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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. I was thinking the same thing. Let me try to clarify for them: 1) if you have family share pack you CAN use the hotspot feature on the smartphone free of charge it just comes out of the data bucket. 2) if you activate a mobile broadband device you can add it without service charge and use data out of your bucket. The service charge is waived until 3/16. Afterwards its $20 monthly... Hope this helps.. And yes existing customer qualify for #2 it just needs to be a new number/line of service.
  2. Here in Springfield,mass we have b41.. Its nice but only a few towers hit 40+ most are 20-35 But, the coverage is ok... U have to be within about a mile or less of tower.
  3. Sprint seriously needs to market themselves based completed markets... That commercial is one for various markets I will agree, but sprint should have serious take the gloves off and punch Verizon/at/Tmo in markets where they are up to par... A serious commercial that says " we are so sure about our network we are willing to cut your bill half just to prove it". Leave the narwhals, chair saws and stuff In other markets..
  4. Well, seems Marcelo isn't backing down.. Time for him give the 2.5 rollout some more gas!! Ask son for some cash and let's get all heavily trafficked areas some Lil cells.. Malls, plazas, stores, sports stadiums etc.. All Tmo did was hit populated areas hard and fast. There is no reason sprint can't move faster in deploying small cells to areas they already know will need them. However, I am glad Marcelo threw some shots!!! I think we are starting to see his personality come out... He isn't just a quiet guy like the previous boss!!
  5. I would love data rollover, I don't use 20+gb a month sometimes I do but not often. 10gb would be great with rollover fie the times I go over..
  6. make sure you ask for the 20+20 promotion.. You will prolly need a supervisor. I pay a little more I think but having the phone hotspot plus my zing if need be is a lot better for my lines than the framily plans..
  7. If you call in I am sure you can get the 20gb data share with DD for a total of 40gb! I moved off a framily when I started using my tablet for work $35+ a month data alone on the tab was crazy!
  8. One thing about the weather in the Northeast.. Anything is possible but believe when I see it is true!!!And even when we see it.... We already saw it before!!!! Bring it!!!
  9. Thats good news!!! I was getting worried.. I wonder if there is a reason they dont optimize a market faster?
  10. Is there a market that has 800 optimized? We have 800 up and running here but its really weird. Meaning i can be on 25 @-110, the next minute 26@-109 then the next b41@-114 .. all without moving the phone??
  11. Could this be to force Tmo to drop prices... Since DT said this is unsustainable???? Take some Tmo customers, slow the numbers down??
  12. As bad as sprint rep is and seeing how they need to get this network up to par, I would start shrinking that 3g asap... Having bright star and access to phones I would be offering free phones to get people over to LTE... Cheap phones or refurbished free Newer hot phones 2 yr contract Brand new phones half price with easy pay Or lease with a credit ... 3g speeds are often horrible even after upgrades.. Add second carriers and start allocating more spectrum to lte
  13. Not so sure about that... Sprints reputation is sooooo bad they need some serious PR help.. While definitely doing good things... the rep is AWFUL... I am a looong time customer and when I mention sprint....Lets just say its a laughing stock.. Sprint needs to start marketing/advetising to specific markets/cities comparing companies..--- they have to prove it!.. In my area/city its almost totally complete and all people know is sprint from 5 years ago.. They need to advertise here in my city using the cities name, not just some commercial that runs nationwide. -- When you see a advertisement from a big company that was filmed in your hometown it sticks with you...
  14. Us cellular could be sleeping with Tmo.... After all the Tmo promises for this year it wouldn't surprise me if thats the carrier.... However, I think the Tmo boss would have hinted at it by now
  15. I believe Hesse tried to get metro PCs
  16. Hesse did a good job, his thoughts were there just couldn't get it executed... There was another company he wanted to buy and was shot down... Amongst a few bad decisions he wasn't that bad... Just definitely not the put on your gloves and fight type ... But more like a good boy
  17. Could someone please explain exactly what this means??? Cheaper phones? More tower upgrades?? Faster deployment??
  18. Sprint should seriously consider turning back on some of those nextel sites... especially in urban areas.. That would definitely offer better customer experience... I see more than a few old nextel sites in areas that could really use more 800/2.5
  19. If tmo/sprint are going after the big 2, Why not work together as far as getting towers up and co locating? Wouldn't that help expenses and expand footprint?
  20. I thought the idea was you pay for x amount of data, its yours to use however you like?? Also, it makes it easier for you to go over and pay more to sprint..
  21. The plan was ok but without hotspot its just as mentioned before... $50 ul plan x2 Sprint should simplify things and add a 5gb hotspot for $10 to all plans....
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