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Everything posted by Vince

  1. Thanks for your response. I ask because there is a known issue from Sprint technical support about the iPhone 6 having an issue holding an LTE signal, more specifically, band 41. My phone is constantly hanging onto band 25 for way too long (-118dbm signal) without switching to band 26, and just dropping me to 3G. They claim a fix is in the works, and should be pushed by the end of the year (we all know how Sprint is with software release dates, so we shall see). I can't recall Sprint ever "pushing" a carrier update to my phone since I've been with them. T-Mobile used to do it back in the day, and I know these bundles usually just come with the next iOS update. Sent from my iPhone 6
  2. Not the prl, the carrier bundle. Or were you also telling me about the prl? Sent from my iPhone 6
  3. Can anyone tell me if the carrier bundle was updated from 18.0 with iOS 8.1.1? Sent from my iPhone 6
  4. Except in metro areas. Band 25 is a disaster in probably all metro areas during peak hours. Sent from my iPhone 6
  5. Everyone says how superior android is, yet those same people are always rooting and installing roms. I prefer my iOS to be perfect out of the box. [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone 6
  6. It's ok to bash/debate Apple. Any android bashing will probably be deleted. Android can't do no wrong. Sent from my iPhone 6
  7. Tapatalk just pushed their iOS 8/iPhone 6-6+ update. About time. It actually looks great, and they gave it the same interface as the android counterpart. Sent from my iPhone 6
  8. Of course you can pay it off early. I've done it twice. Sent from my iPhone 6
  9. Yeah, it used to work on my 5s. Next time you're on a call, just click "add call" then dial the code. Doesn't work for me. Sent from my iPhone 6
  10. Yeah, it used to work on my 5s. Next time you're on a call, just click "add call" then dial the code. Doesn't work for me. Sent from my iPhone 6
  11. I've never once been able to view field test while on a call since I've owned this phone. It just locks up and says "connecting." Sent from my iPhone 6
  12. Well, then. I must have completely misunderstood something. Thanks for the clarification. Sent from my iPhone 6
  13. Then what is WiMAX broadcasting on? Sent from my iPhone 6
  14. But I thought I read here that only 15 was used for LTE and 5 for WiMAX out of that chunk of spectrum. Sent from my iPhone 6
  15. Just saw field test populate a clear band 41 site for the first time in North Chicago near the Naval base. 20 MHz? I thought they were broadcasting less than that because of WiMAX. Sent from my iPhone 6
  16. There's no way that price is the off-contract price. If it is, I'm buying a few and eBay-ing them. Sent from my iPhone 6
  17. The connection at my house just went to hell. On my wife's iPhone, too. Both of us only have band 26 that's 25dbm worse than it usually is, and band 25 is gone. It keeps pushing us to 3G. Wonder if we're finally being optimized? My home tower is so rock solid, other than that weird outage we had a week ago. Something's up. Band 26 in my living room has always been -88ish for the last 6 months. Every day. Sent from my iPhone 6
  18. Can VoLTE just "happen?" Or, would it require some kind of software update first. Sent from my iPhone 6
  19. What app is that? I can't find anything matching that title. I had that exact app on my nexus 5. Sent from my iPhone 6
  20. The google maps update today is phenomenal. It's beautiful looking. I was comparing it to the version on my m8. Google has made the iOS version nicer than their android version. That's sad, but great for us. Sent from my iPhone 6
  21. I just read up on it. Apparently, you can only leave if all participants are using iMessage and have iOS 8 installed. Meh. Sent from my iPhone 6
  22. Back on topic. Wasn't iOS 8 supposed to have a feature where you could "leave" those annoying mass messages that friends start up? Every time I see the option to "leave group," it's grayed out. I do, however, see a "mute conversation" toggle switch in the message details. Has anyone ever successfully "left" a mass sms? Sent from my iPhone 6
  23. It sure fits the bill better than an "lg G3 for life" or "nexus for life" plan. The masses don't care about devices like that. The iphone is mainstream, popular, and a gold mine for carriers, and they know it. That's why it receives special plans. Sent from my iPhone 6
  24. Are there any other triband users in your group of family or friends that can help verify whether or not it's a network issue or phone issue? Is it widespread or only a certain tower? Sent from my iPhone 6
  25. Everything is humming along just fine. I really only experienced the no LTE and text issues two or three times, and only briefly when they occurred. Hopefully, while snooping around, the found out why the band switching is all jacked in many places. Sent from my iPhone 6
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