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Posts posted by newboyx

  1. I could see this working out on a once a month basis or something like that.

    If needed everyone could record their segment separately and just email it to someone to assemble all the clips together with a little talk between segments to pull it all together.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  2. I love the idea of a podcast. The range of issues that could be discussed is pretty wide.

    1. A recap of new NV developments since the the previous podcast.

    2. Discussion of Sprint related news. New products, promotions, stock talk, acquisitions.

    3. Informed speculation on future wireless technology as it relates to Sprint and it's competitors.

    4. The Digi corner with quick overviews of notable changes to the most recent and commonly used PRLs.

    5. Periodic updates from AJ's travels with his infamous spectrum analyzer.

    6. Josh could check in periodically to ask if any of the new phones support SVDO. Or he or AJ could give us a nice back and forth banter about the latest devices that have passed through the FCC

    7. BBQ

    8. A Google Voice number could be set up for Sponsors to call in and leave questions for the amazing staff to answer during the podcast.

    9. A recap and discussion of Wall articles.

    10. Did I mention fried chicken? No? Ok, fried chicken.



    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



    • Like 4
  3. My old Evo LTE would give a warning/error message when trying to take a picture in extremely cold conditions. I am not sure what the temp cut off is, but at a predetermined temp the phone gave a pop up saying it was to cold to take a picture.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  4. If anyone needs an invite let me know. Only one requirement... You must go resistance ;-)


    Just send me a PM with your email address


    Sent from my LG Optimus G



    I too will give out an invite or 2 or 3 or 4...


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2



  5. I have limited time with the Victory (activation and initial setup) several times. It definitely isn't the phone for me, but I was pleasantly surprised by how snappy the little guy was.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  6. I have had several people come in to my store with LTE disabled on their phones. Makes me look magical when I suddenly make their phone connect to LTE. Most times they say that the guy at the Sprint store told them to turn it off, because LTE was not available in our market. Pretty sad because LTE has been in and around Indy for quite a while. I assume that it has been disabled since they bought the phone.


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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    If you want to deal with lack of updates, then LG is the way to go. The Viper I had barely got updated to Ice Cream Sandwich about 7 months or so after release. Pathetic compared to other devices.








    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2




    I can only imagine how the Viper may have left a bitter taste in your mouth. However, things tend to be very different with high-end, flagship devices, Josh, which your Viper was not. That's why I always advise others to spend the extra 50 or so bucks and get a flagship phone, such as the Optimus G/G2.




    I sure hope you are right, because I've noticed how much better Samsung has much better update cycles overall.






    Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

    Exactly, if you buy the cheap phone you get the cheap updates.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta







    I'm on VZW and gonna have to get family plan with:


    2 iPhones


    1 slider





    $90 plan


    $20+20+5 = $45 phone payment


    Total: $135


    Unlimited talk, text, 500MB data + unlimited throttled



    After two years, phones are paid off and I'll add unlimited data and price will stay the same.



    I'd like to switch to Sprint but that'd cost me:


    $300/month for unlimited everything.



    Too much. I don't need unlimited everything and if Sprint were to offer a similar plan to Tmobile's where you get unlimited throttled data after certain full speed amount, I'd go with Sprint.



    Verizon and att would cost me ~$160 and I'd have to constantly monitor to make sure we don't go over 1GB.



    Too bad Sprint insists on pairing their unlimited talk to unlimited data.



    Sprint's loss. Whichever carrier I pick for the family plan, I'd end up staying with for at least until the phones die.



    Although, if ATT's AIO wireless gets a reasonable family plan, I'd probably switch to them from TMO for the coverage after two years.



    Everything Data Share 1500.


    Two smartphones: $150.

    Talk and Text phone add-on: $20

    So that's $170. $10 more if the third phone is also a smartphone instead (so $180).


    You get unlimited data, unlimited text, free nights and weekends starting at 7, free any mobile to mobile (so, when you call cell phones, it's free), and you get 1500 minutes to call landlines and businesses during normal business hours.


    I have yet to see a family plan with this setup get anywhere near that 1500 minutes. Most cell phone calls are to other cell phones, so for almost everyone, this is "unlimited everything".


    Naturally, go with the plan and service that works best for you, but for not having to worry about data overages or being at 1X speeds for half a month after using my 500 MB, it's worth it to me.

    I was just getting ready to type the same thing.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



    • Like 2
  9. That being said, I have had the rare tech who wanted to be more difficult than others, but that has been the rare occurrence.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  10. I have never had an issue turning in a phone that was rooted. Most of the time the guys at the store are pretty stoked to see what I had on it. Flashing via Kies will not reset the counter. The only way to do that (that I am aware of) is to use Triangle Away by Chainfire.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  11. Samsung Moment (someone from Sprint still owes me a formal apology for that POS) ;-)

    Samsung Intercept

    Samsung Transform

    Evo 4G

    Evo 3D

    Evo 4G LTE

    Samsung Galaxy Nexus

    Samsung GS3


    These have all been daily drivers at one point. If I include phones that I have picked up and activated for a day or two before passing them on to other family members :


    Optimus S

    Nexus S 4G

    LG Viper

    Evo Shift 4G


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



  12. Is anyone else using this yet. It's still in beta, but so far I'm digging it. I can even go directly to the interactive maps, sponsor and premier sponsor forums without it asking me for a password now. :D


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



    Did I miss tapatalk 3?


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2




    pardon my ignorance but how can you tell if 800Mhz is going live. i did not think sprint had any 800Mhz phones on the market yet.

    It's the 800 voice. Not 800 LTE. You can see if you are connected by going into the engineering screens.

    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



    • Like 1
  14. Anyone else notice that they seemed to turn on the 800 towers yesterday, at least on the south side of Indy? I got a connection last night and still had it this morning.

    Yes, it looks like they are firing up everywhere around town.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



  15. As someone who has owned the Galaxy Nexus, the Evo LTE and the GS3 the Nexus easily is the worst performer of all 3. No contest, not even close. The Nexus is not even in the same category as the other 2 in regards to radio performance. Add in the abysmal battery performance and it gets even worse.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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