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Everything posted by mirskyc

  1. It's still showing up for me and NYC still shows as having coverage. Edit: Just did a full refresh by bypassing my cache and its now gone
  2. I think Sprint should drop 1900 3G and 1x in NYC and depend on 1x800 for voice to allow for more 1900 LTE. Most phone support 1x800 so people would only be loosing 3G data if they didn't have a LTE phone. I think most 3G phones with 1x800 aren't smart phones so they could even use 1x800 for slower data. I'm sure Sprint doesn't want to take a hit for upgrading phones though. Anyone with an iPhone 4 or 4s would need to upgrade since they left out 1x800 even though ever sprint phone after had it. And this could be done nation wide once all the border zoning and reframing is fixed for 800mhz which for voice only is much sooner then for LTE since it only requires 1.25x1.25
  3. A tower right near Roosevelt field mall about 2 month ago received B41 with CA enabled. Speeds are over 30mbps normally. I am able to pick it up in a lot of places in the mall before switch to B25 and then B26 then 3G. 800x gets is amazing in areas where I never had service before like in the basement of some stores. Im surprised LTE was completely unusable. One problem I do have it that Apple has a DAS or microcell or repeater of some sort that when Im in or near the store all I receive is 1xRTT.
  4. There are areas that show non native 3G coverage when looking at 3G only coverage map. When you change it to LTE it all changes to LTE Roaming. I thought there there was no sprint LTE roaming with US Cellular. and it was only US cellular customers that could roam on Sprint LTE
  5. sorry if this was already answered. But I noticed that Shentel Coverage is counted as 3G Native Sprint coverage (and some 3g). While Ntelos coverage is 3G speeds but counts as roaming data. Once this Buyout is complete will all of Ntelos coverage be treated like Shentel coverage which Sprint counts as Native Sprint coverage? Since the LTE roaming maps showed up its still shows Ntelos as Roaming 3G and 4G. Even if it then changed to the Roaming+ would be an improvement
  6. Rootmetrics tests outside of the 5 Boroughs, They call it "New York City and Tri-State Area" The boundaries for T-mobile match up closely while Sprints NYC Market includes the 5 b Boroughs and goes further up interstate 87. So the rootmetric test included sprints majority of NYC, LI and part of one of the jersey markets. I'm not saying tmobile will beat out sprint in the long run. When both there networks are fully up to there max sprint will defiantly beat out t-mobile. Having up to 5 carriers per a tower of B41 and 2xCA will be unstoppable. The rootmetric test is just already out of date in my opinion and t-mobile would be doing much better if it was tested now because of 20x20, upgraded backhaul, and B4 & B12 CA. My test of t-mobile doesn't utilized CA.
  7. I think they are now in the process of upgrading backhaul for all these sites to take full advantage of the 20x20. My Peek hour speeds for T-mobile on LI went from 10-15mbps to always above 30mbps. At night ill hit over 100mbps no problem. One reason I think Sprint didn't do as well is that Rootmetircs NYC test includes the metro area. which is what t-mobiles NYC market is. But for Sprint that makes up 3 markets, NYC, Long Island and NJ. There isn't much B41 on LI and there alot of 3G only or B25 onlys sites due to stealth towers. MY speeds on LI are always under 5mbps on B25 or B26 or its 30+ on B41. Out of about 10 B41 towers I know of only 1 is CA enabled.
  8. From what I understand 20x20 was scattered around NYC. LI and Jersey defiantly didn't have it. the rootmetric testing period was 11/3/2015 - 11/10/2015 and according two theses two articles is when 20x20 was fully launched in that testing area. my original post was alittle confusing. https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/3s7m2c/nyc_dchspa_sunset_20x20mhz_lte_coming_soon/ https://www.reddit.com/r/tmobile/comments/3smuvk/20x20mhz_lte_live_in_new_york_city/
  9. 20x20 wasn't live at the time of the testing and after 20x20 went live they started doing a lot of backhaul upgrades to take full advantage of it.
