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Everything posted by nobius

  1. I was wondering the same thing.
  2. Linky "We still have a lot to cover" is what the invite (picture below) says. New iPad 5 is expected, but people aren't sure about whether the iPad mini will go Retina or not. Updated desktop Macs are also likely. I personally hope that the iPad mini goes Retina and that it and the regular iPad both get Touch ID.
  3. As someone else said, if you have a huge music library, iTunes Match is fantastic. For $25 a year, I can stream my entire collection (even stuff not on the iTunes Store) without taking space on my iPhone or iPad. Another nice feature of iTunes Match is that if you have it then the iTunes Radio feature has no ads. As for which size is best, a lot depends on the type of user you are. My parents are photo hoarders and can't seem to want to delete their photos after syncing to their computer, so the 64GB model is best for them. I personally have the 32GB model as it gives me more room for trying out different apps and games. I generally recommend that size to new users.
  4. I would just add a "Glossary" tab that lets you give those types of definitions. Thanks again.
  5. Looks good, but can you add a glossary of the acronyms? I'm not familiar with some of them.
  6. When I was on Android, I had a Galaxy S. It's battery life was only a few hours, so I bought a few extras and had to rotate through them as I went through the day. As soon as I got in the car, I always plugged in my GS. I think some Android people get used to that and are then worried about issues with an iPhone running out on a daily basis. Now if the internal battery ever went bad, that would be an issue, but by that time iPhone people are usually ready to upgrade their phones or have AppleCare and get the replacement for free. I do have one of those external USB battery packs, but I only use that for road trips. I use it mostly for my iPad 2, which after 3 years doesn't have the battery life it used to. It still is decent though.
  7. They never showed numbers, but whatever the bars were, they would show that when recording.
  8. It's not an issue for me, but I have several friends that specifically won't get an iPhone because of the non-removable battery.
  9. How is RootMetrics able to do it then?
  10. There's some new features that can impact battery life. Here's what I did. Battery life is now better than it was on iOS 6 on my iPad 2 and iPhone 5: 1. I don't remember if the iPad 3 has AirDrop, but if it does, open Control Center and turn it off. 2. Settings | General | Background App Refresh is an important one. It controls which apps can periodically update in the background. Turn off the apps that you don't need to use this for. 3. Settings | Privacy | Location Services lets you see what apps have recently used your location. A purple arrow means it's been used recently, a grey arrow means in the past 24 hours. Turn off access to apps that don't need to use it.
  11. There are reports that the gold one is more popular than Apple expected. Since the 5s was already limited, it could be a while.
  12. It's got a ways to go there, so it can get better for you.
  13. Just did ##UPDATE# on my iPhone 5 and now I'm on 51098. I used to be on 51097.
  14. What part of town are you in? A good portion of the city has LTE now. If you become a subscriber of this site, you get access to maps that show where 4G is accepted. I also keep up with a map (see sig).
  15. I wonder if it's the Dynamic wallpapers that are doing it? I always thought that was a dumb feature when I first saw it when I had a Galaxy S. Seemed like a good way to drain the battery. I use a personal static image so the effect is not that great. The Parallax effect is easy enough to turn off though. Settings | General | Accessibility | Reduce Motion.
  16. Even though the 5c is almost the same thing as the 5, it's still something new for those 4 and 4s users to upgrade to. IMHO, if Apple just came out with the 5s and no 5c, then those that couldn't spend $199 would have gotten the 5 instead. I don't think Apple would have done 9M in 5s sales.
  17. Makes sense. I said earlier in this thread that I don't see how anyone buys a 5c unless they're really price-conscious or it's for a teenager.
  18. Looks like the 5s is outselling the 5c by a wide margin. Apple also announced today that it sold 9M of the 5c/5s models during their opening weekend. Judging by the carrier chart, looks like Sprint did a decent amount of sales.
  19. It works on the desktop but not on Tapatalk. Anyone else have this issue?
  20. I got 31Mbps down on my iPhone 5 recently on a newly updated tower in a small country town in Texas.
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