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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/04/14/android-4-4-3-build-ktu48f-for-the-nexus-5-should-start-rolling-out-today-according-to-sprint/


    What a day for an OTA – specifically, Android 4.4.3 for the Nexus 5. Sprint has updated its support page to indicate KTU48F is dropping today, which we understand to be the rumored 4.4.3 release. There is a Sprint-specific tweak in this update, but the software should also be hitting N5s that aren't connected to the Sprint network at the same time.


    • Enable Sprint Spark band 26 and band 41
    • Misc Android updates


  2. A new version was just pushed out to the beta crew; the force closes should be resolved--digiblur wins the prize for correct diagnosis! There were also numerous other issues that I discovered along the way when I activated a few different phones on my Sprint account today for testing, so this should be more stable.


    Those with HTC phones should see a much cleaner LTE display now as well, without multiple GCI's showing up if you are running Android 4.2+. HTC users will see the LTE UL/DL channels if it's available, and the proper band 25, 26, and 41 frequencies should display. Other LTE bands will not show the frequencies yet; each band is calculated differently, so I have a lot to do for that. Shout out to AJ for helping me out with that earlier today.


    Thanks for your patience everyone.. and at the moment I'm all set with more beta testers, but I'm humbled by the enthusiasm my last post triggered! As soon as I'm confident the beta is stable, you will all get it.. just a few more days..



    Oh it's good to be back!


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk



    • Like 2
  3. Works as it should on my Nexus 5...


    Crashes on my Note 2 just like the others. Tried clearing everything and reinstalling the app, but nothing seems to work. I'm on a stock/rooted 4.3 build (MK4), not on Digiblur ROM like the others.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 using Tapatalk 4 HD.


    Turning off LTE allows it to function.  It is something in the LTE interaction that is causing the crash.


    I had SCP running and as soon as I reenabled LTE, it crashed

    • Like 1
  4. The 800 not going east of the Grand Rapids Metro is most likely a Public Safety Agency in Central or East Michigan who has not vacated Sprint's spectrum yet. The FCC will give extensions for public safety agencies for freaking ever it seems. Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

    I never thought about it from that perspective.  I saw the maps you put together for the Sprint SMR spectrum and assumed it was fully available.

  5. It is going to take Tri-band being launched and blanketed in West Michigan for me to get off my Note 2.  With not having HSI at home, my phone is my source of internet (not tethering) so I'm using it and talking on it all the time.  SvLTE is very important to me.


    The bugaboo with West Michigan is the cell site spacing, SMR should be helping, but looking at the maps, I'm very confused why Sprint has not aggressively rolled out SMR voice west of Alto.  You can get to the East side of Lansing and stay out out the IBEZ.  Most of the sites in Lansing have multiple RRUs for both PCS and SMR, but the equipment is just hanging out unused.  It would also help the severe data congestion in downtown if additional voice and data carriers were available for early adopters to utilize.  Also, getting the SMR voice carrier up might clear up enough PCS spectrum to get an additional LTE carrier (however, I think there is a spare 5Mhz FDD if I remember AJ's analysis correctly).



    It might end up costing you a lot of money to do so, just FYI.


    $35 restocking fee x 2 + $36 Activation Fee x 3 = $178!


    Additionally, many stores will only let you exchange once within the 14-day return window. Returns count against the store in Sprint's eyes, so the salespeople also will not be happy with you!

    I thought with returns in the 14 day window you didn't get hit with additional activation fees

  7. You'd think they'd be coming out with some kind of new solution this year.....August if I remember right is the 2 year anniversary of the P-Q release.  I kept hoping the Droid 5 rumors would be indicative of a Sprint derivative to succeed the Q, but if I find out that the company that's making the GS4 keyboards makes one for the 5 as well I may decide to go that route.


    As for the LG stuff, I've done a bunch of searching and while I can find BT keyboards, I can only find keyboard slider cases like the above for the GS4 and iPhone unfortunately.

    My wife just got a replacement PQ after dropping hers while running.  Mom's is still running great, just the lettering is rubbing off the keys.  Hopefully we'll see a Droid 5 triband variant soon.

    • Like 1
  8. Still working with TRV on the data issues in Downtown Lansing.  On positive, the site near Grange Rd (96, Eagle/Westphalia exit) went live with LTE over the weekend.  One less drop into 3G for me :)  Just need some eSMR service from that site now.

    Still pestering TRV weekly on downtown Lansing data issues.  Not sure is this is an anomaly or sign of things to come but getting 50-80ms ping, .50-1.0Mbps down and 1.54 Mbps up on 3G from the LugNut this morning.  Hoping that the fibre has been hooked up and they will light up LTE in the next day or so.


    It was an anomoly on the 3G side, back to 230+ms pings with 0.03Mbps down and 0.06Mbps up

  9. Hey All,


    Posting this here because I'm interested in a more local perspective. I'll be in the market for a new phone soon, and one of my priorities will be RF performance. Specifically comparing the LG G2, the Nexus 5 and the HTC M8. I travel a lot for work, but the bulk of my time is spent near the I-94 corridor (between Battle Creek and St. Joseph) or the US-131 corridor (between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids), with occasional excursions outside that range (Jackson/Lansing areas). I'm looking for local experiences/ recommendations for any of the three phones listed above, particularly with the tri-band performance or issues. There are obviously other differences between them, but those are more easily judged by a hands-on examination in the store.


    Thanks in advance for any advice/opinions.

    I got my Dad an Nexus 5 at Thanksgiving and I'm thoroughly impressed with the RF performance, it tops my Note 2, which is the best RF device I've ever used.  In West Michigan, you need a strong RF performer as the region was built by iPCS and the tower spacing is terrible.  SMR/800Mhz CDMA is helping a lot, but it is only on east of Portland.


    My wife and mom have the Photon 4g LTE, while it is not the strongest RF device, it is not bad and serves them very well for their physical keyboard needs.


    If I had had the space cash, I would have bought an N5 from Google Play last fall to replace my Note 2.

    • Like 2
  10. So no rumors on any new devices for Sprint that have a physical keyboard?  My mom is upgrade eligible, but she still loves her keyboard.


    Might have to go S4Triband with one of those keyboard cases or S5 if a keyboard case is released.

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