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Everything posted by Vince

  1. No. The activation fee is only for the initial purchase/activation. Swapping phones won't incur additional charges.
  2. I, too, have both an iPhone and android (5s and g2). I get bored every now and then and swap phones. Sprint.com/activate takes less than 1 minute to do the switch. No phone calls needed. It's almost faster than swapping SIM cards.
  3. Fingerprint scanner, gold color, fitness crap that won't get used, and touting it's HDR camera options? Sounds like a Galaxy S4s
  4. Why would you want to? Unless you have 10 and want 1 or 2 of your own new lines added. I have 10 and have wondered the same thing. I have 6 people that I don't even know on mine, plus myself, my wife and my brother and his wife.
  5. You can't earn income under you're ssn, and have nothing reported under your ein, right? So, it would just be this fake business that has no income being reported.
  6. It's a process. You need an ein from the irs, a Sprint business account, and a credit union account. This isn't something easily attainable. Not to mention the tax problems you face by creating a sole proprietorship just to get unlimited hotspot. This won't be abused. It's a process, not a loophole.
  7. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Does anyone know how to update this mobile print? Every other phone in my house can print to this printer except the g2. Printer is less than 3 months old. Thanks Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  8. Just that subsidies are no longer available, but easy pay is. You don't have to pay full price. Also, as an existing customer, you can make a framily, you just can't join another existing customers group plan. Just clarifying as you worded it like existing subs can't be involved in framily at all.
  9. I think you gn5 users are just reaching for anything plausible. I don't blame you. This spark update is taking way too long.
  10. Google's inventory would have nothing to do with a software release.
  11. Unfortunately, that can be true. It's too hard to pinpoint what the erroneous tweak is. You have to just start back tracking and delete things one by one while looking for an improvement in performance.
  12. Premium data charge will go, and be replaced by either nothing for 1gb, $10 for 3gb, or $20 for unlimited data and annual upgrade. Your corporate discount takes money off of your data charge only.
  13. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    It would probably be in one of the battery saver apps out there. When I first used android years ago I had an app that did just that. Can't remember the name, though. It became annoying because I like having a weather app with its alerts always watching my back, and that cut that right off.
  14. I've jail broke every iPhone I've ever owned. And they've always caused some sort of problem. Whether it be an occasional lag, or winter board crashes/random reboots. If I wanted bugs and reboots, I would use that other mobile os.
  15. I restored back to stock today. The jailbreak was causing some lag and crashing my phone. I don't want that. No reason to take the smoothest os out there and make it buggy. Maybe if someone figures out a way to load a prl I'll go back. But as it stands, I have really lost interest in jail breaking, and see no need to do it.
  16. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    It's because 99% of people don't think of it like that. Someone tells me 14 days, I instantly think 2 weeks. Vince
  17. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    It's a long story, but I couldn't return it because of sprints stupid policy. And I really don't have the money to buy something else, so I reactivated my 5s. Sprints 14 day policy is confusing, granted I procrastinated. Exactly 2 weeks (14 days) was over the limit. Apparently, they count day one. So, what you think is day 14 is really day 15. I argued with a manager for an hour about this. Vince
  18. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Between the horrible call quality, the bad Bluetooth, and the gps not locking on in many places, I had to give this phone back to Sprint. It's a shame because it really is a nice phone, and spark is ridiculously fast. Vince
  19. Not likely. A single site (or it's sector) could have maybe been bogged down by users at the exact time you were there, but as a market, it will take some time (if ever) for it to bog down. It's a larger slice of spectrum, and can accommodate more traffic. Like Robert mentioned; the site probably didn't have it a backhaul upgraded. Even 20mbps back in December would be slow on an unloaded sector. Spark is really fast, and should be in the 25-35 range, and peak in the mid-to-upper 50's. Then again, it all depends on signal, distance, users, etc.. Vince
  20. I have had an incredible amount of dropped calls this week. Mostly on the south side, a few in Harvey. Anyone else experiencing this? I've always praised Sprint for their voice quality and coverage in this area, and can't even remember my last dropped call. Probably during NV upgrades. Vince
  21. Is this a personal thing you put together? Or is this spreadsheet on this site somewhere. I'd like to take a look at that. Vince
  22. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    How is hd voice on the g2? Regular call quality is probably the worst I've ever heard on a mobile device. Vince
  23. I believe there was a cutoff of simultaneous LTE 800 installs with new equipment upgrades to sites. Older sites will require a new visit, while from X point forward, everything is installed at once. Vince
  24. Question: people coming to framily, and people that switch to framily, without device subsidy, are no longer under contact, right? If you join Sprint, sign up for framily, and bring a device, no contract, right? Thanks. This part of framily still confuses me. Vince
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