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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Why not go for the S7? Sure it's more out of pocket today, but the addition of WATERPROOFING is good for any mom. Plus latest is always the best bet especially since the S7 is 8 months old and that S6 is 1 yr 8 mos old.  Don't you love your mom???  Don't old tech her. 


    But ANY phone will be better than that S4T.  Samsung never solved that memory leak issue on the S4 devices.  They should have never existed, IMO.  Worst phone they've made.  On my wife's S6, she complains about the battery life, but quick charging helps that quite a bit.  Other than that, a very solid phone still. 



    It does but it was still a hassle for me. And the battery life anxiety.


    I second the call for Galaxy S7 at least. Water resistance, better camera, and microSD support is great. I sold mine not too long ago.


    Sent from my SM-G935U using Tapatalk


    We are looking at a two year subsidy upgrade for both her and my Dad.  They won't let me buy them phones and they don't have $400 to shell out for phones.  Neither are power users, just Facebook, pictures, games, etc.  I know the S6 is a generation old, but at $49.99 for a 64gb phone, it will be more than enough space for their use.  I'd be shocked if it didn't get a 7.0 or 7.1 upgrade.

  2. Around the same screen size. Just better design faster processor and 2x CA so speeds up to about 100+ mbps in certain areas


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk



    And 1440P quad hd screen vs 1080P in the S4


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

    Connectivity comparison?

  3. What I did to avoid buying a bunch of new chargers was use the OEM charger in the living room, where I would want the max charge rate since I'd most likely be plugging in just to top off or something.  Then I put one of my old QC2.0 chargers in my bedroom where I don't care how fast it charged since it would have 4-8hr to charge while I was sleeping. 

    I keep the rapid charger at home, it moves rooms as needed ;)  I have the A-C cable in my laptop bag and I throw it on the charger for my hotspot when needed at the office.  Once I have an appropriate car charger, I should be all set.

    • Like 1
  4. The charge profile can be different from one QC device to another and your MXP does charge faster 0 - 100% but the battery size is probably the gap. I can't find the chart but there was a good one where it showed a charge mah graph and it was quit interesting to see how some where VERY steep and then fell off while others where steep but stayed very steady up to the last 10%. To do a better comparison, you'd want to do a side by side from the same battery level and charge for x number of minutes and see what battery level is. 


    If you go here http://www.phonearena.com/news/Phones-with-quick-charge-the-fastest-charging-from-0-to-100-2016-edition_id81675 you can see comparisons of the top phones for 2016 but you can also add in the MXP (bottom of the chart) which I did and it scores a 76 which is great but given the smaller battery size, I don't think it really matters but there isn't much else going on with our 6P's so why not. :)


    Here is a good read and from what I can tell Moto tweaks their charging profile different than most. http://www.androidauthority.com/which-phone-charges-the-fastest-660181/  You can also see the profile for the 6P which just gives a visualization of what we already know. 


    All great info there, thanks for sharing.  ordered a new car charger today to get the "Rapid Charging" on the go, need to get a new charger for the office too :)

    • Like 2
  5. I would stand to reason it is due to the smaller battery in the MXPE? 3000 mAh compared to 3450mAh.

    Doing some Ampere comparisons, my MXPE typically charged in the 3100-3300mah with i think 3600mah as a max, on the N6P, I've seen a max of 3050mah and it is typically in the 1800-2300mah charging range.  Watching the phone charge right now its been stable at 1950mah which is the current max with a min of 1160mah.

    • Like 1
  6. Why are you missing QC2? IIRC, USB-C charges faster than QC2 though it's been awhile since I measured charge voltage on my 6P, I was pretty concerned about it too when I first got it back when it first came out. 

    Just based on observed charge times and watching the charging meter in Android OS.  I could get about a 90% charge on the MXPE in 45 mins, takes probably an hour and a half on the N6P with the included charger.  Also, looking at the expected charging line in Android, the MXPE line is a much steeper graph indicating a much faster increase in battery percentage.

