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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. I'm sure that puts pressure on Sprint to have 3 carrier aggregation complete by the end of the year. That likely won't happen until the WiMax shutdown on November 6th though. 2 Carrier Aggregation is likely right around the corner though.

    I think 3 channel CA is coming early 2016 for sprint. I wonder if sprint plans to aggregate the multiple carriers within the PCS band with band 26 or down the line aggregate 600mhz and 800mhz....or aggregate PCS and BRS



    The possibilities lol!!

  2. I really wish Sprint would add wifi calling capability to the LG G2. I don't know why its taking them soo long to get this done. Maybe the Android 5.0 Lollipop update will finally bring this much needed capability. With Sprint needing to conserve spectrum resources to take loading off of its cell towers you would think that providing wifi calling capabilities to any available capable handset would be a high priority just to give customers more choice.

    I'm not to familiar with android but can't you just google hangouts? I thought that app supports voice over wifi

    • Like 2
  3. All I want in 2015 is Marcelo to continue to under promise and over deliver. He's doing such a great job and the new sprint is shaping up to great company.



    For spark cells...can we expect to get the same maximum throuput speeds like from a normal cell tower? Or expect speeds to be cut in half?


    Also how long is the deployment of a small cell?



    I'm not to familiar with small cells

    • Like 3
  4. Ok I heard the whole conference at work



    New plans coming in the coming weeks


    Mentioned sprint will be the best value on wireless, but not the cheapest.


    Asked about if he will ask for capital to softbank. He said the option is there, but he won't at this moment..


    Asked about the relationship between Massa and himself, he said is spectacular, and that the Japanese is confident.


    The network, he mentioned sprint will deploy 3 20mhz on the 2.5ghz band, but is more concerned about LTE reliability than speed tests about faster network.


    Mentioned he is about to hire a lot talented wireless employees especially on network.


    Mentioned he wants to finish the 800mhz LTE roll out to improve coverage as soon as possible.


    Says he meet with the network guys everyday.

    Did he say when will the 3 carrier CA will be depolyed? I know originally it was supposed to end of next year but I figured that was going to change

  5. I know the majority of us love Sprint on here. But even so, things are rough right now. If the numbers during the last two weeks of September were excellent, then why wouldn't they have mentioned that in the call? They would have said we started seeing progress towards the end of the quarter as the new plans took hold. Sprint cut its 2014 earnings forecast by a billion dollars. The results even triggered a profit warning at SoftBank in Japan. I just would like to know how things got this bad for this long. It is starting to look like Hesse really did not do anything to help this company in the long run, but then again without him, there would be no Sprint. I really hate how the business media is spinning the rollout of Spark, as only going to a handful of cities now. They should be reported that the rollout will be targeted to the cities that really need it first, before going nationwide. I really want to see Marcelo figure this giant puzzle out. If he does, then he will have truly earned his millions.


    1. Marcelo stated early Septemeber the company started to see progressvwhen he noticed more people were porting in than out.


    2. Hesse did everything he could to help sprint in the long run. Without Hesse we wouldn't have Marcelo, SoftBank, Clearwire spectrum, etc. those are things Hesse secured for Sprints long term


    3. Who cares about "business media" we can't control what they write but we can control what's actually factual and what's not

  6. I'was upset with the numbers but then I realized Marcelo was only in Q3 towards the ending of quarter. He has the right plan to add more subscribers and I truely believe sprint will add suscribers in Q4 and forward.


    (Didn't sprint say pre Marcelo that will add suscribers in Q4?)


    My only concern is the spark deployment. I understand his plan but I really hope there is a sense of urgency to deploy it quickly and effectively.


    My biggest takeaway from this call, they're trying to over deliver and under promise going forward. - I hope

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