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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. Based on Q2 earnings report I actually see sprint adding customers this quarter but not a crazy amount of customers. I'm thinking 150-200k including tablets.


    Hopefully we learn more about carrier aggregation, Volte and the rural alliance program (deployment)

  2. The only thing holding me back from buying a cellular version iPad is the tablet data/ plan options. I personally don't understand why Sprint doesn't offer an unlimited plan on tablets, I feel both tablets and phones will use the same amount of data.


    Now if sprint can offer an iPad for life program with unlimited data or 10gbs for a reasonable cost then I will probably get one other than that I'll just buy the wifi version.

  3. Now that the iPad Air 2 has Band 41 support for Spark, hopefully Marcelo has some revised tablet data plans to introduce.


    Yeah, the iPad Mini 3 is a letdown. No Spark? What's up with that? Guess it didn't make the cut-off in the design stage.


    The Apple TV is still rocking a single core A5.... Jeezus... Not even a peep from them. Sad.

    I won't be surprised if their will be an "IPad for life program" same deal and criteria as the iPhone 6

  4. I'm not sure if anyone posted this article or not but apparently SK telecom and Nokia achieved this in the summer.


    I know sprint has an abundance of TD LTE spectrum thanks to clear wire and they plan to aggregate those channels


    Do you think sprint will try to aggregate all their frequencies in the future?



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