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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. LTE is fairly ubiquitous in the Indy area now (at least the areas I frequent - downtown and the south side).

    I agree, it is pretty difficult for me to go somewhere without being in LTE coverage.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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  2. I just would like to know why Sprint has decided not to provide service to the 2nd largest NASA facility in the country among other things.

    Because they have paid people to crush the numbers, and even though it is inconvenient to you, they have decided that it is not worth the money to build a tower there at this time.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

  3. Here we go again. I just closed the tab with all of this typed out...

    The view from my porch


    Now the good stuff...












    The electricians are done at this site.

    The crew that bolted down the new cabinets,built the new platform and installed the new panels/RRU anticipates being finished tomorrow.

    Next up will be the "integration" crew. No time frame was given for when they would arrive. I am guessing that they will do something with this


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    What's crazy is considering this needs to be done at ~38,000 locations!

    I know. I wish that all of the chronic complainers would take a second to think about the insane amount of work involved. "My" site is very open and easily accessible, and involves a lot of time and effort. I can only imagine the work involved in some of the more challenging sites around. Doing this kind of work in a busy/populated urban area with lots of foot and vehicle traffic must be a royal pain.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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  5. I am really enjoying watching the progress on a day by day basis.

    Looks like we have some digging today, and some work being done inside the base cabinets. Overall, it just looks like a busy site. Miscellaneous tools scattered everywhere.







    Still waiting to see inside the crates...

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  6. Went over and talked to the workers today. He works for a company named Sratos Communications. They are based out of Brownsburg, IN. They did some of the work in Chicago while waiting for central Indiana to be ready for work. His crew will be doing the digging (see picture above) but a separate group from his company (the Civil Division) will be doing the actual fiber connection. His crew will also be wiring up the base cabinets. They are going to be building a platform to replace the current structure on the tower. The crane is scheduled to arrive on Thursday. The panel/RRU are already assembled, but still boxed up.


    Interesting side note of the conversation. His company is being contracted out by a company name "Black Beach" or something similar. I couldn't quite make it out with cars driving by and other background noise, This company (Black Beach) is behind schedule on deployment. From the way he described it, Samsung is getting a little impatient with "Black Beach" not getting the work done as fast as expected. If this company doesn't get caught up (I am not sure if he was referring to Indianapolis or all of Samsung's deployment area) by March Samsung will be taking back control of the roll out from that company and handle it themselves or through a different contractor.

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