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Everything posted by lilotimz

  1. Unfortunately nothing's been applied for that site that I can find. Fortunately that site is located in unincorporated county so permits are no big deal compared to CoS. I keep a permit / progress map in the sponsors area if you wish to track the progress of cell sites in the market.
  2. Top is legacy sprint while the bottom is clearwire wimax antennas. What's the location of this site btw? We have maps of exact locations of all Sprint cell sites and I can easily check up on it.
  3. leave those to the threads dedicated in the general topic areas. There's multi page discussions on these events already. Anyways, meh... Waiting waiting waiting patiently. Sent from my SPH-D710
  4. Same old slow data connection down in southwest sac / south sac but nothings going on down here yet. Though with the slew of issued permits in the north / northeast unincorporated sacramento areas, I wouldn't be surprised if they're working on sites over at your part of town.
  5. Cable companies... supporting Dish... a satellite company... I see no problems in this at all.
  6. Eh! Another Sacramento person! Sup! Sponsorship information is in this link. You'll like what we have in the backend. Trust me. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ edit : Psst.. it's Premier Sponsor not Prestige... we don't do a lot of killing around these parts to level up...
  7. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_udlo=100&_from=R40&_sacat=0&_udhi=200&_nkw=galaxy%20victory%204g%20lte&LH_BIN=1
  8. Galaxy Victory 4G LTE can be had for around $120 and is a tough little phone with superb RF characteristics.
  9. so much inaccurate statements and click baits but the pictures are extremely nice.
  10. Not Sprint. The sprint site is a bit down the road a couple of blocks on a far taller monopole. Check the my permit map for the address! Nice pictures btw.
  11. http://dppweb.honolulu.gov/DPPWeb/default.asp?PossePresentation=BuildingPermitSearch Thing is you need addresses and these addresses for sprint cell sites are sponsor only.
  12. Most City of Sacramento ones take about 3 weeks minimum while unincorporated Sacramento county (ala Arden-Arcade, Orangvale, North Highlands, North Natomas, Antelope, Carmichael, Vineyard, etc) ones are pretty quick. Most were applied in april / may with the early birds being march. Taking advantage of county GIS data to locate exact addresses now... up to 120 applied / pending / issued in the market of approximately 500. Total applications cover about 21%ish of known cell sites in the market. Once the permit is issued though... nobody knows. If other markets are any indication, some crews can finish everything in a few days and have it accepted in a week or two. Other times, it can take weeks, even months to get everything done (the longest was 15 months).
  13. -Puerto Rico / Virgin Islands. - 100 to 140km from the Canadian / Mexican borders due to the International Boundary Exclusion Zone (IBEZ).
  14. Thought I'd give lil update on the status of my map... So far, approximately 101 cell sites are either in progress or in various stages of applications for building permits.
  15. The S4 has one of the best (if not the best) RF performances of all Sprint LTE devices. It's right up there with, if not over, the Gn2 which is in itself a beast on RF performances.
  16. As I said before, go to your local convenience store and acquire a Visa gift card (or mastercards / etc) and use that to donate. Works the same way as a regular credit/debit.
  17. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/
  18. Short answer. No. They will not work much on rural areas other than replacing defective legacy equipment on an one to one ratio or where population has expanded via sub-urbanization. Their major focus is converting their existing HSPA coverage areas to PCS & LTE. Their bread and butter is their urban customers and that's not going to change anytime soon as they're an extreme value carrier by heart.
  19. Approximately 1/3rd of the ~150 sprint cell sites have had building permits applied or begun zoning stuff (step before building permit application) but due to the nature of the HI government, things are going pretty slow. It takes approximately 3-6 months (or more) to get a building permit issued and a vast majority of sites were applied in the febuary / march / april time frame.
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