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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. If you got a new S3 recently did it come with Jellybean? A friend is thinking of getting one tomorrow and asked me if the come with it.

    In the past with other phones I have bought it almost always prompts for the ota right after activation.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  2. What's this? This is me pulling up in front of my house tonight. The speed definitely didn't match what Sensorly is showing related to signal strength. All I know is it isn't coming from "my" tower across the street. I guess I will be spending part of my Thanksgiving mapping my neighborhood.



    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



    • Like 1
  3. Robert, you are without a doubt the hardest working man in 4G... I know one of the things I am thankful for this year is I am thankful that I have this community to increase my knowledge and have stimulating conversations, with a little humor mixed in also...


    Thank you Robert, for putting this community together and all the countless hours you put into the site, thanks to the sources who take risks to provide the information for which we thirst, thanks to the staff for the many hours they volunteer, thanks to the sponsors for "keeping the lights on" and thank you to everyone who adds to the community. This is a website and group of people that I am definitely proud to be a member.


    Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

    Well that saves me a lot of typing.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



    • Like 5
  4. *rhythmic beat intro*


    Network Vision style!---Network Vision style!


    Sprint-uh-Bank's, deployin' LTE on towers,


    Sprint-uh-Bank's, deployin' LTE on towers,


    Sprint-uh-Bank's, deployin' LTE on towers,

    Just don't use EVO, oh no no no...


    Its on in Harrisburg....Atlanta, Dallas, Baltimore,

    In New York City...Memphis, Miami by the shore,

    LA, Francisco....KC and San Antonio,

    Boston and Houston, bigtime in Chicago!


    But see, there's just one, simple problem,

    That you should know,

    Yes you should know!

    In spite of allll, the noted progress,

    It's too darn slow!

    Still too darn slow!

    Hey Ericsson, Samsung & Alcatel---LETS GO! GO! GO! GO!




    Network Vision style!

    LTE is coming!

    Network Vision style!

    LTE must be coming!

    Network Vision style!

    I am scared for you...


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  5. I'm going to be doing LTE testing on Thanksgiving weekend on all my LTE devices, including the Note 2. Wichita Falls or bust!


    Robert via Samsung Victory LTE on Tapatalk

    When can we expect the article on the new testing?


    I kid, I kid!


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  6. First post with the Victory. This is an awesome little device. It is heads and shoulders better than the Viper. I am impressed.


    Robert via Samsung Victory LTE on Tapatalk

    I have been debating whether to get this or the Viper for my daughter. It would be a used one (I get all upgrades!). In your opinion it seems like no contest.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



    • Like 1


    HAHA! Thats all it took? Someone to get LTE over you? That's funny.

    No, I have been going back and forth between the Note 2 and the GS3. With the sales on black Friday my decision was made for me.

    Question? The Jelly Bean update pushed to my phone but I am scared to install due to the horror I had with the GS2 to ICS, so has anyone done the update?

    Which device?

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  8. That would be me. I picked it up over the weekend as I headed south to Ben and Ari's. on my way back I picked it up and drove out past Best Buy and around the round abouts back towards Home Depot. Then south on 37 until I picked it up again and then turned down pleasant street and headed back towards the square before heading home.

    What phone?


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  9. OK so I had actually gotten to where I was using Wallet regularly on my EVOLTE. Where is Wallet on the Note!?! this is a huge disappointment. I am already missing Wallet. Doesn't the GS3 have Wallet installed?


    The GS3 does have wallet installed (at least for Sprint). The other carriers (but why would those on other carriers be on this forum?) may still be subject to carrier blocking of Wallet


    If the note has NFC just download wallet from the play store


    Sent from my White Epic 4g Touch rockin Jellybean using Tapatalk 2

    Here is the latest apk for wallet if for some reason it is blocked on the Note 2



    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  10. 1st, which one of you is cruising my neighborhood getting LTE?

    2nd, what device are you using, I am not getting squat on my Galaxy Nexus.

    I feel like a big slacker knowing that someone else is mapping LTE in my backyard.

    I know that it is not coming from the tower in my neighborhood. I have a feeling which site it is coming from, but haven't had the time to check it out.



    That's hard for me to imagine with how spotty Tmo FauxG is in my area. Tmo is not colocated on my site next to my house. Nearest Tmo site is 6 miles away and EDGE only. The closest HSPA+ site is 12 miles away and there are hills between us. I pretty much will only have Tmo "4G" if I am in town in Española or in Santa Fe/ABQ.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk

    I was more mocking every LTE story on other tech sites where all the Tmo people flood the comments with stuff about LTE being overrated.


    Sent from a phone using an app. That is fancy!



  12. I ordered the phone from Google. Should be here Thursday. I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. I was only speaking about activating the SIM card.


    One thing I was kind of blown away by the Tmo store was how it focused on a brand experience. I felt like I was in a trendy place and Tmo was the coolest club in town. You felt immersed in the brand everywhere, from the lighting to the displays. It was like I walked into a Tmo smartphone. It seemed like Carly was going to pop out of the back at any moment and everyone was going to cheer her and a round of drinks were on the house. Music would start pumping and the disco ball would drop from the ceiling.


    Nothing like going to a Sprint store at all. Sprint stores are boring vanilla and very corporate feeling. I assumed all wireless carriers were that way. The Tmo store set up doesn't really appeal to me, but I can see why it would to so many. It definitely is more "cool."


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk

    Next up, Robert starts posting how HSPA± is just as fast if not faster than LTE. Not to mention how great HSPA+ is on battery life. Posts about how LTE is overrated and not necessary.


    Sent from a phone using an app. That is fancy!


    Interesting since the site has legacy hardware and no 4G.


    Also since you edited my post will Robert see my original message?


    Not that I dont believe you but nothing has changed on that site.

    I didn't ( can't) edit your post.

    Sent from a phone using an app. That is fancy!



  14. @omega

    The list of completed sites is only available to sponsors, please do not share the information outside of the sponsor forums.


    Sites that appear on the completed sites list are confirmed by Sprint.

    Hi Robert,


    On the completed list of sites for Indianapolis this site **********, shows that it was 4G completed.


    I have been watching this site for a while and nothing has changed on it, there are no new panels, ruu nothing.


    Was this confirmed by a user or by Sprint?


    Thank You.

    The completed sites list is only available to Sponsors, please do not share this information outside of the Sponsor forums.


    All sites listed on the completed sites map are accepted by Sprint.

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