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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Specs are average and being on an Android release two versions behind at launch is a knife in the back.  If you want to stand out in the smartphone game, you need to be on top of those updates.  Release with the latest and greatest software versions, then stay on top of them.  Easiest way to do that is stop with the huge skins and stick close to stock Android.


    This device sounds great in theory, but it's a pass for now.\


    Edit In:


    Whoops, looks like this is 4.4.2, not 4.2.2.  That makes the OS a bit better, hopefully they can stay on top of the releases and keep it up to date.  Specs are still midrange.  Only 8GB ROM, 1.5 GB RAM?  Not a device that will be very friendly to large storage and memory apps.  Bare minimum should be 16GB ROM and 2GB RAM for what could be a "flagship" device.

  2. I still have mine and it is over 2 years old and running strong on Kit Kat. I use it for podcast and one handed operation at work and my Note 3 for web browsing videos and everything else. Does anyone have an opinion on what tri-band phone has the best RF performance besides the Nexus 5 that is good for one handed use ?

    Galaxy S4T is the best RF device I've ever used.

  3. Afternoon,

    I've lost the LTE speeds in Downtown Detroit.

    Over the last week, I'm averaging around .4 MB down.  LTE coverage is still pretty solid (4-5 bars).


    I've updated my PRL and profile.  No difference.


    Do you know if there is any work around the Ren Cen?





    Sounds like what we were dealing with in Downtown Lansing until the LugNut site got lit up.  The existing LTE sites are over subscribed, either the backhaul or air link can't keep up.  If additional cell sites are not being activated, then you need to start looking for B41 to offload or secondary carriers in B25 to offload.

  4. EDIT: Forgot about your B41 issue. That's Samsung's fault; you'll probably always see 310120 instead of the correct 311870/311490 because their enginerrs can't seem to get that fixed. Try installing Sasmsung's Refresh app fix and see if it resolves it: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.refreshDevice




    Beware of that refresh app, i used it to get the PLMN reporting properly, but it also reset all my device settings, screens, icons, etc.

  5. So I went and looked at the tower in Athens, MI  and it only looks like there is only 1 RRU per antenna, unless I can't see the second one. Does this mean this site won't be getting 800MHz LTE? The tower climbers said they were installing 2.5GHz equipment, but I don't seem to see those up there either. I wasn't able to get the best pictures since I was taking photos with my phone. 


    If you see only 1 RRU then it is a Band 25 site only.  I'm not sure where Athens is at, but you could be within the 100 mile boundry of Canada and IBEZ or on an MSC boundry.  I know of a site in Portland and Muliken that are on the Lansing/Grand Rapids MSC boundry, they are Band 25 only.  That is the only odd thing about them.

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