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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. I'm leaning towards it being an HTC issue. For me it usually happens in the middle of the night when sense starts to shut things down for power savings.
  2. Working for NYNEX was pretty cool. I wished I could have stayed with the company to become a cable splicer. Even though I was trained to do residential installations and work on the poles I ended up in public communications(pay phones) which actually was an added skill. Even while I was there Bell Atlantic was considered the better service company. I think the execs at NYNEX always had an eye on a merger or buyout in the future. They were pretty middle of the road in innovation and infrastructure investment. I can tell you that same older buildings were a mess with drop cables and old unused wire. But that was a necessity and often received the blind eye treatment. However, the supervisors I had wold have had a bird over the pic that you posted. Totally unacceptable.
  3. Sorry but I have to agree. I keep getting distracted by that is a sorry cross box. Has Verizon really stopped paying attention to its land line network. Back when I worked for NYNEX that would have been unacceptable.
  4. Looks like Ford is following in Chrysler's footsteps. This may be the future for RIM. http://techcrunch.com/2014/12/11/ford-ditches-microsoft-for-qnx-in-latest-in-vehicle-tech-platform/
  5. Seems a little thin on details like how much is the interest. There is another app out there that rounds up your credit card purchases and takes the difference and invests it. I think its called Acorns. The fees are a little on the steep side until you get to a certain dollar amount.
  6. I totally get that. What I am saying is that for a press conference that was relatively heavy on tech details I was surprised that they did not specifically mention Release 10 equipment.
  7. I was wondering that myself. Verizons press release was notable for not mentioning an upgrade to release 10.
  8. This is just a shot in the dark but I would check my call log if I were you. If you see any calls or premium services that are not yours then somebody has gotten into your account.
  9. Very surprising that you had issues on I-95. I generally do not have any issues with LTE until I get to Florida.
  10. I will smart you one further (don't ask where I got that from). My phone has become an essential part of my tool box. I use it for translation, medical consults, reference lookup, drug inquiries. For these purposes I don't need a bunch of bandwidth. i just need it to work. But I do use netflix and youtube during my down periods so having the bandwidth at these times is nice.
  11. 10 gb a month? That's a long way from the often cited 2 gb a month average.
  12. We are dealing with hypothetical s here. I still think Apple missed a huge opportunity by dealing with AT&T exclusively. Remember, Android gained traction because you could only get an I-phone on AT&T. So you had the other four carriers actively pushing Android. If Apple had opened up earlier I really do not think Android would have had a chance to flourish the way it has.
  13. I disagree. If Apple opened up to all carriers from the onset they would have had a bigger impact on the us cell industry. As a result Verizon would have been further ahead, AT&T would be a weak second at best and Sprint and T-Mobile would be stronger. Additionally, Android probably would not be as strong as it is. I fear there was no scenario that would have saved Windows and Blackberry.
  14. Not questioning the tech. I am questioning the will.
  15. The tech has never been the issue. The carriers willingness to ink roaming deals has. The big two have historically been hostile when it comes to roaming deals with T-Mobile and Sprint. Sprint roams with Verizon mostly through the old Alltel deal and AT&T did not renew their roaming deal with T-Mobile. I don't see those attitudes changing.
  16. If we get rid of the subsidy model industry wide I don't think there is a question that hardware prices will drop. I think the question should be will we get a comparable product for a lower price.
  17. This is a strategic move by Verizon and AT&T. I would be VERY surprised if either on of them inked a VOLTE deal with Sprint or T-Mo in the future.
  18. If he goes through with this it may end up being painful for Sprint unless he can offer some quality phones for cheap.
  19. Eh. Remember that this quarter covered July- september so it only captures a small portion of Marcelos strategy. The fourth quarter should be more representative of where Sprint stands. I am also encouraged by the wholesale adds. It means that either MVNO's are coming to Sprint because the network has gotten better or existing MVNO's are able to expand their user base for the same reason.
  20. Thats not exactly what they said. They are basing it off of CIRP stating that Sprint added more customers than T-mobile over the july to september period. I will admit though that i would be very surprised if Sprint added a higher number of customers than T-Mobile did.
  21. Thanks for the info. My concern was a virus or a unrecoverable issue with windows. Thats why I considered wiping the hard drive. I re-installed Chrome and the entire computer is running much better now but I will still go back and delete most of my extensions. There are only two that I use frequently.
  22. Darn. It sucks up a fair bit of memory. Chrome used to be relatively light. I wonder what happened. I think I will try to get rid of the extensions and see what happens.
  23. I uninstalled and reinstalled chrome but I still get the same thing. Thinking I may have to wipe the hard drive. Something fishy is going on.
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