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Posts posted by newboyx


    I don't know if there would have been a SoftBank deal at all.


    Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk

    The CEO of Softbank said as much (I think). He stated that if AT&T bought T-Mobile the American wireless industry would have had no interest to him.


    Sent from a phone using an app. That is fancy!



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  2. I've never paid out of pocket for any repairs at Sprint. Heck I went through 7 Samsung Moments, 3 Intercepts, 3 Transforms, 2 Evos, 3 3Ds, 2 Optimus S and never paid anything out of pocket. A few of those were even my fault and I didn't get charged. Every single one was rooted and running a custom ROM when I took them in.


    Sent from a phone using an app. That is fancy!



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    Hahahah.. Think New Orleans. ;)


    I have a buddy that has 2 extra sim cards. Those are his "bat phones" he says. Instead of carrying 2 extra phones and his girlfriend busting him. I have enough drama in my life than to shuffle 2 or 3 women.. Been there done that and too stressful.


    Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

    That's what the second number from Google voice is for.

    Sent from a phone using an app. That is fancy!



  4. (Note: I was sent here by a member on HoFo, so this is a direct copy/paste of my post on there)


    LTE is available ~30 miles away, my local towers' data speeds dropped significantly and when I called up sprint they told me that the towers were slow because they were being upgraded to LTE and it should go live in Jan.


    I currently have an iPhone5, but there is no jailbreak and a LOT of people are scratching their heads and saying there may never be a jailbreak. I *need* tethering (my home DSL goes from 3mbps to 0.7-1.0mbps every few nights and usually once a week (sometimes more) it completely goes down for upto 4 hours) so I'm looking at heading back to android so I can tether.


    My question is this: Should I spend the money (which is tight right now) to get an LTE android phone, with the promise of LTE by January, or should I just reactivate my old EVO 4G (WiMax, not LTE 4g) because sprint is likely just lieing about LTE the same way it was about WiMax (which I was supposed to have "next quarter" of my entire last 2-year contract)


    ​(Note x2: I'm in Cleveland, GA, 30528. LTE is live (I'm told) in Gainesville, GA)

    Or you could not use the Sprint Network as your ISP without paying for it.



    Sent from a phone using an app. That is fancy!

    • Like 2
  5. So I am due for an upgrade December 1st, but I really want to snag a good deal on the EVO LTE when it goes on sale for Black Friday. Does anyone know if it is possible to upgrade 8 days early like that, since Black Friday falls on the 23rd? I wouldn't mind waiting for the upgrade, per-say, it's just the deal that makes me want to get it early.


    Thoughts? Suggestions? Recommendations?

    That close to your upgrade date they might move it, but they may make you go to a corporate store to redeem it.

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



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    Awesome! It has been quiet for the passed week I was starting to get worried. Good to hear.

    I know how you feel. I keep finding little pockets of LTE popping up. But Ayr very weak signals. Hopefully this weekend I can drive around and fund where they are coming from.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2




    You can drive to MN, and I'll let you fire off a few rounds with my 300 WSM hunting rifle. That's as good as meditation for me.

    But then he has to deal with being in MN in the cold.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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  8. Google pretty much stated they are done with LTE and jumping through carrier hoops. You will not see a Nexus phone on Sprint/Verizon until their next release near the end of 2013, if that.

    I think the bad blood at Google regarding carriers is aimed at Verizon. Sprint and Google have had a very good relationship over the last several years. I am fairly confident there will be a Sprint Nexus 4. I would almost be willing to put money on it. I don't care what most tech blogs are reporting. There will be a new Nexus on Sprint.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



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  9. I mapped a bit more of the westfield tower tonight. That signal is strong. unless there is another tower that I haven't found yet, I got a signal all way to the noblesville town square. I am surprised that Meridian hasn't seen a lot of love yet. from Carmel to downtown.

    I had less luck with the signal from the 171st and Oak tower. I started from the site and lost the signal before I got to Hazel Dell traveling down 32.





    Stupid Galaxy Nexus camera.

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



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