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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. This would be awesome for my situation. I'm in a semi-rural area on an MSC boundary. My calls don't handoff well between the two sites and we deal with a lot of cell breathing. CDMA800 will be very helpful when it shows up, but until then I could hook my phone to my hotspot for reliable calling.


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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  2. I just got caught up on this thread and read Robert's excellent post from 1/17 about Sprint and NV.  I'd really like to see Sprint start micro-managing these vendors and regions better.  Each market needs an NV manager, then break the markets into cities or regions based on number of sites behind schedule.  Assign a manager to each of these regions.  These managers need to either light a fire under the contractor who is holding up the site or find a new one.  In West Michigan, we are lacking backhaul all over the place.  There are plenty of smaller ISPs, microwave vendors, AAVs that could have had a temporary backhaul solution in place months ago.  Then either allow the Macro/Corp vendor to get permanent backhaul in place or convert the temporary backhaul into a permanent solution.  These people and temporary solutions cost money, but it will also keep Sprint from loosing too many more customers.


    Sprint needs to sell NV2.0 for LTE coverage (LTE800) and speed (LTE2500/2600), but don't forget to complete NV1.0 and get LTE on every legacy Sprint site, along with NV CDMA and CDMA800.

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  3. I know that 800LTE and Spark are the big things now with NV2.0, but I'd really like to see Sprint finish NV1.0 in West Michigan (and everywhere else too).  Too many sites are still 3G only or 3G/800.  Sprint needs to assign a manager to each and every market to micro-manage these deployments.  For the most part it appears to be backhaul that is the hold up.  If the Corporate/Macro contract is as far behind as it appears, then Sprint needs to engage whatever legal/contractual outs they have and start working with other vendors.  This is an assumption, but there has to be a local ISP or microwave vendor that can get equipment in place to get these sites online in a month or two.  Secondly, with part of West Michigan being in the IBEZ, it would be really nice to know which sites are slotted for CDMA800/LTE800.  You can war drive to all the local sites and look for the antennas/RRUs, but if Sprint would actually note what technologies are on each site, a consumer would know what to expect in a given area.  It would be an excellent use of that network.sprint.com website.  While 90% of their customers would have no idea what it meant, it could be an educational resource to teach customers about the network and what to expect.

  4. Everybody and I mean everybody is back to work in downtown Lansing finally, data is back to the pre-holiday/snow storm crawl. ;)


    I really wish we could find out what the hold up is on getting the backhaul to the lugnut site downtown.  I can only assume that at&t is the fiber vendor, but no one really knows.  There are many mature businesses down there and the area has undergone multiple utility infrastructure upgrades in the recent past.  At&t may be overburdened or there is probably another completely logical reason.

  5. Going to stock 4.3 ensures that your phone gets everything intended for 4.3. Flashing from 4.1.2 to a custom 4.3 your phone will miss more than what just a Modem/Firmware zip covers.



    You will lose root doing our steps, but do not recommend using Kingo. Their are reports all over on how unsecure their process is and I'm not talking about bricking your phone. There is a simple 3 step process to get root and only need ODIN to put the recovery in place.


    I can't say how your apps are going to restore to 4.3 using TB. I don't see it being a problem. Make sure your not saving any system applications though.

    However, won't that trigger knox?


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



  6. Hahahaha. digiblur and I briefly talked about it. I want the ROM to continue to be called digiblurROM. You'll just see my credits around.


    In terms of trying other ROMs, try to stay away from LORJAY's Stock MK4 Deodex. It screws the Sales Code and requires going back to 4.1.2 and OTA-ing back to 4.3. PITA!!!


    I've been from 4.3 back to 4.1.2 probably 5 times since Wednesday. Trust me, this ROM will be what you expect from digiblurROM.

    We appreciate the effort and dedication. Btw, what is the sales code?


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



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