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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Do you think that Sprint should just throw the doors wide open, putting the responsibility upon the end users by allowing any and all bring your own devices -- even those that may be greatly compromised in Sprint centric CDMA2000 band class or LTE band capabilities?



    My thought is that if a device is clean (not stolen, etc) and supports all the Sprint's bands, why not?  If a user has an older device that doesn't support the current communication bands, then don't allow it.


    Shouldn't Sprint be able to get a list of IMEI's from the manufactures of devices that support the two CDMA2000 and three LTE bands (well 5 or 6 if you include CCA)?

    • Like 1
  2. I love the new LTE # feature in the status bar. To be able to see the LTE band number there is awesome. I am consistently in 4 LTE bands with AT&T. This is really neat. It's what I always wanted. Merry Christmas to me!!!


    I know this was a lot of work since each band would have unique images for every number. Good job!

    agreed, just a glance showed me a new B41 site either live or in testing that i'm just barely connecting to at the office.

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  3. Tapatalk is killing me, four or five posts from yesterday got lost...


    I need a spectrum analyzer to see what Sprint is currently using in the B block 30mhz.


    New theory on the lugnut site. I don't see any new antennas, however it looks like the camouflaged pre-NV antennas may have been removed. The boom crane was still there, but all packed up when I left work. Hopefully they cine back today or Monday to do more work.


    Edit in: confirmed legacy antennas were removed. No weekend work or anything today, boom lift is still there. This site needs B41 so bad, I really hope they come back to install it.

  4. I wonder if they could be the PCIs for USCC B5 LTE sites? The device is seeing them but can't fully connect yet because the roaming agreement hasn't been finalized?



    lol trust me thats were i jumped to initially ;) just trying to rule stuff out first..... but yes, assuming these are real signals, i don't believe they are coming from sprint sites.....

    My thought was a different network, but perhaps a management or testing network.  However, if your device is enabled for a multitude of LTE bands, then the radio could very easily see these other signals.  I remember Digiblur having screenshots of his N5 trying to connect to CSpire, then moving on due to authentication failing.

  5. I don't do auto pay for anything, I don't like giving the ability to companies to access my bank account it whatever they see fit.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    Everything gets tracked in quicken and reminders are a week to 10 days in advance of a bills due date.  I have some things that are auto pays but its my account sending a preset amount, not the company grabbing money.

  6. I wonder what will happen with the protection sites in Iron Mountain, Ishpeming, Ironwood, Sault Ste Marie, Marquette, and Houghton/Hancock up in da U.P.?  Sprint has no native coverage up there, could shuttering the protection lead to license questions from the FCC?  Would Sprint make a small network in the urban areas of those towns with full build NV sites?  Will they toss up B41 LTE that is data only (until VoLTE)?

  7. Do they have the spectrum to deploy a second PCS LTE carrier in Lansing?


    Using Nexus 5 on Tapatalk

    If I remember from talking to AJ in the past, the spectrum in Lansing is from the Detroit 30Mhz block and there should be enough.


    Boom crane has been up and down again, now working on the other side. I'm wondering if they are swapping out one of the NV1.0 antennas for an NV2.0 antenna, still just two antennas per sector.

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