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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. Some pics. Kind of irritated that I didn't have my real camera with me.


    They have 1 panel with RRUs and one panel without the RRUs.

    Still waiting on the third to be installed.



    Pretty crazy how big some of these parts are. I think these are the RRU for the second panel they have up


    The cabinets still have the stickers on them








    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.

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  2. The one thing I like about the new update is when the battery reaches 14 %, the power saver feature turns on automatically to conserve batt. Then, as you charge the phone again, it will turn off... (I thought it was a cool little feature)....

    Didn't it do the same on ICS?


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



  3. I'm really starting to think this thread should be locked. It has run its course, and the arguments are going in circles. And not just that, we have newcomers to the thread and the forum giving the same arguments that have been debunked 22 pages ago, or worse, ignore arguments to the contrary. How long should we let this go? 100 pages of the same thing?


    Maybe a sticky? Part of the FAQ? I have no idea.

    If the thread is locked the how will people who are wrong have the opportunity to show how wrong they are? ;)


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



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  4. I don't see what all the hoopla of Google Now is, I toyed around with it and took it off. Maybe its the stigma of the idiots talking to their phone on the idumb commercials making dinner that has tainted my judgement.

    The point with Google Now is you don't have to ask, it already knows. I very rarely talk to my phone. The info is just there.


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



  5. I now have confirmation for the Myrtle beach area that network vision has begun. It is not NV/4G it is just 3g network vision. There were special roll outs of NV for myrtle beach, Long island, and Alabama I am excited because the network here is worse than crap. Hopefully the 3G enhancements will bring the download speed up to atleast 500kbps lol. Cause we dont even peak 200kbps now. And the calls may actually go through! Please if anyone else has any information on when the approx complete date is. thanks in advance!!

    And what confirmation do you have? Where did the info come from?


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



  6. Ah, it did new interesting things this time.

    Menu options are such:


    1x Engineering

    EVDO Engineering



    Data Status

    Memory State


    Under 1x Engineering, when I click, at first I see one of the fields, "Band Class: US Cellular (800 MHz)", but then it flips just to "US" after 1 second.

    I don't know what these other things mean, like "SO" "Channel" "SID" "NID" "Base ID" "PN" "P_rev" etc. In that first second, State is also "N/A" but after that, it switches to "Idle: Initial", "SO: 0", "Channel: 25."

    OH! It just changed. State: TrCh: Traffic, SO: 33, Channel 150. Just flipped through some other states and went back to Idle. It looks like it lost 3G coverage and went to 2G for a moment before regaining the signal.

    I don't see eHRPD on any of the menus. It's all either 1x stuff or EvDo Rev. A.


    Thanks for the help.

    Correct me if I am wrong but the Motorola Admiral is not an LTE phone. Non LTE phones don't connect to eHRPD. You will never s it in the menus of a non LTE phone.


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.




    It's posts like this that make me realize that unlimited's days are numbered...because people like you are going to use 'the shit' out of LTE even in places they could offload with no net effect on performance. I hope you enjoy 'the shit', because you won't have it for much longer. But don't forget to wash it off your hands.


    Wireless networks are a shared resource. When you over use when you could off load (even when you paid for it), you just are impacting someone else who is away from WiFi who cannot offload (and they paid for it too). I don't need LTE in my home. I need LTE where I go. You folks who think you need LTE in your home so you can get your monies worth are pathetic. I can sympathize with people who live in a rural area with no options, or low speed options. But you people who have a reasonably fast WiFi connection at home but want to use 'the shit out of LTE' in lieu of WiFi are extremely short sighted. Bet you won't be using 'the shit' out of it when Sprint institutes data caps. Idiocy.


    Robert via Nexus 7 on Tapatalk

    The sad part is, no matter how many times this is stated people still won't get it. The fact that people can read this entire thread and still think that not off loading is the way to go blows my mind.


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



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  8. I want it to say LTE so that i can glance down at my phone while driving and see if I am connected easier. Maybe it is just my crappy eyesight but seeing the difference between 3G and 4G at a glance can be tricky. It makes it easier to save gas when mapping on Sensorly if I am actually just mapping the LTE areas.

    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



  9. Has anyone been able to port the multi view feature to the galaxy nexus yet?


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Forum Runner

    It's unlikely that this will be ported over. I am not saying never, but it would likely take an extreme amount of work. That being said I haven't taken the time to look at the mod yet.


    Sent from a phone using an application. That's pretty cool.



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