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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. I am having difficult time getting lte in spots I was b4, is sprint blocking sites or is this evo lte garbage?

    Sprint blocking sites, maybe...

    EVO LTE radios garbage, most definitely.


    What sites? If they are north side I will happily go check them out.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus (yep, you read that right) using Tapatalk 2



  2. Lazy I guess. Your right there is a list of all the markets there. Pasted it into a spread sheet and deleted the lines that were not markets (blanks etc) 95 rows so 95 markets. No counting, and I'm still lazy.

    That sounds like more work than counting.


    Sent from my 100 % stock (wtf) EVO 4G LTE using Tapatalk 2



  3. From everything I have been hearing about the Nexus 4 not having LTE and being sold only unlocked with GSM, I might end up buying the Optimus G for Sprint off contract. I can't believe Google would take a step backwards with no LTE, when it has the capability built in (unless they actually changed out the modem for the Nexus model, but as far as I know it uses the same integrated modem as the G does). ATT prepaid is WAY too expensive considering how much data I use, and T-Mobile has atrocious coverage around my area.


    I was waiting all year for this phone and it's perfect in every way except you won't be able to get it on Sprint, or even Verizon but I refuse to pay the ridiculous amount Verizon charges. If I buy the G off contract, I won't be stuck if LG keeps up its record of not updating their phones. Also I want to be able to buy a phone next year that supports all of the LTE frequencies Sprint will be utilizing for network vision (1900 mhz in addition to 800 and 2500 which no phones currently support).


    Guess my decision will be made October 29th when Google officially announces the Nexus 4.

    The current Google Nexus doesn't have LTE.

    There will most certainly still be carrier subsidized models that run on the carrier's LTE network.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



  4. The newer (above mid range) phones will see little to no difference in battery usage between 3g and LTE. The newer Snapdragons (S4) and the Exynos chip that is in the Note 2 supports LTE natively, therefore making them very efficient. The Viper for example uses a separate chip for LTE duties causing extra battery drain.


    That being said, if you find LTE to be simply amazing there is a very good chance that you will use your phone more. More usage = battery drain.


    Sent from my 100% stock (wtf) EVO using Tapatalk 2

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  5. So are yall toggling airplane mode to get it to switch over or no? Sometimes mine will switch on its own other times i can drive 5 miles in coverage and it not switch. I know there are some issues with it switching so im curious.


    Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk 2

    Mine will switch eventually. Today it took over 5 minutes to switch over while standing still 2 blocks from the tower. Usually I just toggle because I am to impatient/frustrated to wait.


    Sent via CleanROM DE using Tapatalk 2




    I see yo u are using cincy server. Have you also noticed that the Indy and Carmel server SUCKS. I use carmel a lot but its so up and down. Maybe i should try that Cincy one.

    I am usually so excited to see LTE that I just go with whatever server Speedtest picks by default. It's kind of embarrassing the strange goofiness that overcomes me when I discover an new signal. Nobody at work seemed to care nearly as much as I did. I also happen to be the only one at work with a Sprint LTE phone.


    Sent via CleanROM DE using Tapatalk 2



  7. I went through 116 and Allisonville Rd tonight and something else has been lit up since the last time through. I got a signal all the way south to 96th and all the way west to hazel dell. When I have more time I'll map it better.

    There are live sites at 96th and Hague, and at 126th and Hazel Dell


    Sent via CleanROM DE using Tapatalk 2



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