  10. But t-mobile was prepping for 20x20 during the testing period which was then live around 11/13 so t-mobile could have done better as well lol
  11. only issue is you have to remember to add data after you run out and I think it drops you to HSPA when you run out of data. The data also expires so if you don't use it in a certain 24 hour period you loose it. But unlike many At&t MVNO it isn't capped at 8mbps
  12. For AT&T I would use there pay as go plan. Its $3 a day for Unlimited Calls and Texts but only on the days you use it. Data is $1 for 100MB for 24 hours. But you can add another package once you use 80mb's up. Basically its $10/GB. Buying the data package and using data doesn't trigger the $3 daily charge
  13. If sprint currently leases PCS A-F license (D Block) does that mean they get roaming access currently. Like a fair trade spectrum for roaming access or is there more money being traded. Don't understand why the roaming agreement isn't 3G in Alaska if they lease out there spectrum. Seeing that it counts as roaming data leads me to believe sprint is paying for data.
  14. Just noticed that the iPad Pro, iPad Air, and iPad Air 2 are back up on the store page. I think I checked yesterday and none of them were there. All sizes available. I would say maybe they will have new data plans to announces later but they included the old data plan in the free tablet offer
  15. they were giving out ipad mini 2's for free with 2 year contracts for awhile for business lines. I was very upset it ended when I went to go take advantage of it.
  16. "One year of free service includes either the $15 1GB plan or $10 Family Share Pack access. Must remain in good standing and have one active phone line of service. Free tablet is the Alcatel ONETOUCH PIXI™ 7. Limited supply." http://newsroom.sprint.com/article_display.cfm?article_id=12064 So after 2 years the tablet will cost you either $ 180 or $120 for one year of service and then you can cancel
  17. Same here. It also would come in handy if I want to use my iPad while Im away from WiFi. Sometime you just need a bigger screen to get something done
  18. I hope they increase the tether limit for the unlimited plan to match t-mobile more. Maybe they will include tethering with all old unlimited plans like 1Gb. I would be really useful. As far as half my thought is it has to do with international roaming. Maybe half of your data can be used in all of the open world countries or even better the global roaming countries. would explain why it effects all customers.
  19. Would this device be unlock able? It has all of tmobile bands could use it for the free data for life too.
  20. I didn't realize Clear B41 was broadcasted from WiMax equipment. Did they just have to change a few setting on those towers when they rolled out Spark? Was NYCs original Spark foot print really the same as the Wimax footprint. Then they added additional Clear Sites and then Sprint Sites. Did those additional Clear sites have Wimaxx on them? Sorry for all the questions. I'm bored at work and haven't kept up on everything for the past 6-12 month.
  21. It picked up for a bit but has slowed to a stop as far as I can tell. The tower by my house (B25/B26) was covering sections of 3 other towers that only had 3G. 2 of them finally got 4G so its less congested but the 3rd one is still 3G only and alot of people sit on B26 in that area. I hope B41 build out on LI isn't representative of whats to come in NYC. Most Clear B41 sites I connect to in NYC market ( Queens and Manhattan) are very congested. (When ever I'm in Brooklyn everything is great) Is the plan to convert Clear B41 sites to Sprint B41 with CA then add more sites or will they just add Sprint B41 to more sites then convert existing Clear B41 to Sprint B41.
  22. forgot this was the NYC thread not the Long Island one. Not too many Spark towers on LI yet. I only know of 5-10 in Nassau County. Was hoping a second B25 carrier would come or 10x10
  23. I just want to make sure I'm getting this correctly. So the tower will balance everyone on 2 B25 carriers and 1 B26 carrier if it has it. So the top speeds will still be the same but each carrier will have less congestion? Does sprint plan on doing any B25-B25 carrier aggression and are there any phone compatible of doing that?
  24. I've only used Global Roaming in Israel and Russia. When I was in Russia for my layovers Open World would of been great. hHw much data could I use in a few hours. My month only use 10GB so my daily use isn't that much. I think Open World is great for 1-10 day vacations. But if you have an extended vacation Global Roaming or a local SIM is your best option. I think data should be free or cheaper in Open world if you have a limited data plan to begin with like the family share plans and take from that data pool.
  25. My G4 just bricked yesterday. it gets stuck in the Sprint screen or LG screen. Called sprint and they said it was cover for free. They refrained from calling it a Recall. I did have to mention it for them to look for it though. They said i could go to a store to get a new one for no cost. Wasted an hour at the store for them to tell me it was a known issue and they had to order one cause they have none in stock. Just ended up leaving and doing it over the phone.
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