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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. "T-Mobile today announced that its 4G LTE network now covers 209 million people in 273 metro areas. They also announced speed test results that indicate their network is now the fastest. In markets with 10+10 MHz LTE, they are seeing 72 Mbps. In markets like Dallas with 20+20 MHz, customers can expect up to 147 Mbps."


    Tmobile is looking quite good lol. Come on sprint let's get things rolling lol

  2. Yeah But Softbank knows it will take time to see a return. Once 800LTE and TDD-LTE is more widespread and More Tri-band devices are in customers hands, then It will work it self out. People do have a bad taste in their mouth, but once they see NV in the real world, More subscribers will come. But I hope Softbank has patience. I am Sure they do


    I agree. I'm sure SoftBank is patient but I'm sure they will not tolerate any delays.


    I would think most of sprint smartphone customers will have a Triband phone by 2016 and onward considering all smartphones released in 2014 and onward will be triband. I just hope they have 2.5 somewhat nationwide by then

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  3. "Beavis, I'm a little disappointed in you..."


    We have been talking about these single radio path, e/CSFB handsets for the past two months. How could you miss it?



    Wasn't thinking. *faces the wall with my head down*

  4. I don't know. If Soft/Sprint can win T-Mobile without having to give up many concessions they still don't have a need to cave to Charlie. It puts Charlie in a situation where he either has to sell the spectrum he is sitting on or capitulate to someone in negotiations that are favorable to the wireless carrier.The fact still remains Dish is sitting on spectrum that it needs to either deploy or sell. They've made it fairly clear that they don't want to deploy it on their own.

    True but I wonder why sprint decided to partner with dish with Dish's fixed broadband service?


    Plus if sprint opens to a spectrum hosting deal with dish wouldn't that give sprint some $$$ they need. I know they are financially stable with SoftBank but if they can get more money why not?


    At the end of the day business is still business so if sprint can make billions I'm sure they will take advantage of that.

  5. There is no way all the Clearwire sites will be done by Spring 2014. This winter months are going to slow down production for several months. I think Robert is right and that the more likely scenario to complete B41 LTE on all Clearwire sites is end of 2014.


    End of 2014 seems realistic but I'm hoping they over deliver and get them done by end mid year - end of summer

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