Not only that, you lose access to the phone's engineering screens, as well as things like (on the Note II) the ability to write any PRL you want.


    Custom roms are fun, but there are tradeoffs.

    This is actually do to Samsung RIL blobs they are using.  The older RIL blobs are available at xda and fix the issue (from a clean flash).  I just toss them into an CM zip i flash before I flash it.

  11. 16678 isn't a Sprint SID.  I don't even see it in the PRL nor is it assigned to anyone that I can find.  Sounds like another bogus CM thing.



    Go ahead and post it here so if there any doubts it can be discussed. I don't need a screenshot, just the SID, what network you're seeing, and what network you think it should be and why.


    Like digiblur and a couple others have mentioned, there are some things in progress on the CM nightlies right now that are causing weird values..




    I'm on a CM nightly, so that is very possible, I know the RIL changes have been very frequent recently.


    The 1xRTT stats are SID: 16678, NID: 5, BID: 923

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