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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by Vince

  1. You must always think "average consumer" when speaking of technology. Those extra 3 clicks are a hassle to most when they can just pull their phone out of their pocket and fire off a Facebook status on LTE. I don't trust most public wifi. I'll use it for basic things, but once I have to login anywhere, the toggle goes off, and back to LTE I go. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  2. You can have a recently converted legacy tower still have the old, slow backhaul connection. The network vision equipment is now installed. Next comes a backhaul upgrade, albeit fiber or microwave link. You'll then have a 3G site with upgraded backhaul which can give you close to 3mbps if the site is unloaded. Next will come LTE. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  3. That's a beautiful sight. I actually like the layout of that widget. Do you have any shots of the actual app? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  4. Why is it premier? Is the regular signal check thread premier? Maybe it can be moved to at least the sponsor area. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  5. I don't think I've ever downgraded before. I don't use iTunes at all, and all of my backups are through iCloud. If I downgrade, will I be able to restore my iCloud backup? Any suggestions? I don't want to lose everything over this. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  6. And adding a "0" to the beginning. Also, should this app get its own thread to keep the iPhone thread clean? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  7. Cell identity is the value in field test. If you have access to it, that's what we need converted from decimal to hex. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  8. Of course I meant GCI. I was so excited that my brain shutdown on me for a second. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  9. Anyway to get the tower ID on there? I'm sick of seeing numbers in field test. If there was a way to display it/convert it, that would be great. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  10. Omg. Omg. That's what I've been dreaming of! Dude. Now I have to downgrade back to 8.1.2 and re-JB Sent from my iPhone 6+
  11. Of course there's interest. That app was the only reason I liked android. It made finding towers/bands/frequencies so much easier. Field test blows, and if I had an app similar on my iPhone, where I could just pull down the top shade and see a widget with all that info, my mobile life would be complete. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  12. I also wish one of our members could code a "SignalCheck" clone for jail broken iOS devices. All these members, and nobody writes programs? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  13. Big 4 to bring LTE to Chicago subway system http://www.lightreading.com/mobile/4g-lte/us-ops-spend-$325m-to-bring-4g-to-chicagos-subways/d/d-id/713426 Sent from my iPhone 6+
  14. A new site directly to band 41? That's nice to see. Maybe they're the norm these days, but I've yet to see one. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  15. It's definitely better than the last release. The font is that same crappy one, but maybe one point larger. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Stuff like that is too difficult to determine if it's from the update, or just network conditions, your location, etc.. There are lots of factors in place, and it could just be a mental upgrade. An iOS update in itself would not change anything on the network side (as far as I know). Only the carrier bundle can change those parameters. Really, the way the iPhone switches bands (or lack thereof) is my only gripe with Sprint these days. Network speeds are getting better every day, band 26 is everywhere, 8t8r installs are popping up literally everywhere, every day in the Chicagoland area, and no other provider can beat the price I pay for what I have. I've been told the band switching is a mixture of tower side and device side, so I don't know what to make of it. I do know, however, that the several android devices I've owned (g2, m8, n5) did a better job at bouncing between bands, so I'm positive a carrier bundle update would fix the problem. The only problem is, does anyone at Sprint or Apple notice this problem, too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. The glass ones are the easiest to install. They're hard to get used to for me because swiping up from the home button to access the control panel feels weird. I use the hinge method where I line it up perfectly, and tape down the left edge, peel the backing off, and flip it down perfectly into place. For years, I was trying to "hover" the protector onto the right position, and I never had it 100% perfect. You can look it up on YouTube for a demonstration. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Seems simple, but where is this fiber/Ethernet cable going? Say they decide to put one of these on busy Michigan Avenue in Chicago on a light post, where does it go? Seems like quite a project. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. What do you mean these are "plug-and-play?" Just power? How do they connect to the network? Or, do they just act as repeaters. Is there a lengthy permit process with these? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Us Midwesterners laugh when it snows down south. Like every year when Atlanta gets 1" of snow or a few tenths of an inch of ice, the whole city shuts down, cars get abandoned on roads, and people die. It always looks like a scene from "The Walking Dead" on the news. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I'll update just for the spotlight bug. That was driving me nuts. And I'm so upset that Sprint isn't changing the carrier bundle. This phone does not switch bands properly, and it's driving me nuts. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. What is your Sprint carrier bundle at on 8.2B4? 18.0? Or higher. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Isn't mikejeep from Boston? He was digging through SignalCheck logs outdoors when this happened: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. So these are coming up in Chicago now? Or, have they already been there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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