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Posts posted by jefbal99

  1. Picked up a Galaxy Tab E, some of the system shortcuts don't work.


    Data/EPST and Debug/Engineering give a Toast notification "Screens may note be available on this device"


    Looking at the System Apps, IOTHiddenMenu exists, however, I can't get it to launch with a Shortcut app.  There is a metric ton of things under IOTHiddenMenu including Debug, CAEnabled, etc.


    Had to go into the Calculator and enter a string to launch DRParser Mode, from there I was able to use codes to access Debug and Data :)

    • Like 1
  2. I picked up a Tab E yesterday, at 8" its the perfect size.  So far, my hatred for TouchWiz is staying below the surface, however, in the long run I can see myself looking for a CM variant.


    Device is updated to 6.0.1 with the Sept security patches.  Very current, I don't believe its a CA device, but I can't figure out how to get to Debug, the Shortcut from SCP doesn't work.Data Menu shows CA is disabled, not sure why, need to get MSL


    Found this to get into a hidden menu with the calculator, but its not the radio info...




    Open Calculator and type in (+30012012732+


    Opens DRParser Mode


    Working Codes


    • *#0*# LCD Tests
    • * #1234# to check software version of Tab 3
    • *#12580*369# to check software and hardware information.
    • *#0228# Battery status (ADC, RSSI reading)
    • ##786# to open RTN menu
    • ##33284# DEBUG!!!!!!!

    • ##3282# DATA!!!!!!

    • *#0011# – Network info


  3. Any reviews on this device?  With the new $20 psuedo unlimited data plan on a tablet, I'm thinking about picking one up.  Sad that Sprint onyl has three android tablets and the HP Slate devices appear to be trash...


    Was this upgraded to Marshmallow?  Is this on the docket for a Nougat upgrade?

    • Like 1
  4. Now what to do with all the accessories I bought for this thing? More trash and what the heck is Samsung doing with all these phones? They going to scrape them or are they just going in a landfill?

    T-Mobile announced that any accessories purchased from them could be returned with the phone.  I would expect all carrier to exchange accessories purchased from them.  Stuff purchased 3rd party, reach out to the seller/manufacturer.  Once you select a new device, I'd think they'd want to keep a customer and help you out.


    Hopefully Samsung recycles as much of the REE as possible.

  5. I loved my Galaxy Note 2, still possible the best device I've ever used.  I hope that Samsung investigates this and finds a root cause, however, I'm guessing that will never be released publicly.


    If not for my hatred of TouchWiz, I would have bought one of these when my MXPE was destroyed in late August

  6. If the Note 7 ends up getting recalled again, I have a bit of a dilemma. If the S7 edge had 64GB of storage, I would gladly exchange my Note 7 for it. I really love having that much on device storage. My question is, if I just return my Note 7 to Sprint or Best Buy, will Sprint reset my contract to give me back my upgrade to use at a later date? I think I just may wait for the S8 edge at this point as long as my upgrade doesn't get lost. I'm guessing the S8 devices will also get 64GB of storage.


    Edit: I still have my Note 5 to go back to if I have to send the Note 7 back, so I have a good back up phone, if need be.


    Sent from my SM-N930P using Tapatalk

    Samsung has announced that they are permanently halting production and sales of the Note 7, this device is literally toast

  7. I'm a little disappointed, specifically in regards to no wireless charging or water resistance (and of course price).


    Also, I haven't seen anything to indicate that these will be open to mods, so while I do think it likely ala nexus style, you may want to wait for confirmation if that is something specific you are expecting.

    jcase and evleaks on twitter were both speculating that the Verizon version would be botloader locked, but the google play version would be unlocked.

  8. So my dad and his buddy got these and man do we all really dislike that LG "skin" on Android.  Having all the apps on the home screens, with no app drawer is not a good look.  Everything just felt so cluttered.  I put the Google Now launcher on it for my Dad as he was coming from a Nexus 5 and it will be a similar look at feel.


    That LG skin may be worse than Samsung's TouchWiz

  9. Everything impacts the network. Thanks to Net Neutrality, you can either consider all data usage necessary or 'unnecessary'. If you want to say speed tests are unnecessary, then you have to say the same for all data being used over the network, including streaming apps that negatively affect speed tests. (see what I did there?)


    The point is that this negative stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to cause a long term burden on a cell.

    Data usage on an app that servers a purpose is completely different than data usage just to show how fast a connection is.  From a diagnostic perspective, a speed test can provide useful data if there is a problem, however, outside of that its just like burning gas in your car revving the engine to see who's is the loudest or burying the accelerator from a red light turning green to be faster than the car next to you.  It's cool and all, but a waste of your resource.


