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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. Please anyone can give me a bit of insight on the nfc transferring....but between a gs3 and an EVO LTE....




    posted using J.A.R.V.I.S.

    What specifically? That is pretty vague.


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.




    We will never get that kind of range out of a PCS LTE site in Northern New Mexico. So there are a few advantages to living in Indiana, after all. :)



    Completely counter balanced by the stupid cold weather. Advantage gone.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2




    I retract my prior statements. it does look like I am getting my Sweet Sweet LTE from the I70 Tower. I mapped from that tower to my home and did not drop 4g the entire time. that I70 tower is a large Boomer so it could possibly in fact reach me about 13 miles away. it is all farmland out there so there is Very little interference between me and that tower. Now i just need to sit back and wait for the 3 other towers near me to light up with LTE for better speeds.


    That i70 tower when about 100 yards away I was getting 30 meg down and 10 meg up. I got 9mb down and 5mb up at my home this morning.


    Thank you all for setting me straight :)

    That is a while lot of distance to cover.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



  4. I was trying to add to your neighborhood today.

    With my shiny new GS3 I can get LTE in more areas in my neighborhood, but they are basically unusable. I can get usable download speeds but will fail on uploads. I have not mapped them yet because they are really just distant signals from other towers. That dark purple is just a glitch with Sensorly. It is not that strong if a signal.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


    Yes, I have been there, problem is, there is no way any of the towers listed on that map can reach me. there is a missing tower on that map that is feeding me my sweet sweet LTE. The closest tower to me on that map is over 10 miles away


    The tower i listed above 5009, is only about 3.5 miles away from me. I was pretty sure that was the one but now not so much

    The one 70 could reach you. It's only 5 or 6 mi miles away. It could reach in the wide open area. There are basically 0 obstacles to interfere with the signal. Also given the location and lack of population on that area it would be in Sprints best interests to set it up to cover a large geographical area.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

  6. I just activated my S3 last night and ever since I keep losing data connection, it will just drop. When I do have data 80% of the time it will be 1x, 20% it will be EvDo. Right now my preferred network mode is CDMA, if I change it to LTE/CDMA my data will drop more frequently. My EVO 3D liked to go from 3G to 1X but it never dropped the data connection, what's going on with the S3?

    I would redo the hands free activation. That is not normal.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



    • Like 1

    Agreed, I should have opted to pick up at a Sprint store like I did with my gf's Note II. I called Sprint to see if I could pick it up instead of having it shipped but they said they can't change the order because it's already processing. I still don't know why I asked to have it shipped.

    I didn't see an option for in store pick up.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  8. I was doing some decompiling and digging through some code on the Note2 and found some interesting things.


    ##UPDATE# - updates profile, updates PRL, and updates firmware all in one swoop.

    ##367738# - DNSSET - not sure what this does, as it just blanks out the dialer numbers like nothing happened

    3215987123580 - very interesting one. The pattern is kinda neat as you dial. The menu is weird to navigate but lots of interesting tid bits in here about LTE, CDMA, UMTS, etc. You are on your own with this one as some items look like it could change config options.

    *#*#3215987123580#*#* - same thing

    ##3424# - seen this one in the past for using QPST

    ##786# - same from previous Sprint phones for resetting your phone

    ##4772579# - haven't tried this one but labelled as GPSCLRX

    ##564# - LOG menu

    ##66236# - OMADM - MSL required to enable or disable DM logging

    ##66264# - OMANI says updating profile but fails

    ##72786# - SCRTN - think this one wipes all data and programming information

    ##889# - labelled as TTY, didn't try it

    ##25327# - labelled as CLEAR and I was too chicken to try it


    Don't think these work as the code looks like it falls out of the IF statement, report back if you find something:

    **583 - LTEMODE

    **7838 - STEALTHMODE

    **673 - MRD

    ##737425# - SERIALSET

    ##2627# - com.android.samsung.rmt_exercise

    ##8378# - TEST

    ##372# - DSA

    *#22745927 - HIDDENMENUENABLE


    Still doing some digging around in some of the inner workings of this phone.

    I will try these on the GS3 when it gets here Monday (I hope).

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  9. I got mine through the Sprint website. I am not a very patient person. The wait for shipping is killing me. Went ahead and picked up the free extended battery for what will soon be my wife's Galaxy Nexus...


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



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