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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. No work on Sunday or Monday.

    I checked Tuesday at 11:45AM, no work. Swung back by at 11:45PM. Someone had been there. Only thing that I could see that was different was that the base station cabinets have been unwrapped, and placed in what I an guessing is their final location. They look to be lined up nicely.

    Here are a few pics








    Here a a few shots of the legacy equipment




    I am off work today. Hopefully I can actually catch some work in progress. And hopefully get a crew that likes to chat...

    • Like 3
  2. Hmm, the Fierce Wireless article comments are heating up. I like it. Nothing gets my heart pounding like a good dispute.





    I am not knowledgeable enough on the subject to debate it as well as you guys, but I do enjoy following along.



    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



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  3. I would suggest readiing through the the information available here on S4GRU.COM. There are a lot of very knowledgeable and helpful folks that frequent this site. Learn about the issues involved with deploying Sprint's Network Vision. Learn how to identify the signs of activity - what the panels, RRUs and base cabinets look like. Before you know it, your friends and family will be giving you strange looks when you talk about going out tower-spotting and the anticipation of seeing the first purple spots show on Sensorly maps. In other words, learn how to enjoy the wait.

    That's a great way to look at it. The lack of LTE in my area resulted in me hanging out here and reading threads like a mad man. Due to the wait I have learned so much from some of the most knowledgeable people around. I am a more informed person on several fronts due to this site. You will not find a better grouping of people anywhere on the internet that are willing to educate people about the very complex workings of mobile device connectivity that we take for granted.

    Sit back and enjoy the insane amount of information available to you.


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



  4. i saw a leaked sprint coverage map that was leaked back a few months ago if not older. what i got from the map was the cincinnati market will have full lte service. again if i read the map right 90% of ohio would get lte southeast ohio sorry about your luck, and ky would get full LTE service along all major interstates and everywhere in the cincinnati lexington louisville triangle. Only bad part about it is it didn't give a time line or what markets would get it first. it just said at the completion of the Network vision project

    Every area that is currently covered by the Sprint 3G footprint will get LTE.


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



  5. No outwardly visible changes to the site yesterday.


    That's an inline splice box for fiber.


    Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

    Thanks for the info! I am looking forward to watching the transformation on a day by day basis. I am sure there will be moments that I don't know what's going on. Your knowledge and insight are greatly appreciated, and a great addition to the forums.


    I am planning on doing a day by day update on this site. It is literally right next door. One of the the frequently asked questions on this forum is how long does a site take to upgrade. I know that this is just one site and doesn't represent the pace and methods used for every site, but at least there will be an example.


    Should I break this off into it's own thread? Is anyone interested in following the progress?


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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    If you did it the same way Owen did, then it shouldn't have done anything to keep you from getting LTE. I hope you at least made a backup of SystemUI.apk... That way you can just replace the potential bad version with the working one.


    Sent from my Rooted Galaxy Note II using Forum Runner

    Actually I don't see how you could break the radio with systemui. I actually booted my phone without a systemui a couple of times. No top bar of course but everything worked. No LTE here so I can't verify if it would or not.


    Sent from my little Note2


    Yeah I don't know, all I did was change a png file....I'm going to try to decompile then recompile and see what happens. If nothing else I will just fall back on my original.

    I have flashed my share of butchered systemui. Most of them my own doing. I have never had a "bad" systemui cause me to lose data connectivity.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



  7. Ok, I went back by the site tonight after work. There are currently 2 new base cabinets. They are still wrapped in protective plastic. There are 3 large wooden crates with a little tiny Samsung logo on one of the stickers on the outside of the crate. It appears that the worker there this morning was marking the ground to show what was buried. The area by the front gate is taped off to prevent people from parking in front of the gate. Everything is still boxed up in the crates.


    So begins my day by day, play by play chronicle of a NV upgrade.

    • Like 2
  8. Looks like Network Vision is underway at 8th and Mulberry in Noblesville. I was on my way to work and happened to glance over. It looks like we have a new base cabinet, a whole bunch of boxes and there is 1 guy working at the moment. I will swing by tomorrow morning to confirm and make sure that it is Sprint work, but I'm 99.9%sure that's what's going on.


    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

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  9. Holding true to my promise. I have a spare invite. the next person to send me a PM with something cool in it I will send them an invite. Best of luck to all

    But only if you are from Central Indiana...



    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2



  10. I was running sensorly and using network signal info widged which is nice too for running all the time. I put up a few marks on sensorly while running a couple places last night

    Network signal info widget doesn't give the correct signal strength for LTE



    The LTE engineering screen gives the correct information for LTE signal strength.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2



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