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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. Its getting interesting, I would like to see sprint "tweak" the plans ... $15 access fee for the smaller plans or something.. Now let's see what Verizon does..
  2. Here is my story. I called in the other day to change my data and something else. Everything was fine, no hiccups just business as usual. At the end she asked if I was happy and would refer sprint.. My answer was absolutely. Yesterday, (sat) I get a letter from Overland park with Sprint logos on it ... But it was hand written and the size of small invitation..! I started thinking maybe Marcelo was ready to have a sit down! - Anyways it was a hand written thank you note from someone in sprint! The letter touched on how much they appreciated that I have been a customer for over 13 years. I didn't recognize the name, so I am assuming it was the customer rep from the other day. Not a big deal, but it definitely a plus for me to know that such a large company has some employees who care. Thumbs up for Sprint!! Little things like this will help peoples perception of sprint turn around a lot faster!! Has anyone else received a letter??
  3. Could masa be taking on to many projects at the same time? Or this could be a sign of confidence with Marcelo at the helm? I would rather see him buy us cellular or someone else here in the states- but I guess 717mil is cheap to take a shot that could have a big payoff??? It would be nice to have mexico as native coverage and fully deploy in the ibez.
  4. Yeah I know.-The point I was making is that DT was trying so hard and long to sell Tmo and Tmo is now one of their best assets... The Softbank deal was more $$ so I can understand selling. Time for DT to seriously consider if they really want to let Tmo go.. Sorry for not being more specific.
  5. Funny how they have been wanting to sell and now its their only growing asset??? I can understand the Softbank deal as it was sweeter but I have the feeling DT might not accept.
  6. I like this idea by tmo. It isn't "new" but more like an upgrade to what was previously out there- same as everything else the more advanced tech becomes. Could this be a potential preview for what comcast might have planned when/if they enter the wireless market? It was mentioned about the French company earlier, however maybe it is also something to attract comcast???? Regardless, If this works well other carriers should look into it as well. Doesn't seem like the customer has anything to lose especially those who are out in edge areas.
  7. Are these the new panels 3rd one dow, I think its sprint but the top panels are new as well.
  8. Agreed, now use that 218 mil to pay for all the overtime to needed to expedite the rollout!!
  9. I am almost willing to bet tmo started as a cost saving initiative and soon others caught on. $100 down, pay etf, go to att or sell it on ebay/craigslist. It was actually a smart move. Lets think back, remember when you filed an insurance claim and it was $25 or$50?? Some were zero. Remember when etfs were $125-150?? It was cheaper to use one of those as an "out" Back to modern day $350 etf after $200 down and a couple of months--- they got there money for the phone. Basically introducing the non subsidy was a way to secretly closing loopholes in the cellular business that were probably costing them big money, while making us think "we won" something from them.. Now we look at the ridiculous prices of cell phones to factor in OR pay the extra $15 a month AFTER we pay access fees????? which equals a loss for us. So again, the $15 subsidy is now called an "access fee" PLUS we pay for the entire phone at whatever price they want to sell it for. so its a win-win for the carriers. At least sprint is giving more in data than the others. But it would be great if they waived access fees on tabs or hotspots.
  10. The whole thing means that they still get their money from us one way or another. In some ways it was cheaper to pay $100 at best buy and then an etf when compared to full price of a phone. They only way non subsidy works is when they start discounting phones.. Paying $6-800 is going to bring havoc on bills if you 0 down... Even then $200 down is just like a 2 yr using different language. Basically, nothing has changed, its a Jedi mind trick that many of us bought.
  11. Man I wish they wouldn't charge tabs/hotspots the fees... Even if the fees were less I would prolly give up my framily
  12. Seems like sprint found a way to attract customers, lower the ul plan and bring back/rename contracts! Then top it off... The get the devices back!... Hopefully they start doing this for all phones now.. Let's see what the "others" offer! I like though.. Gives you something to feel good about as this is a "first" wonder what jl will say...
  13. Is it possible sprint is going to have a massive launch? A lot of my towers seem to have the 2 /6 panels on them. However I have yet to see one broadcast on b41. Most of them seem to have unoptimized b26 and and 1900 LTE going..
  14. Well.....http://washpost.bloomberg.com/Story?docId=1376-NBFQ5D6KLVRZ01-3IFVFJ69P7UA7JHB4CBV6BRK1K Looks like charlie might start playing games.. Either buy Tmo or bluffing to make sprint give him a deal..
  15. Here is another link.. Its on my local news now. However it does say they aren't the size of cellphone towers.. http://wwlp.com/2014/09/05/fake-cell-phone-towers-could-be-stealing-your-information/
  16. That's what I thought, however they were adding the second panel. I thought a full build had 3 panels??? This tower has only had a 3g/800 voice upgrade so far.. I would love it if they did but I am wondering if he really knows what he is talking about... He did say that they ran fiber all the way up to the new panels...
  17. How about showing people one red,blue,and magenta doing the same boring things.. Have a commercial where they walk in the sprint store sad and come out happy in yellow! Its about change, we built a new network from the ground up..
  18. They were working on my tower today. Crew from Vermont doing 12+ hrs a day. He said they will be finished by tomorrow afternoon.. They were adding a second panel/antenna to each rack. The tower doesn't broadcast lte, he was explaining that this was the 2.5 upgrade??? What is the 2.5 upgrade? He did say once they complete the job the tower will broadcast LTE. Do these panels do 1900/800lte? There was a big dark gray box in between the new and old panels which he said was new too. I thought a complete build was 3 panels?? According to him the new panels are 4ft long. I apologize for not having pictures but the damn thing is so high the n5 couldn't zoom anything worth showing.
  19. The next question would be could they survive with rock bottom prices here in the u.s. AND keep Tmo upgrades/expansions going.. I can't see charlie wanting a piece of that...but we will see.. ***just a hunch- here it goes*** Is it possible DT doesn't want to sell to the French company??? Would it give them more power/$$/and scale to also help their phone company in Europe/France??? DT could be creating a problem for itself in Europe if Tmo continues to make money over here??...
  20. Loved this part: Quote An investment in T-Mobile has quickly become a gamble. The company does have appealing assets, but the suddenly competitive domestic wireless market could erode away some of the value. Not to mention, any lack of financing to bid competitively in the upcoming spectrum auctions will seriously hamper future growth." Charlie probably won't take Tmo on his own.. The price war isn't something he would want to get into while battling with DirecTV.. If DirecTV /att merger goes charlie might go with a different mindset to masa. Charlie would need masa in a very big way$$$
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