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Everything posted by Vince

  1. I have seen the NFC readers at card terminals all over the country for years. It's not a new technology. A few years ago, my debit card had a chip in it to wave at those things. It was kind of nice to just tap my wallet and pay. I, too, hadn't heard of Google Wallet until about a year ago. It isn't mainstream enough, and hardly gets advertised anywhere. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  2. Basically, only the iPhone 5s/5c/6/6+ will be unlocked (and work on other carriers) starting tomorrow. Other Sprint phones released from here on out will be unlocked if you meet the qualifications. http://www.sprint.com/legal/unlocking_policy.html Sent from my iPhone 6+
  3. Copied technology? Sure. Making it 100 times more popular than google wallet ever was, or ever will be? Absolutely. I'm seeing the Apple pay sticker popping up all over the place. The McDonald's by me just started using it in the drive-thru. The kid had a receiver thing on a coiled cord that he held out the window. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  4. Was it a Sprint-branded iPhone 5? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  5. I wonder if an international unlock right now would lead to a full unlock on my 6+? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  6. I call bull. I've been calling Sprint every day since the 11th, and multiple reps have repeatedly told me they can't do anything until the 19th. I just got done speaking to the nicest csr ever. She told me they literally have no software to do the iPhone DSU. She said this "magical, mystic" program is supposed to appear on the 19th, and to check the Sprint unlocking policy page on the 19th to see if it sticks, or gets pushed back. Edit: plus, it's impossible to DSU a 4s/5. Maybe they can be flashed to page plus or something? But DSU? Forget about it. The technology just isn't there. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  7. Does it have the new emojis? Middle finger? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  8. It's actually easy if you know what you're looking for. Here in Chicago, 132 is 25, and 133 is Sprint band 41. Everything else is clear. We have like 3 clear gci's. I think it's like 118,119,121 or something like that. An app would make it a hell of a lot easier, though. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  9. How is the stability on 8.3? Are any apps crashing? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  10. 18.0. Now I'm interested. Please report back if you notice your phone switching bands more often. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  11. It wouldn't make sense to do it for betas only. There are tons of legit UDID reg sites for like $5. I did it for iOS 7 while on 6 and 8 while on 7. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  12. Yep. Soon, there will be no more cheap, used iPhones for us Sprint customers from eBay, Swappa, and CL. Get 'em quick while ya can. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  13. What about a wifi strength app/widget with a nice little Easter egg that only some know about? [emoji12] Sent from my iPhone 6+
  14. Couldn't we pitch in for a developer account for him? Aren't those capable of having 100 users or "beta testers" linked to that account? That might make it legit, unless there's an expiration on how long you app can be in beta without actually moving to iTunes. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  15. I may do that. She doesn't even have her debit card linked to her account. Maybe I'll just load a $25 iTunes card and be done with it for almost 2 years. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  16. So, my wife handed me her iPhone because of an error: "your phone can not be backed up because there's not enough storage." She regularly unloads her pictures and videos onto our laptop to free up space/back them up. I tried clearing out what I could, but still couldn't get the backup under 5gb. After some digging, I discovered she had accumulated 4.7gb in text messages stored on her phone. Holy smokes! Sent from my iPhone 6+
  17. I'm just wondering what this holds for Sprint's future. Do you guys think this will hurt Sprint? Or help them gain a new customer base. Will other devices be whitelisted for Sprint to accept? How many devices are in the wild other than the iPhone 6/nexus 5 & 6 that will work on/be allowed by Sprint? Let's only look at the Sprint iPhone 6 model A1586: unlocking this phone will now make it (probably) the most valuable iPhone as far as resale compared to the worst resale amongst iPhones. This is a huge plus for Sprint customers when it comes time to upgrade. I wonder if this will cause a mass-exodus of Sprint now that they can be taken almost anywhere, save for Verizon. Maybe there are thousands of people who have been holding on to iphone 5/5s's who are out of contract, may not have the money to buy a new phone, and are fed up with sprint coverage where they live, who can now finally take those phones to att/TMO/prepaid gsm. I don't know--my thoughts are all over the place on this topic. I'm wondering who this hurts and who it helps. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  18. I'm sure there was an internal memo about this to tell everyone requesting an unlock that "your phone will be unlocked, but most likely won't work elsewhere" as a method of retention. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  19. I just called Sprint to see if I could sneak in early, but they're really adhering to that 2/19 date. They're claiming they need a special, magical software update on their end which is provided by Apple. I hope that date sticks, and we don't get some kind of never-ending runaround from them. They were pretty angry sounding when I mentioned "domestic unlock." 2 separate CSRs promised me that my iPhone 6+ would be unlocked, but would probably never work with other providers cellular networks. Yeah, ok. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  20. Well, I'm glad my iPhone is DSU capable. I don't understand the MSL unlockable (android) phone column. Haven't Sprint android users been able to obtain their MSL for a long time now? How is Sprint giving you the MSL going to "unlock" the phone? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  21. This is amazing that this is happening. All these years with Sprint, and it took a law to shake them loose from their high pedestal of locked hell. Now it almost seems too easy to get my full-price iPhone unlocked, further increasing its value. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  22. Yeah. I've been way to busy to downgrade back to 8.1.2, so I missed the signing window. Here's to hoping someone jailbreaks 8.1.3. :/ Sent from my iPhone 6+
  23. I've read that constantly killing apps uses more battery because they're being cleaned out of the RAM, and reopening them takes longer/more cpu to load up. Ever since reading this, I usually keep my most used apps open instead of constantly killing them. Have I noticed a difference in battery life? Nah. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  24. On Windows, the TaiG jailbreak is 1 click, and 2 minutes. They just keep getting simpler. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  25. Do we have anyone that knows how to build a custom carrier bundle, or knows how to modify the stock one to do different things? Since we're all jail breaking/re-jail breaking, I'd like to see if my band switching problem can be resolved with something custom built. Maybe if the thresholds can be changed to switch to band 26 sooner? Let me know; I'd be willing to pay a little bit for one. Sent from my iPhone 6+
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