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Everything posted by greenbastard

  1. Either you or Tangent are stating opinion over fact. Which one of you is it? I left Sprint for many reasons, and one of those was the inability of using voice and data at the same time. It wasn't the only reason, but it was a factor I considered. I'm sure it is something people also consider when they look at Sprint.
  2. Agreed. At&t is definitely expanding, but into other industries it currently has no presence in. At&t-tmobile merge is a pipe dream that will never happen.
  3. By the looks of it, a merger won't be happening under the Trump Administration. John Legere got into a Twitter fight with him a while back. Don't see any of Trump's henchmen doing T-Mobile any favors as long as Legere is in the picture.
  4. So if a network has more bad times than good (and vice versa), don't you think that's still an indicator?
  5. If I were roaming and the only option was to pay 25¢ per MB for overages, I'd seriously consider switching providers. There's no way Sprint is paying anywhere close to 25¢/MB to Verizon. Sprint is hurting itself by charging that much. They could push some subscribers to leave for other networks if they find themselves paying $25 for an extra 100 MB.
  6. 25¢?! That's a bit too much when you consider that their international roaming is a lot cheaper.
  7. Are you sure it's not using T-Mobile for voice as well? Too bad you don't have an Android to confirm this.
  8. B41 will never penetrate buildings as well as low band spectrum. B41 will give you great speeds outdoors, but it does not help with indoor reliability, which is something Sprint and T-Mobile suffer from. The difference here is that Sprint couldn't afford the auction and is strolling along with minimal network investments while T-Mobile is investing and expanding.
  9. Turn over the Jacksonville Jaguars ownership into the same as Green Bay and there's no way they move either. The minority owning fans would never allow the move. You underestimate the greed of the NFL. We are talking about a league that throws a fit when tax payers don't want to pay for their stadiums. The LA Rams had history in a city in which they spent 48 years in (which is way more time in which the Colts spent in Baltimore), yet they still hightailed it to the Midwest. Or how about the Cleveland Bro......I mean the Baltimore Ravens? Let's not forget about that debacle. While the league likely won't force changes in Packers ownership in our lifetime, I wouldn't put it past the league supporting the relocation if a new owner takes over and decides to move. Loyalty is measured in dollars in the NFL, not history. The only time History makes the NFL money is in the form of throwback jerseys they sell.
  10. Unless your getting paid, I would put them down if I were you.
  11. I would even doubt Jacksonville owns Tallahassee. They got Florida State and a bigger football stadium. Green Bay is unique in the way their ownership is set up. The fans and the city hold ownership, not some billionaire sucking the tax payer's money. So outside of them going bankrupt, Green Bay isn't going anywhere. History has got nothing to do with it. The NFL has shown in the past that history means nothing to them (See the LA Rams, Houston Oilers, Baltimore Colts, etc.). Fans are nothing but customers and loyalty is measured in dollars. If the Raiders move to Las Vegas, there's a good chance the Jaguars move their team to Oakland. Or maybe even St. Louis.
  12. They're gone in the next 10 years. Probably to Oakland, St. Louis or Las Vegas. Jacksonville is just too small of a market.
  13. I don't believe most people even know there are speed test apps available for their phones. There is only one other person I know who has a speed test app on their phone, and that's because I installed it for them. People who measure their network quality are small in numbers. Phone and network dorks are few and far between. Having said that, I will acknowledge that there may be a handful of abusers who leave apps like root metrics running hours and hours of speed tests. But this stigma that all speed tests are useless, pointless, and harmful to the network is farkakt. A few continuous speed tests won't break a network. Wether they are useless or not is relative.
  14. Everything impacts the network. Thanks to Net Neutrality, you can either consider all data usage necessary or 'unnecessary'. If you want to say speed tests are unnecessary, then you have to say the same for all data being used over the network, including streaming apps that negatively affect speed tests. (see what I did there?) The point is that this negative stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to cause a long term burden on a cell.
  15. I find that hard to believe as Netflix builds cache for their streams. I can shut off my router and Netflix will still run for a few seconds before it completely stops. If what you claim is true, than your internet speeds are already below 1 Mbps. Having said that, you streaming Netflix is more detrimental to the network than a few speed tests that won't go on for more than a few minutes. Most Netflix shows are longer than ~21 minutes while movies are 90+ Minutes. Speed tests don't last that long and half of a speed test is only download while the other half is upload. So maybe don't complain about speed tests if you're watching Netflix....just saying.
  16. Please explain. Most speed tests don't last over 30 seconds (with half of that time dedicated to download). How can one quick burst of data usage negatively impact your user experience??? You're more likely to suffer from slower speeds via signal degradation/interference than from someone running a speed test near you.
  17. Are they going to sit there all day comparing speed tests??? I doubt the e-penis measuring contests last longer than 5 minutes, at most. Does it affect the network, sure. But only for a short period of time. This stigma against speed tests is overplayed. They don't last long enough to gravely impact a network.
  18. Speed tests hurting the network is exaggerated. It's not like users sit there for hours running speed tests over and over. Most speed tests are started and done within 30 seconds and the impact to the network is minimal if a user only runs one or two tests.
  19. Not entirely free as you'll have to give up an iPhone. If you're on a legacy plan that still offers a 2 year agreement subsidy, you're better off just getting it through that since most iPhones 6 still sell for well over $200 in the marketplace (which is what the cost will likely be on 2 year agreement).
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