    • Like 1
  7. Having this device for just over a week and all my reviews are very positive except the lack of Miracast and QuickCharge 2.0.  Band switching is very fast, on par or faster than my Moto X Pure Edition.  This thing loves Band 26 and stays on it in many places that I would drop to to 3g or 1x.  Data sessions are much more stable, on the MXPE, many times I would have an icon for an LTE connection, but data would never actually flow.  The bump for the camera is much smaller than I expected and not an eye sore at all.  I love Android N and the Finger Print scanner for unlocking.  I can't wait for more apps to integrate finger print authentication.

    • Like 1
  8. I was able to activate in minutes on the website with my SIM from the MXPE.  Love this phone save for one thing, Google disabled Wi-Fi Direct Miracast in the build.prop.  I wish I had known that before i ordered.  I looked at the wikipedia page for the comparison of Nexus devices and Miracast was not listed as removed.  We don't have High Speed Internet where we live, so a Chromecast is not an option (trust me, I've tried everything).  I'm guessing my only option is to root and modify the build.prop to enable the service.  The downfall there is that I can't take monthly OTA security patches because the system is now modified.


    Is there any other way to screen mirror this device?  I've read that HDMI via USB-C is not supported.


    Very impressed how this thing latches on to B26, however, it doesn't want to let go and the B26 sites around me are few/far between.  It gets a little laggy until switching to B25 or B41.

  9. S4GRU is honored at the request, and we appreciate the praise.  However, an FCC OET tested RF article probably is not forthcoming.  For several reasons, the article series largely has been put to bed.


    Our FCC OET articles used to attract easily over 10,000 readers.  That number has since dropped by around 75 percent, making the time and effort put into the articles seem less worthwhile.


    And then on certain articles, people have gone on to say that we are "wrong," that handset X has strong or weak real world performance.  S4GRU cannot control the uplink RF figures submitted to the FCC.  To have people argue with them or dismiss them based on their personally biased experiences questions the reasons for writing the objective articles in the first place.


    Finally, the gist of the RF measurements and capabilities (e.g. 3x CA, VoLTE, etc.) usually gets written into a preview or user thread anyway.



    Sadly, it seems like a lot of the S4GRU numbers have dropped as the NV upgrades have mostly completed and the internal information sources have dried up.  There is still a wealth of information here, but the daily usage is slim to none. :(

  10. So just pay the ETF and these 2 iphones will be unlocked and ready for use with T-Mobile?? Seems way to easy but that would be awesome if true.

    If you pay the ETF then you are free to go, I have no clue on the unlocking.  It might be a waiting period before Sprint will do the unlock.  According to the Sprint site on unlocking (i bolded the 3 lines that might be your catches).  I'm not a Sprint employee, just going off from available info.


    Unlocking for Domestic Usage

    Sprint will unlock a device from Sprint's network under the following circumstances:

    • The device is Domestic SIM Unlock capable
    • The device must be or have been active on the Sprint network for a minimum of 50 days
    • Any associated Service Agreement, Installment Billing Agreement, or Lease Agreement has been fulfilled including payment in full of any applicable early termination fees or end-of-lease purchase options. Because leased devices are not owned by the user, the end of lease purchase option must be exercised and paid in full before the Domestic SIM unlock is completed.
    • The associated account is in good standing
    • The device has not been reported as lost or stolen, associated with fraudulent activity, or otherwise flagged as ineligible to be unlocked

    For domestic SIM unlockable ("DSU") devices launched after February 2015, Sprint will automatically unlock the device when it becomes eligible. Please note that a domestic SIM unlock will also enable your device to be used internationally using a foreign carrier's SIM card.

    For inactive devices, customers must contact Sprint Customer Care to request that their DSU-capable device be unlocked and may have to take steps to perform an over-the-air update to ensure the unlock programming has been relayed to the device. Additional validation may be required to ensure eligibility.

    Sprint makes no guaranty that an unlocked device will work on another carrier's network. Whether another carrier will accept and activate a device is subject to that carrier's policies and capabilities. Additionally, Sprint devices which the owner has attempted to reprogram or activate on another carrier's network or otherwise altered from its initial programming or settings may not be able to be reactivated on the Sprint network.

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