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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. So let's say if dish and sprint work out a spectrum hosting deal...does that mean sprint will have access to Dish's spectrum too?


    I have a feeling sprint and dish are trying to get as much spectrum as they can possibly can (tmobile, lightsquared, H block, 600mhz etc) and then possibly share the amount of spectrum.


    I do remember SoftBank Son saying he's opened to working with dish after the acquisition of sprint and clearwire

  2. No way Sprint is dropping that AWS if they merge. It's too valuable and that would mean all of T-Mobile's LTE work was for nothing. Sprint would likely begin including Band 4 LTE radios in devices so Sprint devices could use T-Mobile LTE. To put W-CDMA on a Network Vision tower is not much of a hassle and would mean Sprint could easily put HSPA+ on it's existing footprint with the necessary RRU's. No?


    Sprint saw something like this coming with Network Vision.

    Interesting. I want sprint to make this official bid just so we can see their plan of execution

    • Like 1
  3. <p>


    If I'm Sprint, I'd much rather divest the the AWS spectrum (after Sprint gets the old TMUS network shutdown after the merger).

    • I'm sure ATT and VZW would be eager purchasers of more AWS in three years time. (As they have existing AWS LTE networks)
    • Sprint can easily refarm TMUS PCS spectrum for use on their own network. Adding AWS to their network will require new RRUs and antennas. (And since the NV Sprint network is newer and covers more territory, I assume Sprint is planning to keep their gear and sell/scrap the TMUS stuff)
    • They are already rolling out TD-LTE in BRS/EBS spectrum, I don't think Sprint wants to give that up since they have already invested so much in it.

    I agree

  4. I think were all overthinking about this possible merger . I'm surprised Dish, vzw, or AT&T hasn't made an official statement but they are probably are waiting until it's official.



    Random : I think SoftBank wants it all they already have sprint and clear and now they can possibly have metro and tmobile. Won't be surprised if they buy spectrum from US cellular(more), cspire etc. and I still think Dish and sprint are working together behind the scenes.

  5. I don't think Sprint should change their name but I would like for them to do is change that sprint/ nextel swoosh symbol to the Sprint Spark symbol.


    Also once sprint has Sprint Spark deployed in top 100 + markets I'm sure Sprint will most likely market Sprint as Sprint Spark.


    Ps. I think it would be awesome if sprint somehow incorporates it's downfall in its commercial and then show how amazing it's service will be.


    America loves a comeback.

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  6. I would be shocked if Sprint and Dish partner up at this point. Ergen did a lot of damage over the Clearwire purchase. Something Sprint and SoftBank will not soon forget. And since they don't need Ergen's money, I just don't see it happening.


    Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I will be shocked too but business is business. If there is some benefit for sprint to partner with dish they should explore it

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