    An app that usefully uses data is a much better use of the resource.

  10. I find that hard to believe as Netflix builds cache for their streams. I can shut off my router and Netflix will still run for a few seconds before it completely stops. If what you claim is true, than your internet speeds are already below 1 Mbps.


    Having said that, you streaming Netflix is more detrimental to the network than a few speed tests that won't go on for more than a few minutes. Most Netflix shows are longer than ~21 minutes while movies are 90+ Minutes. Speed tests don't last that long and half of a speed test is only download while the other half is upload. So maybe don't complain about speed tests if you're watching Netflix....just saying.

    Netflix was an example, any streaming app can and is impacted by unnecessary data usage


    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

  11. Please explain. Most speed tests don't last over 30 seconds (with half of that time dedicated to download). How can one quick burst of data usage negatively impact your user experience??? You're more likely to suffer from slower speeds via signal degradation/interference than from someone running a speed test near you.

    In my neighborhood, we are almost exclusively Sprint as high speed internet is not available to us.  We actually did some tests with one person running netflix, others doing speed tests, then two and three streaming video and others doing speed tests.


    We got very used to seeing the red spinning circle as soon as those speed tests fired off.  We had a random smattering of Samsung Galaxies, iPhone, LGs, etc.


    The speed tests pulling a huge burst of data negatively impacted the users of services and when multiple devices were running tests, everyone was impacted.

  12. Are they going to sit there all day comparing speed tests??? I doubt the e-penis measuring contests last longer than 5 minutes, at most. Does it affect the network, sure. But only for a short period of time.


    This stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to gravely impact a network.

    I disagree with this, I've seen speedtests negatively impact experience multiple times.  Unless you are doing a diagnostic test, there is no need to a speed test unless your are into measuring contests...

    • Like 2
  13. Well crap, tried to place an order and it is sold out....

    Well, the plot has thickened...


    Talked with chat and other methods trying to get the S6 at the 49.99 price point last week to no avail.  Checked again this morning and its still on the website, but for $1.00 now?!?!  Tried to order again and it still wouldn't let me.


    Was scrolling through the other Android devices and saw the LG G5 was down to $1 with a contract upgrade.  Kept scrolling and noticed a 128GB S6 that was $1 on contract upgrade.  Low and behold, that thing was available and got an order placed!




    Edit in: drat, tried to go back yesterday afternoon and get one for my Dad (didn't order in the AM as he has talked about switching providers, wanted to make sure he was good with a 2yr agreement) and both black and white are out of stock.

    • Like 2
  14. My 7 showed up today. I had it running google maps for about a 2 hour drive and it seemed to stay connected to LTE much better throughout the trip than my 6 did previously. My 6 would often get stuck on 1x and 3G whenever it was actively trying to load data (constantly loading the map as I am driving). Not sure if this is due to the new phone, new carrier update with iOS 10 or both.

    Are you using apple maps or google maps?  I know there was a change on the Google Maps/Android side in the past year where the app downloads the entire route when you start and only grabs changes to the route as needed and adjusts it then.


    I have no experience with the Apple Maps...

  15. It could be - Sprint is making the choice to leave B26 power levels low. With B26, well optimized I have seen it eclipse the range of the CDMA1900 network (once or twice in massachussets). If all B26 sites were optimized this way, Sprint could easily deploy VoLTE.

    There are still many areas that CDMA BC10 far out reaches LTE B26, I'd love to see B26 maxed out, but I fear that the 5x5 carrier would get overloaded much too quickly.


    Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

  16. I have no inside knowledge whatsoever but my guess is the CDMA version is using Qualcomm baseband and the non-CDMA version is using Intel baseband. The CDMA version is sold in the US for Sprint, VZ and in China


    Apple has always had a different SKU for CDMA. Even if the physical hardware were the same anyone who ships CDMA support has to pay an extra royalty to Qualcomm, thus multiple SKUs.


    At some point soon Sprint needs to drop CDMA as a requirement for new devices.

    Sprint can't drop CDMA as a requirement until they are ready to shutdown their CDMA voice network.  Every phone call on Sprint (remember they are a phone company) goes through CDMA.  Seeing as the first part of NV was to replace all the CDMA equipment with new stuff, I can't see it getting shutdown in the next 7-10 years.  Sprint's network isn't dense enough to support VoLTE, especially in the non-metro areas and urban sprawl where communities have out grown the network footprint.

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