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Posts posted by IamMrFamous07

  1. About that. My contact with the executive team talked to people in network, and they said they are still working with Apple. They do not have an estimated time to release. They are keeping very tight-lipped about it.


    Also, they are saying that Apple has to approve PRL's too before they are pushed to the iPhone, but I'm not fully sure that that is right.

    Dang! I was hoping very soon since they said back in December 30-60 days.


    Oh well. I honestly need it while I'm at school other than that my service is perfect everywhere else

  2. Going back to this....





    umm forgive my ignorance but what is ATT CYBIH


    It seems that is the only place that carry over data is mentioned is in that article. I checked with Sprint and yes they do have carry over data on plans that are not unlimited. But it is tied to the original amount you had.

    so for instance, the way it was explained...

    You are on a 10GB per month plan.

    In Jan:

    you used up 7GB thus having 3 GB unused/remaining that can be carried over.

    In Feb:

    you now have your regular 10GB +3GB for a total of 13GB to use. But you end up using 5GB, which now leaves you with 8GB carried over

    In Mar:

    You have 10GB + the 8GB carried over for a total of 18GB to use. You only use 7GB that month. leaving you with 11GB not used.

    You would think that you cn carry over that 11GB to the next month. Nope. Since your original data bucket is 10 you cannot carry over more than that same amount on to the next month, so instead of 11 you have 10GB + 10GB carry over to use the next month.


    Hope I didn't confuse anyone. :D



    "Cut your bill in Half" so ATT customers porting over to sprint they will have their data carry over

  3. The nation's largest wireless carriers offered some insights into how they prepared for Sunday's Super Bowl XLIX game between the New England Patriots and the Seattle Seahawks, as well as how much traffic they saw on their networks during the game.


    Sprint didn't provide an exact network traffic figure, but said it saw a 259 percent increase in traffic in and around the stadium in 2015 compared with last year.


    For its part, Sprint said it added mobile cell sites and that, inside the stadium, it offered a 2X20 (40MHz) cellular system running on its 2.5 GHz spectrum.


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  4. Here are the problems with a potential BRS/EBS 2600 MHz sale, folks...


    The FCC approved the entire Clearwire acquisition -- with no divestment. That was not a big surprise, but it was still a spectrum coup.


    The 600 MHz auction may never happen anytime soon. Do not count on it. It also may prove too pricey for anyone but VZW and AT&T. Do not sell your assets and save your pennies for a day that may never come -- or never come your way.


    Sprint cannot compete with the Twin Bells on overall native footprint. That ship sailed with Republican influenced FCC decisions 2000-2008. Currently, Sprint can barely compete with lowly T-Mobile on overall data speeds. Right or wrong, those are the metrics that presently drive the industry. If Sprint lets go of some of its spectrum treasure trove, that may be akin to letting the Trojan horse inside the gates. If AT&T, for example, can acquire 40 MHz of BRS/EBS spectrum and run 2x 20 MHz TDD carrier aggregation, Sprint loses most of its competitive advantage.



    AJ why is the 600mhz auction becoming a drag? Sorry for my ignorance but I haven't really been following it.


    Is it because the TV stations (if that's right) are not freeing up the spectrum?


    Also if it does happen in 2016, how long would it take for us to get a 600mhz phone?

  5. Selling off some B41 actually sounds like a really good idea.


    They don't need most of it, and they're not getting full use out of the spectrum they keep (they aren't going to lease the extra cell sites they need to do a dense deployment of it.)


    Honestly, 80mhz of EBS is all they need. (2 carriers of 20+20). That's still 2x the capacity of T-Mobile's "wideband" LTE, with similar-ish customer counts.


    If they sell the rest, that would generate a ton of revenue they could use to densify urban areas and prep for 600mhz auction. It would also help with their spectrum screen issue, and probably jump the stock price up noticably.

    I agree with this. I believe also sprint has a good supply of PCS spectrum as well. I know currently they haven't talked about aggregating the PCS spectrum but maybe in time it may be a good idea

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